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Jo Matthias

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RE: You are never stuck unless you choose to be so.
6/30/2011 4:13:22 PM
Thank you Barb, Kathy and Sara,

I did not choose to be stuck, I did not choose to be unemployed. I did not choose to be unable to save money in retirement accounts, savings accounts, etc. There are no choices for millions of people in my situation. Gee, have a yard sale and the management of the Apartment complex wants to know how much you made. Fund raising, and then keeping some of the money for myself is abhorrent to me, in my mind it is theft. Theft from those who I am supposedly raising money for. I am not a thief, and would never consider such a scam. And to me that is a scam.

Sara, I am blessed beyond belief, I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, food to eat and clothing to wear. I pray daily, not only for myself but for all the millions who have nothing. I would give anything to anyone in need, to the point of depriving myself.
I hope that my post did not sound like I was asking for pity or anything else. I'm trying to point out that people are in hopeless situations and I don't know how to express this clearly.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Take care,,

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
RE: You are never stuck unless you choose to be so.
6/30/2011 10:42:56 PM

Jo, I do understand and so happy to know that you are where you are in your beliefs. Bogdan made a post in my Expressions of Nature forum you might be interested in "Mediation - the Christian Way". I found it very interesting.

Yes, I see this all around us. We live in a rural area - most of Kansas is :-)! In our section it is a little different because of the Nuke plant close by. It makes a huge difference in the standards of living for those who do not work there and the families. It makes it difficult for school children and their peers. A lot of children from low income families eventually drop out of school. It is sad to see the young girls getting married so early and having babies right away - knowing they will be getting assistance because that is all they know. Sad also, that many of them get pregnant without the support of a partner. There are jobs here but some people just don't want to work.

What is to be done? That seems to be a question no one has an answer to. The economical situation our country is in did not start with the present administration. It has been going on for centuries and has now built up to an almost breaking point. The tussle in Congress right now makes me ill. We simply cannot afford to not raise the debt limit, our country cannot go bankrupt, it would be a worldwide chain reaction.

It was a sad day when Rep. Boehner was elected and his main goal in life is to be against anything President Obama tries to do. He does not care how he is 'cutting off his nose to spite his face'. We elected those people they need to remember that and they are supposed to be trying to make things better for us. Are they??

This is not politics, this is reality and I have no desire to enter into a policital debate with all those Bush leftovers and anti-Obama persons.

You have no reason to feel bad about receiving federal help. You worked, you have paid your taxes and now you need your governments help. I have a feeling if others found themselves in our shoes, they would be standing in line with the rest of us.



Jo Matthias

2947 Posts
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RE: You are never stuck unless you choose to be so.
7/1/2011 9:16:51 PM
Thank you Sara!!!!

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!

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