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Donna Zuehl

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
6/15/2011 3:28:46 AM
I was prescribed Lyrica for sleep apnea with restless leg syndrome. I know it is also prescribed for fibromyalgia. I started out slowly with 1 pill at night for the last 6 weeks or so. Lately I have had swelling of my ankles and lower legs. I stopped the medication yesterday to see if that is what caused the swelling. Does anyone else have this side-effect from Lyrica?

RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
6/15/2011 4:09:07 AM

I was prescribed Lyrica for sleep apnea with restless leg syndrome. I know it is also prescribed for fibromyalgia. I started out slowly with 1 pill at night for the last 6 weeks or so. Lately I have had swelling of my ankles and lower legs. I stopped the medication yesterday to see if that is what caused the swelling. Does anyone else have this side-effect from Lyrica?


Dear Donna, if possible I stay away from prescribed medication. Once my Sister gave me some pills that were for RLS because she had gotten medication from her doctor. I found them to be quite effective with no side effects. They were pills derived from Beets and bought at Walmart's.

I don't have access to those anymore but when the muscles start contracting at night, I reach for the generic musle rub cream - it actually works for me.

Have a free from RLS night and sweet dreams,


Donna Zuehl

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
6/16/2011 1:22:51 AM

Hi Sara,

Thank you for the tip. I will try it. I am glad it works for you. My RLS is quite severe, with nerve pain down my back and down both legs. I hope the muscle rub works. I also take Ropinorole prescribed by my neurologist for Sleep Apnea with Insomnia and the RLS.


Clay Page

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RE: Fibromyalgia Input requested
7/27/2011 2:46:16 PM

Hi Donna,

Although my reply my be long, I hope it provides an opportunity to encourage those reading it to investigate some of the basic steps outlined that has provided 1000s of people whom I work with a new chapter in living a more healthier lifestyle.

Since we are a creation of water and electrical energy, which has served and lead our research since 2000, the purpose of our research is to address the core, or root cause of our health challenges.

What might you notice if you influenced your water with a balanced natural earth magnetic field?

As with some forms of natural remedies such as homeopathy, in particular, herbal, aroma, or even whole food therapies, the use of a naturally produced magnetic field influence on the body is not accepted by evidence based, western medicine as valid treatment either. Research money has not been invested to prove in the lab just `HOW` natural remedies work to alleviate symptoms of chronic maladies.

What evidence based medicine can prove though, through research is how drugs can work to alleviate symptoms of disease. Notice they are careful never to use the word `cure`, because drugs can not cure, yet people go in flocks to the drug store thinking that they have no alternatives. This takes unfair advantage of ignorance about health yet it is sanctioned and allowed to go on.

So what is left to do? Below are some simple instructions on how to use a natural earth resource to expose your drinking water to, that may produce some surprising results for you too.

In regards to health and where ignorance is `not` compounded by a closed mind, there is hope for wellness and vitality. All of us are ignorant about one thing, and that doesn`t imply stupidity. We just don`t know, or have not been exposed fully to many concepts, especially in regards on how to treat health naturally.

Those open to learning about new ideas that we should have been taught as kids as part of health and physical education in school, will benefit when they put new knowledge to use. Knowledge is not power. The use of knowledge is power.

When it comes to natural earth resources isn`t that all we had to survive on before the popularity of processed fast foods came about, which is what the majority live on today, and call `food`? Well, the body does not call it food.

It is not useable fuel for the body, thus, we have the ill health and obesity issues which are rampant, and most don`t attribute it to diet. Most chalk up their poor health, pain and lack of energy as having inherited bad genes. How often have you heard that said?

We are all predisposed to that factor, but according lab researchers like Robert Bender, MD, and research on cellular health, poor genetics is not always a predictor of the inevitable. Try a new thought approach. You can take a proactive role in earning better health.

So lets go back before processed, refined, packaged, convenient and fast `foods`. What was here on earth to survive on long ago and is still present for us today, that is health giving and what the body uses to heal itself? What did the Earth give us then, and what does it still give us today that has always in the past, kept us healthy?

