
11/23/2010 10:56:48 PM
T’was the night of Thanksgiving,
But I just couldn’t sleep.
I tried counting backwards,
I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned,
The dark meat and white.
But I fought the temptation,
With all of my might.
Tossing and turning,
with anticipation.
The thought of a snack
became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen,
Flung open the door,
And gazed at the fridge,
Full of goodies galore.
I gobbled up turkey,
And buttered potatoes,
Pickles and carrots,
Beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling,
So plump and so round.
‘til all of a sudden,
I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling,
Floating into the sky,
With a mouthful of pudding,
And a handful of pie.
But I managed to yell
As I soared past the trees
Happy eating to all,
Pass the cranberries, please!!
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
May your pies take the prize
And May your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off of your thighs!
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Phillip Black

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11/24/2010 1:46:53 AM

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the Cute Thanksgiving Poem.

Here's one I always liked...

Belly Stuffer

Thanksgiving always brings a terrible chore,
'Cause I’m forced to eat and eat some more.

If I don’t eat it up, right down to dessert,
I fear the cook’s feelings will be hurt,

So I do my part, even though I suffer;
To help out the others, I’m a belly stuffer.

Wishing You & Yours A Safe & Happy Thanksgiving,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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11/24/2010 3:25:05 PM

Hello Steve,

Cute poem and thanks for coming in for the holidays. Always great to see you around.

Phil, that cat reminds me of Meagol's eating habits lately. She is our older black cat and got sick, took her to vet, got shot and medicine - now she sits by her bowl begging for food!!

Happy Thanksgiving and food for all,


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