Hi Mary Evelyn & Jim, Yes, the Rugelach do melt in your mouth. Unfortunately, my Doctor diagnosed me with Sugar Diabetes about 6 months ago, so my sweets are now severely limited. I still like to make them though. Krispy Kreme is unfortunately another of my vices that I can no longer pursue. Rats! Just when they have opened up a newly remodeled Krispy Kreme Shop, and a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins Shop not even 15 minutes away, over in High Point, NC. We always attend the NC State Fair each year, and this year was no exception. We catch the Amtrak Train over in Spencer, NC and it drops us off in Raleigh, NC, and then picks us up at the end of the day for the return trip back home. I love trains, and that's the only way I have ever really enjoyed the Fair. I have always hated fighting the traffic. I must admit that over the years I've enjoyed my share of Corn Dogs, Elephant Ears and Funnel Cakes, and even as recently as last year, I sampled a Fried Oreo, a couple of Fried Twinkies, and yes, even a Fried Snickers bar. but I must admit I couldn't ever bring myself to try the hamburger-and-doughnut combo. I started calculating calories and cholesterol, and I really couldn’t add numbers that big in my head, but even without Cheese, I knew that it was in excess of a 1,000 per Bacon Burger. Sorry to get off on a tangent Peter. Wishing you and the Family a Happy Hanukkah Holiday. Have A Great Evening My Friends, Phil