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RE: Spiritual wisdom - live a life of true freedom
6/8/2011 5:42:23 PM
THIS IS THE TRUTH ... Hricka o pravde with Czech text
this video always brings tears to my eyes...

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RE: Spiritual wisdom - live a life of true freedom
6/8/2011 5:55:18 PM
One Moment
How many times a day to stop and wonder watching the simple beauty of nature? The beautiful sounds that accompany us everywhere. You can let your mind in the daily rush, how much beauty is in a drop of dew on a spider web, the blade of grass as a magical bird is singing? We still perceive the beauty of the rising sun? And how have the beauty of meadow flowers? Stop for a moment in a hurry ... Leave yourself in the most beauty that is around us ...
Thank you for stopping
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RE: Spiritual wisdom - live a life of true freedom
6/8/2011 11:21:20 PM
Has Anyone Told You?
"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world today than for bread"
- Mother Teresa -
Czech text
The world can save only love, not power, violence, selfishness, supremacy of ... But devotion, humility and all-embracing love
Flag of Sona Cechova

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RE: Spiritual wisdom - live a life of true freedom
6/8/2011 11:39:48 PM
Rok 2012 - Mayan prophecy, crop circles
Mayská proroctví a kruhy v obilí - in Czech
Italian document - the ancient civilization of the Maya peoples
authentic witness to English and Czech

Flag of Sona Cechova

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RE: Spiritual wisdom - live a life of true freedom
6/10/2011 10:46:48 AM

The Mayan Elders message to humanity

Czech sublitles




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