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Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.
2/2/2011 9:26:44 PM
Saw this today and figured I would ask you guys and gals, for your opinion on the information in the video and the following post. Is there a relationship?

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Rise Of The Resistance

This issue looks at Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.


Remember when Nancy Pelosi' urged passage of the Healthcare bill so we could find out what was in it? Well, it was passed and we're still finding out what's in it. Here's one more reason why it must be repealed. I've written about this in previous posts, but considering what's at stake, here it is again with a few more facts. First of all, we need a basic understanding of Dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the taxing of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence. It is also a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam. Google the word and start reading. You'll be shocked.

So what, you may ask, does this have to do with ObamaCare? Believe it or not, it is an integral part of it (page 107). Here's how the two are united. ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States. Dhimmitude is bad enough, but when you include dikat, it becomes unconscionable. By definition, diktat is a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed as on a defeated nation. Barack Obama and his Democratic cronies and henchmen have come up with yet another way to tax us to death at the expense of our freedom and security.

The most obvious ramification of this inclusion is the exemption Muslims enjoy from the government mandate to purchase the insurance. They're also exempt from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Why would Muslims need this exemption? Islam bans insurance because it is considered gambling, risk-taking, and usury. Muslims will, of course enjoy the benefits of ObamaCare. They just won't have to endure the inconvenience of actually paying for it. The bottom line- non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

The not so obvious ramification of this "unholy alliance" is that it advances the Muslim agenda by leaps and bounds. It paves the way for other facets of Sharia law to be enacted while granting special privileges to those whose goal it is to have the Muslim flag flying over the Whitehouse within the next 20 years. It also ensures converts to Islam within our borders as thousands flock to the side with free health insurance no taxes. This is what Obama and the Democrats have forced upon us.


If you had any doubts as to where Barack Obama really stands, I hope this clears things up for you. Reread this post and contemplate the significance of what this means for America. Considering the size of the Law and how quickly it passed, it should be obviously that someone had been working on this for a long time. No one who truly cares about the growth and security of America would even think about including something like this. Imagine what else is in there. The inclusion of these provisions in the Healthcare Law sure seems to me like "giving aid and comfort" to the enemy. I'm referring to Art. III Section 3 of our Constitution- the section dealing with treason.

We need to put as much pressure on as we can to get ObamaCare repealed. I know it will be an uphill battle, but we can't give up. Forward this post to everyone you can think of. Write letters to the Editor. Do something. If this goes unchecked, the damage will be irreversible.

Next week I will begin a series showing how this is part of a carefully orchestrated plan by the Obama administration to "break the system."

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.
2/4/2011 1:53:54 PM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.
2/5/2011 1:29:19 AM
Jihad-dhimmitude: a stable and enduring pattern

The considerable number of chronicles written by Muslims and non-Muslims provide copious information on the methods and implementation of jihad over the centuries. These texts make it possible to establish the close correspondence between actual Islamic military practices and the legal and theological prescriptions of jihad. The wars currently waged by Muslim states or through their proxies, in Israel, the Sudan, Nigeria, Kashmir, the Philippines, Indonesia, and other parts of the world, reproduce the classic strategy of jihad. For instance Abu Yusuf mentions the military conscription of pubescent and pre-pubescent children in jihad campaigns. Contemporary examples include: the Iraq-Iran war, the jihad against Israel (intifada), and the Islamist militias in the Sudan. The refusal to return enemy corpses (for example by the Lebanese Hizbollah) conforms to another opinion of Abu Yusuf. Raids on villages, killing of adult males, and the abduction and enslavement of women and children (Sudan, Indonesia), as well as terrorist campaigns against civilians infidels and apostates (Algeria), conform with the opinions of al-Mawardi, mentioned earlier. The victims of such actions are deprived of all rights.

Today, many aspects of dhimmitude remain active or potential political forces. Hence we see a return to the same situation in modern states where the shari’a is applied or constitutes the source of the laws, as in Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and until recently in Afghanistan.

The condition of Christians in some modern Muslim states is inspired by the traditional rules of dhimmitude relating to the laws of blasphemy, mixed marriage and apostasy, or those concerning the building and repairing of churches, and of religious processions. Discrimination in employment and in education occurs, as well in equality between Muslims and non-Muslims in penal law.

A recently published book by Canon Patrick Sookhdeo22 examined the condition known in Pakistan as “bonded labour”. This is of particular interest to the historian of dhimmitude because it was the condition of the Jewish and Christian peasantries, so often referred to in their chronicles from the eighth to the nineteenth centuries. It illustrates the subservience maintained by fiscal exploitation and indebtedness which led to expropriation and a system of slavery. Likewise, Sookhdeo demonstrates how the inferior status of the non-Muslim can validate an abuse, in theory forbidden by law, and make it irreversible, as for example the accusation of blasphemy or the abduction of Christian women. This crime, also perpetrated in Egypt today, has been a permanent feature of dhimmitude.

