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Pat Lesaux

300 Posts
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Re: A Cat's New Year Resolutions
12/27/2005 2:49:53 PM
Happy New Year to you and yuor two cats.
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Re: A Cat's New Year Resolutions
12/27/2005 3:20:49 PM
Hi Linda, Being a cat lover,that really appealed to me.Thank you. Regards Nadine
Re: A Cat's New Year Resolutions
12/27/2005 5:26:40 PM
thanx for the Cat's New Year Resolutions my cat lickrice laughrd his a** off and so did I as always when I come home from work lickrice the ever loving cat he is curled up in my arms and helpes me read my email! =OD
Michael Ross Davis
Re: A Cat's New Year Resolutions
12/27/2005 5:38:28 PM
Hi Linda :) lol very cute!! Happy New Year!!:)
Lola Vanslette

87 Posts
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Re: A Cat's New Year Resolutions
12/27/2005 6:14:36 PM
Thanks Linda, I have three cats (today; tomorrow?? Who knows they come from somewhere, haven't figured it out yet); but there was a period of time I had 28 kittens and 5 momma's in my house. You definitely got them down to a science. At one time, when a couple of them got sick, I slept on "their" sofa...all of them sleeping on or around me, including on my head!! Cats are very curious creatures, they still facinate me so much. Computers are definitely off limits!! Its amazing how many times a computer can crash when a cat is on it; but watching them jump into windows they "knew" were opened a minute ago, and seeing them disappear into the sofa, as well as all the water disasters they are so attracted to makes rebooting the computer worth it. A fellow cat lover, Lola A

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