My name is Sharon, I am an unemployed college graduate, who is halfway through a Master's Degree, I am also a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have been unemployed for 9 months, and this is with me working in a field where there is ALWAYS jobs. I have decided I am tired of people telling me when to work, when to come, when to leave, when I can take off, and worst of all defining how much I am WORTH, by these sorry salaries, that barely cover the bills, especially in this economy . I saud NO HYPE, NO Lies because the internet is so FULL of that instead of people just telling the truth! It's okay to say you just started! You don't get paid on your job the first day or week! So why does everyone feel they need to overinflate the TRUTH! Tell me the truth, I respect you a lot more! And I am realistic enough to know that Rome wasn't built in a day!
So I started looking for some REAL online opportunities, that made sense, didn't cost a fortune, because I get unemploymnt, and it is not a lot plus I can't afford to LOSE anything, and would pay quickly, cause I don't have a lot of time to start earning, my UE will be up soon, and I need income to replace it so I don't have to go back to work. And another thing I forgot to mention, is that's even IF I could FIND a job, because I am 60 years old, and believe that age discrimination thing is really happening, and I don't even look 60!
So I started looking, and I found 5 things right off the bat that I really liked. I liked then because most of them have been around paying for a long time, they are not real expensive, and they have great compensation plans, and they have PRACTICAL products that people REALLY need, not just something they are buying to build a business!
My absolute favorite, and best paying one cost $5 ! I know, I couldn't believe it either. I figured I was just throwing good money after bad if it was that cheap, but then I figured $5 wasn't going to break me, not yet at least. I joined, then decided to buy 2 shares of the advertising coop for $25 each, not for me but for 2 of my friends that joined with me, and did that thing begin to EXPLODE! First, I got paid the NEXT Day!, then I got PAID again. Oh, did I FORGET to mention that my friends got PAID too! I don't know about you but my motto is if it will pay $5, it will pay $50, and $500. So I told my friends what happened, and we all decided to (1) pay all our family members into the $5 part, at least significant others and children, and (2) put a advertising share under them. Oh did I tell you the business was called F5m Millionaire Club? Now to be honest, I couldn't believe something named that for $5 to begin with ! But now that I am beginning to make money and see how it works. I realize this has got to be the BEST KEPT SECRET on the internet. You REALLY make money, and FAST! And the opportunity is really there to make A LOT of money. I don't know about you, but I have been trying to make money on the internet since 1995, and I would probably be rich already if I had back all the money I have spent on businesses that didn't work, especially 2 comes to mind right off the bat, one that cost me $500, and another $240, I put about $1000 into that one, even went to Nashville for a company convention, next thing I know, the orders aren't coming, nobodies answering phones or emails, and then they filed BANKRUPTCY, and took a whole lot of people's money ! And I don't even want to talk about the $500 one! And those are only 2 of the MANY horror stories I could tell! Oh, and don't forget about all those people who promise to help you, until you join, and spend your money, then you can't FIND them!!!!
I am so glad to finally have found some things that really work, with some ethical honest folks to work with to boot!
The other companies I found are a online grocery delivery company that saves you 20-70% on groceries, delivers then to your door for FREE, and has a phenomenal pay plan, and other great perks. The folks there are so honest, and real; it is a pleasure to do business with then!,
Then there is Lotto Magic in Florida, flying under the radar for over 14 years. They have an awesome pay plan, PLUS so many ways to market, you could actually set it and forget it! I LOVE this program, and it is FUN with a SUPER product!, This one here is one of my all time favorites, because EVERYBODY who drives a car needs it, and the price is constantly going up EVERYWHERE! Yes, I am talking about gasoline, this little business is called Filler Up Club, and it is fairly new, but has a great reputation already for being honest and paying on time! It cost $10 a month, for which you are able to get 1/2 price gas vouchers, you can buy your gas anywhere, then you just send in your receipts to get paid. You also get FREE vacation vouchers. I know most people are like me, so lazy they don't want to mail in a voucher, but think of it as mailing in your time card to get paid! You can buy 3 different level vouchers, $200, $400, and $600, You only buy them ONE time, then the program is set up so they pay for themselves from then on! This is another of the BEST KEPT SECRETS on the internet, and it is WIDE OPEN! You can even join for FREE for 14 days to try it out! The final one is this little one that cost $7 a year, yeah that's all, but it has a great consumer buying product , and pays $111,110 when full! what do I care if it takes a while to fill? It cost $7 bucks, has a great product, and pays you as soon as people join! I already got a little money, and I just joined last week, my friend got some money the next day after she joined!
http://rondee918.beep.comThere is another one I like that I will probably work as well, because some one gifted me into it, but it is a pretty decent program, and is moving at the speed of light, which is great considering that it is a gifting program. I am not usually attracted to those but this one is definitely DIFFERENT, and has a lot of potential! And the members REALLY do help each other get paid! is what I am doing that is WORKING, and PAYING. I am not killing myself to promote them, and they are growing nicely. If you see anything you like, I am always looking for good, serious partners, and I have some interesting offers for you if you want to partner with me. Just shoot me an email titled Let's Partner. I am NOT going to do anything else right now, because (1) these are working and PAYING, (2) I need to build these fast enough so I can stay home when the Unemp runs out, and (3) I don't WANT too. So just contact me if you want to work with me on one or more or all of these ! I am available to answer any questions, comments, or just to share the knowledge I have learned as a result of losing all my money! lol:-) And trust me, it is a LOT of knowledge. But I am happy to say, I have finally found the key, and it worked the lock perfectly! So to your success, and mine, Sharon