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RE: Vote for the 264th POTW
1/12/2011 10:45:27 AM
Thanks Sara!

Yes, I am glad that I now realise who are my true friends and who are not.
Anyone who are truly interested in what I am blogging about can visit my blog.

I respect you Sara for what you and especially Roger are doing here on Adland.


I have voted but I am glad that I am
more appreciated by other faces on the net.

Good luck!

We love you Mattias and you have lots of good friends here. Remember you won this before!


Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 264th POTW
1/12/2011 3:23:30 PM

Hi Mattias,

I always liked your acrostic poetry. All 4 of you have been on my friendship list for a long time, I nominated Gabrielle in early December and we thought she'd be on a December ballot but she wasn't because of the "forum" rule, or active forum rule, so a lot of us were waiting to see her on a ballot and then she just opened a very popular forum and also visits lots of other peoples forums, that's a factor in getting votes, plus she's been here very consistently for a few months.

You still have more than 24 hours to gather more votes, you could come in 3rd place, not last, and that's also a way to meet more people and prepare for your next time on the ballot.

I learned a lot from you, this is the first time I've tried it, maybe this will help future nominees:

Way to win is to post

In lots of our forums

Not only one or none


Luck is not the factor

Or if friends are for true

So few posts recently

Explains few votes in here

RE: Vote for the 264th POTW
1/12/2011 4:13:40 PM
I am not and will not ever be a loser.I have other things on the net to focus on, a group on facebook about blogging with over a thousand members, other affiliateprograms to promote and my other investments where I earn better than ever from.Are Adland the only community where you spend time? Haven´t you seen that I have won this before? You have a shortterm thinking in what you are doing.If you have had a more longer perspective you would have expressed differently.


Hi Mattias,

I always liked your acrostic poetry. All 4 of you have been on my friendship list for a long time, I nominated Gabrielle in early December and we thought she'd be on a December ballot but she wasn't because of the "forum" rule, or active forum rule, so a lot of us were waiting to see her on a ballot and then she just opened a very popular forum and also visits lots of other peoples forums, that's a factor in getting votes, plus she's been here very consistently for a few months.

You still have more than 24 hours to gather more votes, you could come in 3rd place, not last, and that's also a way to meet more people and prepare for your next time on the ballot.

I learned a lot from you, this is the first time I've tried it, maybe this will help future nominees:

Way to win is to post

In lots of our forums

Not only one or none


Luck is not the factor

Or if friends are for true

So few posts recently

Explains few votes in here

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 264th POTW
1/12/2011 4:34:29 PM


I didn't mean that you are a loser, we all know you've won before. Focus on the win, not on your lack of votes, you've been in here twice focusing on your lack of votes. Those Win/Lose acrostics are good advice for any nominees. I'm in dozens of other places daily, not just here, I've brought in Adlandpro members from lots of other places to come back here to vote many times, lots of people who rarely log in, I send them the link to the election polls and they come in to vote, that's a good idea for everyone who visits other places every day.

RE: Vote for the 264th POTW
1/12/2011 11:08:24 PM

Hello Barry!

I just voted! Good luck to all the candidates!


John R. Sanchez
