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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Vote for the 259th POTW
12/2/2010 6:59:11 PM

Hi Mattias,

Thanks, I think the poll was supposed to close 2 hours ago, but thank you and the other voter who showed up after the usual closing time. I wonder why Barry hasn't closed it yet?

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: Vote for the 259th POTW
12/2/2010 7:17:39 PM
My Vote is in Good Luck have a great week.
I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Vote for the 259th POTW
12/2/2010 8:39:40 PM

Congratulations, Glen!

Looks like the poll has been officially closed!

Great race! WOW!!!

Glen Palo

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RE: Vote for the 259th POTW
12/2/2010 11:06:38 PM
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it and feel truly blessed to be in the company of great people.

Isn't this a great community of people or what?!

Kind regards,

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 259th POTW
12/2/2010 11:21:53 PM


You are a really nice person, people may not realize how hard you work online, in how many different ad sites all the time, I see you everywhere every day, for the past couple years. People may not realize that there are hundreds or thousands of the same people working online in dozens of ad sources every day and we recognize those people also when we see them at other sites. Congratulations and I hope you get good results from the advertising you won here. Have a good week, there should be a Congrats thread for you hopefully soon, maybe tomorrow. You know I'll contact you to come back for that!


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