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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Baxter, The 271st POTW
3/11/2011 10:50:27 PM
HI Cheryl,

POTW # 271

Have a great week.

RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Baxter, The 271st POTW
3/12/2011 12:38:25 AM
Hello Barry and Cheryl!

Thank you Barry for another edition of the POTW award!


Have fun as this week as AdlandPro's celebrity of the week! ;)

Photo by John R. Sanchez

Love and blessings to you from,
John R. Sanchez

Barbara Delgiudice

1912 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Baxter, The 271st POTW
3/12/2011 6:30:29 AM

The 271ST

Cheryl Baxter

Personally, I live in Fort Worth, Tx and I take joy in the fact that I'm a Texan! I love the outdoors, animals, writing poetry, the ocean and a myriad of other things. I have a strong Christian faith and am thankful for the blessings God has given me and continues to bring my way. Without Him I am nothing! With Him I can be everything He calls me to be. He is a merciful God who gives grace to those who will seek Him and love to those who put their trust in Him. It's a pleasure for me to interact with online friends and I believe that joy shared is always much better than trying to go it alone. I am honored that you are visiting my about me page and I welcome you. May your online interactions and networking prove to be prosperous and encouraging for you.

Since I'm a Real Estate investor in my main business, we talk with a lot of people who have a need to sell their property quickly. We can help with this, and we never charge a fee or commission since we aren't Realtors. Whatever circumstance you may find yourself in, our home property solutions offers help. We also offer a FREE video for buying below retail market price, if you are in need of buying a home.

Find out how our home solutions can help solve your housing needs. You stand to benefit by finding out what we offer. It's absolutely FREE to claim your video now. We also offer a FREE Report on "How to Sell Your House In 7 Days" when you go to: You don't pay us a thing. Get your FREE Report today.

The managing members of Baxel Properties, LLC, Cheryl Baxter and Roisann Mikel, each have a career history in the medical field. Both bring individual strengths to the company, such as organizational skills, ethical practices, attention to detail and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and the community as a whole. This is reflected in our mission statement, “Investing in the Community We Serve”.

Over the course of time that our company has been in business, we’ve developed a team of professionals that we work closely with. This includes real estate attorneys, title companies, realtors, other real estate investors, contractors, mortgage specialists and private financial partners. Networking with these team members has enhanced our business and we are thankful to our team members for being a part of our success. We look forward to our ongoing partnerships as our company’s growth continues.

If you have a need for our services or desire to find out more about becoming one of our financial partners, we invite you to contact us.

We can be reached anytime at the following address: 6387 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste B #254, Fort Worth, Texas 76116. You may also contact our direct business phone at: 817-907-6713 or fax line: 817-732-4261.

If it's real estate you need to buy or sell, we would love to be of service to you. Visit any of our websites seen from my signature line, or take a peek at our real estate blog for some helpful tips, from staging a home for sale to answering questions about owning or renting and the advantages of each.

Thanks for visiting me. Your friendship is appreciated and I look forward to connecting with you. Have a great day and feel free to visit any of our websites if you have a need to buy or sell a house quickly.

Also, visit my forum for famous quotes. Add your own story or quotes there and we'll see you around Adland!

Your friend Cheryl

Hello Barry thank you for maintaining our POTW forum!



Patricia Bartch

9394 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Baxter, The 271st POTW
3/12/2011 8:49:45 AM


I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Cheryl Baxter, The 271st POTW
3/12/2011 5:34:37 PM

Hello Cheryl,

Congratulations on being named the 271st POTW. I hope you enjoy your time as the Person of the Week as it is well deserved. I do apologize for the week delay, however you will still have you whole week to shine!



Sorry Barry and Friends, I promised Cheryl I would post her message here and forgot it till now.

Her computer crashed and she can post on FB but not in Adland. She will be in as soon as possible to reply here. I will be back later for the congrats as well.

