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Re: Always make a total effort...
12/28/2005 7:09:25 PM
Bogdan, Every one has made the good comments, so I am going to put forth the effort of reading theirs and enjoying what they have to say!
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Re: Always make a total effort...
12/29/2005 8:44:45 AM
How true that is :) If first you don't succeed, try try again! Thanks for sharing that quote.
Re: Always make a total effort...
12/29/2005 9:26:54 AM
Thank you for the quote, It does help with my personal life as well with my business. My husband has cancer and is in the hosiptal with fluid around his lungs, we are praying for him to get better and back on his feet. Faith sees the invisible,believes the incredible and recieves the impossible! I believe in mircles! Donna O'Brien
Donna O'BrienHome Retention Specialisthttp://save-yourhome.comHave the mindset of a billionaire