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Re: Coincidence?
12/28/2005 6:25:57 PM
there is so much there that it is width there is somthing there for everyone of every age so no one is left out and most of them are free thank you for comming and checking it out please feel free to join me in anyone of them you choose see you there love James
James Settles stocks,computers,internet join me in any and or all of these and make a steady income
Re: Coincidence?
12/28/2005 6:53:46 PM
Anamira, Think of those poor Aussies! I wonder if they won the year before and the year after?
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Coincidence?
12/28/2005 7:11:21 PM
Oh God it's a conspiracy!!! LOL :-) Thank you Ana Maria for this interesting coincidence. Hmmmmm! LOL :-) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Re: Coincidence?
12/28/2005 7:24:55 PM
Hello James! I think your webpage is so wide because you don't breaks between your advertisements. You need to put some html code between the ad's. If I remember correctly you use the following code at the beginning of the ad the letter p between the <> and /p between the <> for end of the ad to separate them and thus making the webpage not so wide. John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
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Re: Coincidence?
12/28/2005 7:46:22 PM
Hi Ana Maria, This is interesting. Maybe the Pope will keep his eyes on the Prince. LOL! Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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