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Sheri Webber

690 Posts
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Hello Strangers!!!
3/27/2011 4:25:30 AM

Hello AdlandPro Friends.

It has been some time! Hope you are all doing well.

Hope we can remain friends and do keep in touch! Would love to hear from you.

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Sheri Webber CCH, CRP Certified Consulting Hypnotherapist | Certified Raindrop Practitioner Soul Comfort Wellnes Centre Young Living Independent Distributor 913479 | It Works Marketing Independent Distributor 58745 | | |
RE: Hello Strangers!!!
3/27/2011 5:12:45 AM

Stemtech has developed a product called StemEnhance that when you take 2 capsules it causes your body to produce and release more of your very own adult stem cells and when you flood your body with more adult stem cells the repair and restoration of damaged cells is amazingly amplified and accelerated and we feel better, we look better, we produce better, we exercise better and all parts of our lives are inhanced and when people feel this way they want to keep taking this stuff over and over again, this is the ultimate supplement and there is a market out there for it and it is astronomical!

We have a scientific medical study that is published in the world renowned medical “Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Journal” that shows that StemEnhance does what it says it does and that is to help you release 25% more of your own stem cells into circulation within 60 min of taking 2 capsules.

So we have this clinically proven scientific product called StemEnhance that when you take it your body produces and releases more of your own stem cells and when you start to flood our system with these stem cells, well let me tell you wonderful things start to happen in how people look and how people feel.

Take a look at my website
Maureen Craig
Health Wealth & Happiness
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Hello Strangers!!!
3/27/2011 8:23:00 AM

Lovely to see you here Sheri,

I have invited friends to your other new forum too.


Phillip Black

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RE: Hello Strangers!!!
3/28/2011 4:58:37 PM

Hi Sheri,

Great to see you back! Sorry about the SPAMMERS like Maureen, but that's an everyday thing here at Adland these days. Not like the Old Days.

Have A Great Week My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10