There were and are vegetables, fruits, herbs, water, the essences of plants and flowers, freshly hunted unprocessed game and naturally raised beef. Did I miss anything? Yes, other than edibles, clean fresh air and there is another component that the Earth possesses that we are exposed to daily with generally no regard to it by people as a whole. The earth has always emanated a magnetic field that influences the human condition. Drinking water, exposed to a more intense natural magnetic influence has in `non`-laboratory field testing, produced some interesting results that you can test yourself.

Since most people are not in direct physical contact with the bare ground with bare feet daily or when we sleep, we do not absorb or benefit from the full effect of that natural magnetic influence. We have mostly insulated ourselves by sleeping elevated off the ground, wearing thick soled shoes, walking on concrete and working in environments where we are not in contact with the bare earth. It has precipitated an effect described in his book, `Bio-Magnetic Handbook`, as `Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome`.

How can you test for yourself the effects of exposing your drinking water bottle to a natural magnetic field influence? The simplest way is to first get the cleanest water possible. Short of going through the effort of adding ionic minerals to reverse osmosis filtered, or distilled water, the best quality spring water that you can find will suffice. The purer the water, the better.

There are special filtering, ionizing, magnetizing water machines that can cost thousands, but not everyone can afford that. So, take any bottle of water, 1- liter, 2 liter or a gallon size, it does not matter and get a certified therapeutic grade long lariat style strand of magnetite and wrap the bottle with it. There is only one purveyor who guarantees the magnetic field influence of their products not to lose their natural magnetic properties, ever.

( I blocked our company name out of respect - not trying to sell) manufacturers of a high gauss, 18 inch long magnetic strand has been tested for effect on reverse osmosis, re-mineralized water. Greater stamina and energy were noted. Better focus for longer periods was enjoyed, and much more. What would be the effect on you? That cannot be predicted. Only you can testify to what changes you will experience. Wearing such a device on the body also enhances the effects.

In another test, at room temperature, a 1 gallon container of said water, after being exposed to the above described magnetic application for 15-20 minutes only, maintained its ability to mix completely, pharmaceutical grade, micronized creatine, a very difficult substance to keep mixed in water. The same water untreated with the natural magnetic field, and after thorough mixing, the same creatine, settled out to the bottom of the mixing container, and what did not settle out, left the water a white color.

Body builders and others who use creatine can testify as to the difficulty of mixing creatine completely in water. Usually the water turns white with particulate floating in it. The same gallon container of water, treated only once with the magnetic field and then was removed, was used for 4 days in this mixing test before it was emptied, and never lost its ability to keep the creatine in 100% suspension.

Evermore invivo, (on real people) and invitro, (in the lab) testing is being conducted continuously on the subject of naturally produced magnetic field influence. Can a single blanket statement or mathematical expression be used to describe the effects on humans? No. The biological variables person to person and under varied conditions of magnetic field strength with frequency variation are too numerous to be confined to a single conclusive statement.

So it cannot be finitely stated that by wearing a naturally produced magnetic field close to the body will produce any one effect that will benefit each of us. Everyone based on their own physiology will describe their own findings differently. Nor can it be said that exposing your drinking water for some period to a naturally generated magnetic field will produce any one beneficial effect, yet the evidence is there, scientifically and by testimony.

Below you will see just a few of the researchers whose passion has been the study of the structures of water.

People like Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Dr Lee Lorenzen, Dr. Jacque Benveniste and others claim that water is influenced by external sources of frequency radiations, and changes the arrangement of water molecules which are retained for certain periods. Beneveniste claimed that the influence would be altered depending on the presence of other radiating influences.

In his book, `The Water Puzzle and Hezagonal Key`, Dr. Jhon describes the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging to measure water frequencies, both treated and untreated. Treat or hexagonally shaped water molecules apparently emanate a frequency of between 60 and 70 Hz.

The following video on brainwave synchronization with changing magnetic fields is fascinating:

The Water Puzzle and Hexagonal Key

I hope this provides the inspiration to ponder the simple things that can make a difference.

Have an incredible day.