As a brief conclusion, I would say that there is no public debate yet on the ideology of jihad against the infidels, nor about dhimmitude, because these subjects are simply obfuscated or denied outright. Thus, Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi, the Secretary of the Islamic Center of the prestigious al-Azhar university in Cairo, recently wrote (Al-Musawwar – a mainstream Egyptian weekly, in Arabic - Aug. 23, 2002) in a rejoinder to an article of mine on Jihad (National Review Online, July 1, 2002), that the dar al-harb never existed, which implies then that neither jihad, nor slavery ever existed in Islam. Thus in one stroke of the pen, a reputable Islamic scholar summarily dismissed thirteen centuries of Islamic writings and laws on this subject.

Since the end of the 1960s some professors in Europe and North America teach that jihad wars produced no civilian victims, and that the Muslim armies of conquest were welcomed by their future dhimmis with open arms. This, of course, is the Muslim version of history and it is interesting to see that it is being adopted in Europe. This interpretation is in conformity with the shari’a which forbids any criticism of Islamic law or government, and attributes all evils to the mushrikun (the infidels), hence the necessity of the jihad, whose aim is to impose the Islamic law of justice over the land of Evil - the dar al-harb, the region of war.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.
7/1/2011 1:34:41 PM
Looks like our friends in Europe and UK are not well informed either.

Jihad-dhimmitude: a stable and enduring pattern

The considerable number of chronicles written by Muslims and non-Muslims provide copious information on the methods and implementation of jihad over the centuries. These texts make it possible to establish the close correspondence between actual Islamic military practices and the legal and theological prescriptions of jihad. The wars currently waged by Muslim states or through their proxies, in Israel, the Sudan, Nigeria, Kashmir, the Philippines, Indonesia, and other parts of the world, reproduce the classic strategy of jihad. For instance Abu Yusuf mentions the military conscription of pubescent and pre-pubescent children in jihad campaigns. Contemporary examples include: the Iraq-Iran war, the jihad against Israel (intifada), and the Islamist militias in the Sudan. The refusal to return enemy corpses (for example by the Lebanese Hizbollah) conforms to another opinion of Abu Yusuf. Raids on villages, killing of adult males, and the abduction and enslavement of women and children (Sudan, Indonesia), as well as terrorist campaigns against civilians infidels and apostates (Algeria), conform with the opinions of al-Mawardi, mentioned earlier. The victims of such actions are deprived of all rights.

Today, many aspects of dhimmitude remain active or potential political forces. Hence we see a return to the same situation in modern states where the shari’a is applied or constitutes the source of the laws, as in Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and until recently in Afghanistan.

The condition of Christians in some modern Muslim states is inspired by the traditional rules of dhimmitude relating to the laws of blasphemy, mixed marriage and apostasy, or those concerning the building and repairing of churches, and of religious processions. Discrimination in employment and in education occurs, as well in equality between Muslims and non-Muslims in penal law.

A recently published book by Canon Patrick Sookhdeo22 examined the condition known in Pakistan as “bonded labour”. This is of particular interest to the historian of dhimmitude because it was the condition of the Jewish and Christian peasantries, so often referred to in their chronicles from the eighth to the nineteenth centuries. It illustrates the subservience maintained by fiscal exploitation and indebtedness which led to expropriation and a system of slavery. Likewise, Sookhdeo demonstrates how the inferior status of the non-Muslim can validate an abuse, in theory forbidden by law, and make it irreversible, as for example the accusation of blasphemy or the abduction of Christian women. This crime, also perpetrated in Egypt today, has been a permanent feature of dhimmitude.

As a brief conclusion, I would say that there is no public debate yet on the ideology of jihad against the infidels, nor about dhimmitude, because these subjects are simply obfuscated or denied outright. Thus, Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi, the Secretary of the Islamic Center of the prestigious al-Azhar university in Cairo, recently wrote (Al-Musawwar – a mainstream Egyptian weekly, in Arabic - Aug. 23, 2002) in a rejoinder to an article of mine on Jihad (National Review Online, July 1, 2002), that the dar al-harb never existed, which implies then that neither jihad, nor slavery ever existed in Islam. Thus in one stroke of the pen, a reputable Islamic scholar summarily dismissed thirteen centuries of Islamic writings and laws on this subject.

