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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: A reduced presence
10/23/2010 4:34:12 AM
If you knew the world was the size of a grapefruit, and if you knew your perfect person was on it, you wouldn't just sit there.
Jim Allen

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RE: A reduced presence
10/23/2010 12:10:09 PM

Top 10 Worst Shoes To Wear And Step In Dog Poop

Well Roger,

Is this how you would have your patients/clients handle this situation? When one of them walks through doggie doo on the way to your office do you council them to throw the shoes away? I hope not. Anyways wipe the doggie doo off and Keep On Truckin'!

As the ol' saying goes.

You made a human error in the game of life. Seeking condolences and solace from others is human nature too.

Man up, you made a mistake, big deal! Only wimps and your future patients shy away from circumstances caused by our human natures. I didn't think you were either.

A real friend says it like it is,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: A reduced presence
10/23/2010 9:29:00 PM

My friends. Thank you.

I'm not due to go anwhere different.

It's just that I have spent so much time trying to get people to sortforums. It's this activity that I shall reduce.

I have now stopped all notifications but am checking posts.



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