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Linda Miller

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What is your purpose for 2006?
12/27/2005 10:42:44 AM
Hello friends, Have you determined your primary purpose as you move into the new year 2006? One of the secrets for creating success in your life is to first determine your purpose for your life in general and measure all that you do against that purpose. For example, my primary purpose in all that I do is to make a difference in the lives of others and to be a participant in raising the consciousness of the planet on a spiritual level... so everything that I do must fit into that mold... and it does. Over the years I have collected a great variety of resources that have helped me to realize my purpose and to create abundance and prosperity in my life. I am grateful for these resources and I make them available to you at my website here: One of my primary means of making a difference in the world - one life at a time - is with greeting cards and a company called Send Out Cards. We have a great new line of 2006 CALENDAR greeting cards that are excellent for sending to your customers and clients - or to your family and friends. You may personalize your cards with all your contact information and you have a GIANT BUSINESS CARD that will be in front of your clients for the whole year of 2006! How's that for an effective marketing tool? In addition, Send Out Cards offers a web based contact management and greeting card system with more than 2500 greeting cards (or postcards) that can be personalized - in your own handwriting - and mailed for you with a real stamp in the US mail. You may schedule a single card or a series of cards to be mailed to one person or a group of people - with the click of a mouse - and each card will automatically be personalized on the inside with the individual's name. Visit my website and enter "Adlandpro" in the Coupon Code to request a free greeting card gift account to send two greeting cards to whomever you like - and I'll show you how the system works! Check our website to read recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers: You may contact me this week on my cell phone at 269-207-4655. Looking forward to a new beginning with YOU in 2006! Blessings.
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: What is your purpose for 2006?
12/27/2005 11:12:28 AM
Wow, I tis far and few between in this time and age to see and hear someone like you that actually has a true sincere desire to help others. A purpose that is what our purpose is/was meant to be from the begining. Your on the right track and no one needs to tell you. When you help others your problems seem to dissapear! Thanks Linda and hope to hear more from you here and also I have opted in on your website for the Business crads. Thanks for that info again also. Happy New Years, C. W.
Rose Smith

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Re: What is your purpose for 2006?
12/27/2005 11:46:36 AM
Linda: Do you have to decide to join the business immediately? Is the option open later if we sign up as a preferred customer at first?
Re: What is your purpose for 2006?
12/27/2005 12:53:48 PM
Hi Linda, Excellent forum. I am very familiar with Law of Attraction and how powerful it is. Your site is wonderful. Kathleen Gage May you always be on purpose with your purpose.
Kathleen Gage is one of the top rated business owners for 2004 in Utah. Get her FREE eBook on how to Gain More Leads, Better Prospects, Close More Sales
Re: What is your purpose for 2006?
12/27/2005 2:29:54 PM
Thank you for the invitation. I, too, want to help as many people as I can. Success is to be shared!! I am a very enthusiastic Christian, which is the base of my own spirituality, and I do promote that in my marketing efforts also. I belong to several programs that use the Law of Attraction for marketing and I am in total agreement, it's the way to go. I hope all of us here at Adland Pro are richly BLESSED for 2006. Thanks again for the invitation.
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