
You Don't Know me..Why would you Join?
1/10/2011 8:29:27 AM

You Don't Know me..Why would you Join?

Hi name is Patricia

You don't know me..most of you anyway..

We are all so busy..promoting our programs or companies!

We do network from time to time..But most important we are trying to build trust

I wanted to write this Blog and I will probably copy it and repost it on several communities I am a member of.

I can write some good ads about my company..but would you join or even take a minute to take a look.

I work full time retail and do not have alot of time online to network..Most Folks are like me in that

they have joined a Company they Love and want to share it with others and build a downline..Everyone wants this right?

You have probably even invested some money in it..maybe you are tapped out and could not join anything else even if you

wanted to..I have been there too.Over the years I have felt like I was chasing my tail or a rat in a maze..joining programs

that either promised the sponsoring..onr time fees..gifting ect

And the list goes on and on.Do you know how much money you can spend in 20 Years doing this?

I could have had my house paid off by now..and the reason my hubby so skeptical is partly my fault.I have gotten us in debt a

couple of times looking for the pot of gold only to see the companies or downlines dissappear...Teamwork and support

is very important to your success..It is good to be there for your team .

My Dream and My Goal has always been to find an opportunity that I could build a team with..An Upline that really would

not be an upline but a part of my family..if I can call them that..Don't get me wrong I used to get depressed and want to give up or

quit ..20 years is a long time to try and find something that will work and last..

We cannot really succeed in something..unless we are ALL succeeding..and it takes time and patience to do this..

There are No get Rich things out there unless they are short lived..

When you are looking at a Company you need to love..In love with the product..A product that no matter if you never

made a dime you would still buy and be a part off..A product that saves you money..ect..the list could go on and on

I wrote an ad once that said or started.."What can I do or Say to get you to take a serious Look"

Because before you join need to look at it seriously..check it out..research it..make some calls..

Not everyone has the time to build a huge list or has the time to promote all day..Don't get me wrong you need to help build

too..But a Upline and Company that actually help you succeed..A Company that wants you..YOU to succeed and make a

check or money every month..That is very nice to find this..

I had almost given up hope of finding this..Until a friend now ..Cindy shared this with me

My Life has changed..My Health has changed Attitude has changed!

Do you know me a Little bette now?.Do you want to know me better?

I look forward to getting to know you:)

You are a little curious..right? Can I share this with you?

Take a Peek.

I would luv to have you be a part of this with me and our team!

Ask me to be your Friend..


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RE: You Don't Know me..Why would you Join?
1/12/2011 6:58:09 PM

I went to your website and readall of the information with interest.

I am a long-time LML/Network Marketing enthusiast and found the information

both intriguing and invaluable. Thank you for sharing. The biggest obstacle to many

Network marketers is the ability to generate enough referrals to help them reach their

financial goals. This is sometimes the difference between success and failure.

I wish you most success!


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