Subject: "Winning Netw0rking - 30 Points in 30 Minutes"
Did you ever notice there's a lot of competition in netw0rk market1ng?
How do you communicate to your pr0spect that you are a better choice than any of those others?
The secret to winning any netw0rking competition is your ability to differentiate yourself from the rest. On Saturday night, November 13th, at 8:55 pm Eastern time, Richard Dennis will present "Winning Netw0rking - 30 Points In 30 Minutes." To listen in, just reply to this email with "Winning" in the subject line, and I'll give you the call-in number.
What you learn on this telesem1nar can make a real difference in your f1nancial future. Hope you'll join us!
I appreciate you!
Take Care
Jessie veal