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Don Weathersbee

285 Posts
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Understanding Personality Colors – Yellow
4/3/2011 7:13:10 PM

This is Part 1 of a 4 part series of the personality colors.

The four colors are Yellow, Blue, Green and Red. Today I want to focus on the Yellows. When you understand what Personality your prospect has, the better chance you have of bringing them into your business.

Personality Color, Yellow (Phlegmatic):

A yellow personality makes up 35% of the population. If you are talking to a yellow you will soon realize their attitude is lets be friends. A yellows occupation may be a nurse, teacher, counselor or a therapist. A Yellow would be a great person to have in your business, because they are a team player. They love being part of a team and are very dependable. Sounds like some one I would want on my team, how about yours?

A yellow can be a bit over sensitive, not a good follower and have trouble setting goals for themselves. They don’t like pushy people, you would not want to try and push your business in their face. This will turn a yellow off and you will lose this prospect before you could even get started. They tend to not like bullies or to have conflict in their lives. But a yellow does like relationships. It is important that if your prospect is a yellow that building a relationship with them is very important. Need to be a bit slow when introducing your opportunity to them. Just don’t be pushy and take the time to get to know them and relationship build with them. It will pay off for you later, if you do. Remember a yellow is a great team player once you have them in your business.

A yellow will always show more concern for others then themselves. If they don’t, this person is not a yellow. If you talked to the yellow personalities friend, they will tell you they are a great listener.

Team player, great listener, dependable, family oriented, supportive, and a yellow is open and In-direct. Sounds like a great person to have in your business and to have on your team. I know I like yellows for the above mentioned reasons.

Don Weathersbee
Restart Your Life

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