Since the end of the 1960s some professors in Europe and North America teach that jihad wars produced no civilian victims, and that the Muslim armies of conquest were welcomed by their future dhimmis with open arms. This, of course, is the Muslim version of history and it is interesting to see that it is being adopted in Europe. This interpretation is in conformity with the shari’a which forbids any criticism of Islamic law or government, and attributes all evils to the mushrikun (the infidels), hence the necessity of the jihad, whose aim is to impose the Islamic law of justice over the land of Evil - the dar al-harb, the region of war.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmitude and the Healthcare Law.
7/5/2011 8:20:02 PM
Are we heading down the same path as our UK Friends??? The extra question marks are there to enhance. Is the UK our friend? In light of some recent issues it is hard to tell who our friends are. Our President seems to be pi$$ing them off. All of them, because he is slow to enact their version a fix which seems to be working so well for them. Yeah Right!

So Many Lost Decades - Why?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011 – by Staff Report

Is the UK following Japan into a 'lost decade'? At Nissan's headquarters in Yokohama, just south of Tokyo, the air conditioning is set permanently on 26 degrees. It's hot and sticky outside and it would be nice to have things a little bit cooler. Regrettably, it's not an option. Cars piled up in Natori, Japan, in the aftermath of March's earthquake and tsunami. It's the same everywhere in Japan. With the test of peak summer temperatures still to come, air conditioning is being heavily and widely restricted in an attempt to conserve energy. Office corridors go starved of artificial light, while reduced street illumination has caused a mild uptick in historically almost wholly absent petty crime. – UK Telegraph/Jeremy Warner

Dominant Social Theme: What's with these lost decades anyway? Who can explain them? Luck of the draw, eh?

Free-Market Analysis: Now UK columnists such as Jeremy Warner are worried about a British "lost decade." This is to follow on the heels of a Japanese lost decade. Of course, exactly which decade the Japanese have lost is debatable. From what we read in the mainstream media, Japan has lost at least three decades; poor people! Each decade that crawls by is announced as "lost" sooner or later.

America has attracted its share of "lost decade" appellations as well. Here's an excerpt from a recent article posted over at CNN. It's entitled "America's own 'Lost Decade.'"

The economy is still struggling. And Americans are in for a long and painful adjustment period. One major reason: their own household debt. Many experts say private debt owed by households, as well as businesses, is an even bigger problem than the government debt that's getting so much attention lately. And it won't be solved without a difficult stretch of high unemployment and slow growth that will likely last for six or seven more years, producing America's own version of Japan's "Lost Decade."

So there you have it. This article was posted last month; it proposes that America is four years into a ten-year slump. What's the reason for it? "Consumer and small-business debt." Of course, the article doesn't make clear why there is more debt NOW than before. Sure "debt" sounds like a good explanation but it would be nice to know where the debt came from and why it's so bad this time.

If misery loves company, then American consumers should be comforted. We've seen, above, speculation about a British and American "lost decade" competing with one or several of Japan's. But we're not done yet. Here's an excerpt from a recent UK Guardian article on Germany's role in strengthening the EU to avoid – you guessed it – a "lost decade."

Taking a lead does not come easily to [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel but the alternative is very likely a disintegration of the eurozone and the European Union, which would have unpredictable long-term economic and political costs ... It is of course the case that readjustments and serious reforms ... are necessary. But if the future you present in return for such reforms is still either a lost decade with huge internal deflation or crashing out of the eurozone with an unavoidable default on sovereign debt it is impossible to motivate people to pull up their sleeves and support reforms.

What's with these lost decades? The Telegraph article (excerpted at the beginning of this article) explains that Western governments have hurled everything but the kitchen sink at the West's sinking economies with little success. This is a surprise of course because the prescriptions of the patron saint of lost decades – John Maynard Keynes – were supposed to work with speed and efficiency. Government, having saved for a rainy day, would be able to use its surplus to "stimulate" investment.

In the 21st century it is hard to fathom that these palliatives would be taken seriously and yet they are. Governments and the elites that stand behind them are always desperate for public solutions to private problems. Keynes, a social Fabian and member of the upper crust Bloomsbury Group, came along at the right time. He didn't criticize central banks as FA Hayek did; instead he apparently recommended ways that governments could compensate for the ruin they produced by overprinting money for nothing.

It was Hayek, along with his mentor Ludwig von Mises, who came up with an explanation of how central banks triggered the destruction of the Western business cycle. Keynes, a central banker, came up with a number of other things, but we defy anybody to explain them. His prose was as tortured as his logic. Nonetheless, that hasn't stopped generations of politicians and central banks from using Keynesian nostrums ...

Is the economy flat-lining? Are debts out of control? Is government spending unfathomably irresponsible? As a result are jobs virtually non-existent? Don't worry. Just print more money! "Create jobs." This is what the Obama administration just got through doing. It admits each job cost well over US$200,000 to create. Whether they still exist is an open question.

The UK has had a similar experience, the Telegraph's Warner informs us. "With output in the UK still way below pre-crisis levels, we are already virtually half way there to a Japanese- style 'lost decade.' Western policymakers appear to have been no more successful than their Japanese counterparts in lifting the economy out of its funk – in fact worse in some respects, as here in the UK we have both nil growth and elevated inflation."

