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Enamul Huque

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Person Of The Week
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Donovan Baldwin ,The 257th POTW
11/24/2010 5:58:13 AM

Lots of Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Donovan Baldwin ,The 257th POTW
11/24/2010 9:20:54 AM
Hello Donovan,

Just wanted to let you know that I read your short piece about you and hope your disorder is not very bad. I guess I could be diagnosed hyperactivity myself, as at least in the last few years I have been hyperactive in a most disorderly way. Seems God keeps piling more work on some shoulders than we can cope with on a daily basis. However, I thank Him that have not yet become mad, at least not very visibly, lol.
Interesting too what I read in one of your blogs, about your writing poetry. I hope you publish some of it soon, if you have not, for us to read.

Wishing you the very best in all you do,


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Sam Sunday

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Donovan Baldwin ,The 257th POTW
11/24/2010 11:44:30 AM
Hello Donovan,

Just like Luis above, I have read your piece about you and it is my prayers that you recover soon from your disorder case. I agree with Luis that it seems God keeps piling more work on some shoulders than we can cope with on a daily basis. The good news is His promise of love and care over us.
keep that positive spirit - it is well!! I am also looking forward to your publishing some of those poetry works soon, for us to read.

Wishing you the well &

Sam Sunday

RE: It's Time to Congratulate Donovan Baldwin ,The 257th POTW
11/24/2010 2:35:05 PM

Thank you all very much. Unfortunately, this comes when I am in the process of moving back to Texas and I only get here once in a while. Once things smooth out, I hope to become more active than I have been.

Thanks again and...

Have a great day!!


RE: It's Time to Congratulate Donovan Baldwin ,The 257th POTW
11/24/2010 4:00:57 PM

Don, it is great to you as Person of the Week. Sorry it caught you at a disadvantage but I am sure you can come back later and fill in. Moving is such a challenge so I wish you much ease in the transition.

Thank you Barry for keeping this going.

For those of you interested in Don's poetry, he has a forum here and I am sure he was a Featured Poet during 2009, I believe.

Here is the link to at least one thread with Don's poems.




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