
7 Ways To Maximize Your Marketing & Your Profits!
12/12/2010 10:26:04 PM

Internet marketing is really about dominating your niche. When you dominate your niche then everything else will fall into place and you will be able to easily attract more customers.

I have to be honest with you it will take discipline and sacrifice of you and your time. But you don't have to spend years trying to figure it out, you can instead just learn from my experience.

So before you go out and try another trial and error Internet marketing strategy read the following 5 steps. These steps will determine what will yield you the most results. You can take my 5+ years of experience put into 5 steps for you to follow.

1- You must understand what you want and most importantly who you are.

If you don't understand this, success will be difficult. Why? If you don't know who you are, neither do your customers. And if they don't understand what you are selling, you won't sell it. This is as simple as I can put it. You have to ask yourself, What is your mission in life?

Why is it that you do what you do? And more do I provide value? This is probably the most important thing you must remember about your home business.

You must have a clear goal as to what you want to achieve with your business. It is just like shooting at a target, if you don't know where your target is you will not hit it. So get clear on your target, decide on your goals and start writing them down.

2- Do You Know What You Are Selling?

I find that a large number of people they set up a website or a capture page with a product and they don't understand what they are selling. Specially today where anyone can get started very easily but easier to fail. And what I find is that this is most of the reasons why people fail with their businesses. If you can not explain in 15 seconds what you are selling and why I should buy it, you just lost a customer. You don't have to convince them in 15 seconds that they need to buy but you need to grab my attention and interest to want to learn more. Once you learn this skill set, you will be on your way to getting easier conversions.

3- Do You Know How To Sell Your Product?

You might have the best product or service but unless you can convince the customer of that, they are not buying. You must sell the benefits and features of the product. How will this product solve their problem and what it will do for the customer that without asking them to buy they will sell themselves when you can explain to them the benefits and features of the product.

When selling the product you always talk about how it will benefit them because they are the consumer, they don't want to be sold, they like to buy on their own terms and when you have an opinion about the product it is always better to use a third party to justify how great the product is. For example; Testimonials always add credibility to your product because people like to know that others are very satisfied with the product.

4- It Is Easier To Know Who You Are Selling And How They Perceive You

It is a good idea to find out some basic data like their age, income, education, family status and the more you find out the more targeted your customers will be. And more importantly what motivates them and why they would buy the product you have to offer.

What are their problems and how can you solve their problem. When you know this you will be ahead of 95% of the crowd.

Another thing that is important, How do they perceive you and this is why they will buy from you or not. It is about whether they trust you enough to give you their money and if they believe that you can solve their problem with your product. Make yourself different and stand out from the crowd so they will trust you.

5- Brand Yourself ( You, Inc. )

If you work for yourself it is good to do self promotion. Promoting your business and yourself is what marketing is about. If people don't know you they will not buy from you.

The more people know you the more they will buy from you. Look at Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Mike Dillard and countless other successful entrepreneurs that because of their Brand ( You, Inc. ) floods of people follow when they speak or offer something whether it be a product or a service.

This is where your test is. You must leave your comfort zone to become successful. There is no other way. The only other way is to stay working the 9 to 5 JOB ( Just Over Broke ).

6- Become A Master Marketer And Keep Your Focus

Today the Internet offers many tools to do marketing. The more of these tools you master the more successful you will be in your marketing.

There are a lot of distractions specially around this time of year with the holidays and football games but it is your choice to play now and pay later or pay now and pay later. Life does not stay still for any of us and some choose to enjoy life and play and others rather put in the time to pay now by working regardless of what distractions are around them. If you keep this mindset and a positive, and a powerful vision this is the most important part of a successful business.

7- The Last And Most Important - TAKE ACTION!

The first thing you must do is make a plan of action that will keep you focused on your goals. Sitting around and hoping for the best is not going to make anyone successful. This is where the rubber hits the road, it is time to take massive action and put everything you've learned or will learn into action.

It is the only way that success will come to anyone. It is not hard to do when you have a plan of action in front of you but it is not easy also but it can be done. You have to believe in yourself and you will do what ever it takes to succeed because you have a desire and passion to do something better for yourself and your family. When you take action and keep your focus many good things will come out of it. This is the key to success and it can be yours too.

As a Internet Marketing Consultant & Business Owner and associated with some of the most brightest minds, entrepreneurs and caring people it allows me to serve my prospects better and help anyone find the answers to their questions about doing business on the Internet. As you have read above these are just a few of the resources, training, tools and support we offer, I just thought that I would give you an insight at what you will receive with our community of successful entrepreneurs.

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Success Is Intentional,

Reinaldo Lopez

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