So where does the UK "lost decade" talk come from? Apparently it's Pimco's Mohamed El-Erian. He's concluded that the UK may be following Japan into a "lost decade," Warner confides. El-Erian is actually a worse doomsayer than this. He believes much of the world faces a process of "Japanisation," according to Warner.

For El-Arian, "new normal" is what Japan has been experiencing for nearly 20 years now, Warner writes that Japanese households have been saving their earnings rather than spending them. "In these circumstances the state becomes the consumer of last resort, borrowing the private sector surplus and spending it to support demand in the stead of private consumption and investment."

Now the West seems fast to be following Japan into the same trap, he explains. The public indebtedness problem is a difficult one throughout the world and there are three ways to deal it: via inflation, default and taxation. Taxation is perhaps an especially clever government gambit as it both reduces the public deficit and penalizes thrift. This is good!

However, despite such a plethora of options, Warner is gloomy about Western prospects. Like El-Arian, he seems to foresee lost decades all over the place. Here is his conclusion: "So which way forward for Japan? Does it embrace the new global economy, or just resign itself to relative decline and attempting to grow old gracefully? It's a choice which increasingly faces all countries in the developed world."

We have something of a different conclusion. We begin by emphasizing that Keynes was merely a government apologist masquerading as something else. Always keeping his eye on the main chance, this former central banker developed an incomprehensible "general theory" that emphasized government action.

No wonder top bureaucrats like US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt invited him for extended stays and feted him at state dinners. FDR admitted he didn't understand anything that Keynes told him – the mathematics were beyond him, he said. But that didn't stop ole FDR from putting Keynes' faux-solutions into practice. It took a world war to begin to turn things around.

Keynesian solutions are entirely unbelievable. A Keynesian such as Warner apparently is, ends up proposing that higher taxes are an unmitigated good during a depression because they reduce savings while allowing government to pay down debt. As if those running government were ever interested in doing such a thing.

Government is often compared to a household by Keynesian types. The idea is that rational planning can generate good results. In reality, government types are usually quasi-sociopaths who do not care a wit whether budgets are balanced or tax money saved for the proverbial rainy day. When the Clintons abandoned the White House, they tried to steal the silverware. Literally.

Warner, to his credit, is suitably gloomy about the idea that one Keynesian bright idea or another can truly lift the West (or Japan) out of upcoming lost decades. Major changes in public policy might make a difference (if they were along Keynesian lines we doubt it) but absent radical action, such decades are probably a reality.

As we have reached the end of this article, we don't want to leave you, dear reader, with any false impressions. First of all, there are ways to prevent lost decades if one wishes to. And second-of-all, lost decades are not mysterious. They arise directly from central banking and the function of printing money from nothing. Over time, such money-printing distorts the economy to the point where it literally cannot recover. The economy, metaphorically, is stuffed like a goose until it explodes.

The pricing mechanism is endlessly damaged. The government through fiscal and monetary policy has so injured the free-market that it simply cannot recover. Banks do not know where to invest; entrepreneurs have no idea what business is actually healthy. New investments slow to a trickle. Jobs, once so plenteous, are not developed at all.

It is very simple. Government through fiscal and (Keynesian) monetary policy, has ruined the economy. Japan's economy is ruined. So is the economy of the EU (in large swathes anyway). Japan's economy has suffered for decades.

What is the cure for a ruined economy? It is very simple as well. Shut down central banks, shut down governments (as much as possible), cease to tax, cease to spend and let the private sector take over. To the degree that the pricing mechanism is re-established, the economy will recover.

What El-Arian is saying, if we wish to translate, is that lost decades will occur because government will not willingly deleverage. Just as the Japanese are trapped in their endless monetary funk because the major players will not remove the stifling straightjacket of social democracy, so the West is doomed to the same fate and for the same reasons.

There is nothing complicated about this. It needn't be bollixed up with Keynes' General Theory, or fiscal solutions or defaults, etc. If one wants prosperity, government needs to get out of the way. But this would entail, unfortunately, a diminishment of elite power.

It is the Western elites that have invented regulatory democracy and they will not willingly give it up. The simple solutions are never to be presented to suffering middle class masses. Instead, rhetoric will be produced that suggest during a depressive slump taxes ought to be raised or government ought to spend money to "stimulate."

Western elites cannot give up regulatory democracy because it is through regulations that they have access to levers of government. No regulation = no mercantilism. Everyone must suffer so the elites can retain their death grip on Western economies.

Conclusion: Absent the re-imposition of a free-market there is ONE other way that Western economies may be stimulated – or at least the masses distracted from their misery. Surely you have guessed. It is a three-letter obscenity: WAR.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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