science I dont understand.Give man some insight into the molecular world and the result is atomic weaponry and tampering with plant genes,animal genes,insect genes and finally human genes.There will not be anything left on this planet that is original if we leave man to decide what is best for us all.The answers are clear to those who understand their place and purpose here.This is the life you will ever know .For to sustain and protect our freedoms we all must act in some way or fashion to shut down the perpetuators of false science.There will not likely be a wider beyonder to play our games in space without first there being many metamorphosises to our make up.Clearly, to disband all attachments is the goal and if you have investments into this system of dying empire you wuill be didsappointed when no more support is given to those who see aquisition and taking heaven by storm abruptly failing and falling short.Anger is just against those who clearly stipulated that your existance is a problenm and you must be exterminated to help the planet.Will you help me destroy HARRP and bring down Monsanto? I need help to do this from any one who will listen for the time period to act is now.We know the enemy well and have chosen to resist evil so that the experiment called humanity species can go into the future and evolve, to continue without being hampered by genetical engineering and mind control, the big bad HARRP