Hello friends,
This is it… the time is now… YOUR time is now. Can you feel it?
We live in a changing world that on the surface seems uncertain even frightening. But when we push beneath, we sense there is a force of shifting currents that are nudging each of us to a level of magnificence never before seen.
If you are ready to go to those new depths, finally overcome those gut-wrenching fears, and create a much larger and significant expansion in your life, then we have something VERY special for you.
A remarkable F*R*E*E* event, Healing With The Masters Volume 7, offered by renowned host Jennifer McLean, is starting on March 8. It is designed with the intention of taking you deeper into the amazing planetary and personal shifts that are available for all of us during these special times.
http://LawOfAttractionSecrets.com/healing-masters.php Jennifer has put together one of the most powerful grouping of speakers ever assembled for her seventh season of the popular Healing With The Masters (seven of these speakers have been on Oprah!)
Just some of the speakers include:
Wayne Dyer – author of more than 30 of the most popular and renowned life changing books on the planet!
Dan Millman – New York Times bestselling author of The Way of The Peaceful Warrior AND launching his new book The Four Purposes of Life on Healing With The Masters
James Redfield – Celebrated author of International Blockbuster The Celestine Prophecy, Spiritual Teacher, launching his long anticipated book; The Twelfth Insight!
Neale Donald Walsch – Internationally Recognized Best Selling Author & Spiritual Messenger, creator of Conversation With God Series
Cheryl Richardson – New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, inspirational speaker, and host of The Life Makeover Project with Cheryl Richardson
Michael Bernard Beckwith – Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, renowned spiritual teacher, humanitarian, and bestselling author
Richard Bartlett – Teacher, prominent healer, & creator of the powerful Matrix Energetics healing system
Sadhguru Visionary Humanitarian, Prominent Spiritual Leader, Yogi, and Profound Mystic
Hale Dwoskin – New York Times bestselling author and creator of The Sedona Method™, featured teacher in The Secret
Cynthia Kersey – Bestselling author, speaker, and founder of UNSTOPPABLE Foundation
Jo Dunning – Known as ”The Miracle Worker” - world renowned spiritual teacher, author, and energy practitioner, creator of The Pulse Technique and innovator behind The Abundance Project
AND that is just a SAMPLING there are 24 life alerting, vibration raising speakers in total, all here to offer insights into YOUR new direction and purpose!
AND with Jennifer’s special sauce, these shows are guaranteed to be lively and fun, putting the “light” in enlightenment. PLUS for the first time Jennifer is offering a fun contest, giving away $2400 cash AND a fully loaded MacBook Pro laptop computer, all yours JUST by listening to these life changing calls.
The series starts on March 8, 2011, you will want to join now and hold your seat, so you don’t miss one minute of these 24 evenings of insight and transformation. Find out what hundreds of thousands in more than 117 countries have already discovered through 6 seasons of powerful content…
Here is all you have to do to register and join in the fun:
Step #1) Go register for your NO-COST life changing teleseminar seat here:
http://LawOfAttractionSecrets.com/healing-masters.php Step #2) Keep an eye out for Jennifer's email with the details for listening in on the calls (dial in and webcasting to your computer are available and if you can’t make a date there is a replay available for each show!).
Step #3) Make sure you go to the download site mentioned in your confirmation email after you register. Jennifer has a couple of amazing healing-focused bonus gifts for you (meditations and sound healing audios) that you can use immediately just for enrolling in this completely fr*ee series.
So take action right now and join me, okay?
Oh and you are welcome to send this email to your friends and share the fun. There are many Healing With The Master Study Groups that have formed around this series, something you could do too.
In sincere appreciation,
Linda Miller
PS - I am sure you’re going to enjoy this unique, consciousness-expanding opportunity. Remember, you can listen to the live show, the live webcast, or to the replay recordings if you can’t make the live shows. I promise, you won’t want to miss one show!
Just register here for NO COST:
http://LawOfAttractionSecrets.com/healing-masters.php I love my life!
I love you too!
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