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It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Maples, The 279th POTW
5/10/2011 5:11:20 PM


Cheryl Maples, LMT

Hello Adlanders,

I had been looking for something in network marketing that works for me since the mid 1980's or earlier. A lot of things either didn't get off the ground or just didn't do enough for what I wanted. Finally I stumbled onto some help and found out why it was not my fault!!! Now I am sharing what I learned with anyone who wants help no matter what company they are with.

Catch Your Dream

I also enjoy knitting, gardening, reading, and bird watching (with our inside cats!) among many other things. Our three cats consider me staff. Although my house is in Florida, I am currently in Woodinville, WA.

In my younger years, I loved horses and even went to horseback riding school. Life took a turn and I went back to college. Got married. Got divorced. Got married again. My husband developed Alzheimer's and I, with the help of our young teenage son, took care of him at home. We were home schooling and I had to get a regular job. I ended up working for a telemarketing company. LOL. I did a lot of different jobs there.

My best friend "dragged" me off to massage school after my husband passed away and I was still working full time. I got my license for Florida and met my future husband there. Imagine meeting an electrical engineer at massage school!!!

Then I was laid off my job of 11 years. It was a blessing. After taking the Klemmer series of 4 personal development seminars, we got married in the fall of 2007. That's how I came to be north of Seattle, WA, where my husband's family lives. My son and house are still in Florida, as is my car!! It has worked out well as my aging parents are with my sister on her iris farm in CA, and I go there in the spring and fall, to work and visit.

During most of this time, I was in and out of network marketing, struggling to figure out how it works. Then my best friend got this free ebook that changed everything. Finally I got some real training in how to do this business. I sure was relieved to find out my past lack of real success was not my fault! Now, instead of being frustrated, I am having fun!!! I enjoy helping people and ending their frustration with this industry.


Cheryl Maples

Potw Team

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Maples, The 279th POTW
5/10/2011 5:13:36 PM

Hi Cheryl,

Congratulations on being named the 279th POTW. It is well deserved to one of the friendliest faces on Adlandpro.



RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Maples, The 279th POTW
5/10/2011 5:56:03 PM

Thanks to the invite Barry & POTW Team!

Congratulations Cheryl
Enjoy this week of recognition
Much SUCCESS with your business

Have a great day
Phillip Black

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Maples, The 279th POTW
5/10/2011 6:51:22 PM

Hi Cheryl,

It's Terrific To See You Being Honored Here As

Our 279th POTW!

I Understand That...

I Appreciate All That You Do To Welcome Our New Members To Adland. Your Smiling Face Is Often One Of The First They See & Your Wonderful Comments Are Always So Appropriate. Enjoy Your Week To Shine My Friend!

Hope Your Week's Great,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Robert Vaughan

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Maples, The 279th POTW
5/10/2011 7:17:06 PM
Hi Barry !

Hello CHERYL !!! Many Congratulations On Your Winning POTW 279.

Have A Great Week


Bob Vaughan U.K.

Robert D Vaughan