Merry Christmas! 
| A reflective Christmas prayer : Father God, When your precious Son became a tiny baby in a stable in Bethlehem in poverty and simplicity, you changed our world. As we imagine those surroundings, we join with the shepherds and the wise men in wonder and praise. We thank you for our material lives, praise you for our spiritual lives, and trust in you for our eternal life. Amen. | Some Christmas readings from the Bible: St Luke 2 : 1-20, - St Luke tells the traditional nativity story. John 1 : 1-18, - the Prologue to St.John's Gospel reveals how Jesus was destined to be born from the very beginning of time. 1 John 4:7-14 - reminds us of God's love for us in giving His son to be born as a human baby. Isaiah 9:2,6,7 - the prophet Isaiah foretells the coming of the Prince of Peace.