Quote: Awesome stuff Luis!
I too am a big fan of Asian artwork! I also love Japanese gardens and used too have one planted in my back yard of my previous home.
Thank you for sharing these with us. Take care!
Sincerely, John
That's great John, Japanese gardens became the vogue here in the UK about ten years ago but I had already given much time in study of the original zen gardens. Because of cost and difficulty in getting the correct plasnts/objects the results here were very watered down versions. As a garden designer I had a chance to do some very nice accurate examples but the biggest problem is that the customers don't all understand and they alter things too much (flowers in balanced green/rock arrangements). The garden design side has relevace here because in Zen gardens a rock often represents a mountain and the sand becomes the sea. It is art in miniature 3D form. ![](http://www.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2007/06/20070607-zengarden.jpg) This next one is islands/mountains and sea. ![](http://japzen.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/tofukujigarden1.jpg) Roger