Off subject a little but relevant. Lowry often used this angle because he could get such depth and detail.  I may do a forum on this very popular and often despised artist. His stick men may be simple but his individual perspectives and messages can't be faulted. A powerful angle that I might use. Roger
I am sorry Roger and Sara, I missed your posts in the previous page.
You are right Roger, and your view on Lowry's angle is relevant. More than that, his proposal is impecable in every sense, even his 'stick men' are. Among other things, his use of color is great; I just love it.
As to that particular painting by Friedrich, Sara, The Abbey in the Oakwood, maybe I should not have posted it as part of a trio; it is as you say, it clearly deserved more than that and I should have presented it all by itself, maybe reserve it for a grand finale. Among other things, because it seems the proposal it represented was much appreciated by the time Friedrich's painting at last became known not only to the citics but also to the general public. Thanks again to you both for your great feedback. Miguel Caspar David Friedrich - The Abbey in the Oakwood (oil on canvas, 1809 -10)