Jesus Christ - “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from their sins.”
- MATTHEW 1:21
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Please include your name. Jesus Christ, Our Savior Building materials are imperfect. Some nails are crooked, some windows aren’t quite square and just about every board is a little curved. When building a home, a carpenter’s job is to form a perfect structure from these imperfect materials—to shape a precise whole out of what were once flawed pieces. A good carpenter will construct a home that can withstand not just everyday wear and tear, but will also stand up to an earthquake and severe storms. A good carpenter builds a home that is structurally sound. Jesus Christ was a carpenter. Joseph, His father here on earth, was a carpenter, and from a young age Jesus would have learned to recognize the properties of different materials, how to use their strengths and adapt their weaknesses to form perfect creations. We believe that under Heavenly Father’s direction Jesus Christ is also the carpenter of our souls. They know us each individually. They understand our strengths and weaknesses. They know where we came from and what we are capable of becoming, and though we are imperfect, They can help shape us into happy people worthy of the blessings of heaven. -
Jesus was born 2,000 years ago to a virgin mother named Mary in the city of Bethlehem. -
What Jesus Christ Means to Us When we accept Jesus Christ’s help we can feel peace in this life and return to Heaven after we die. God is our Heavenly Father, and like any parent He wants His children to be happy. In the scriptures, He says “my work and my glory [is] to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). Eternal life means to live in heaven, in His presence, with our families, forever. More than anything else, God wants us to make the decisions that will allow us to return to live with Him after this life. But the scriptures also say “no unclean thing can dwell with God” (1 Ne 10:21). As hard as we try to live good lives, we all make mistakes, so how can we live in God’s perfect kingdom if we are imperfect? God sent Jesus Christ to earth to give us a way to overcome our imperfections. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17). -
- Jason answered …
We need a Savior because we are not able to perfectly keep the commandments our Heavenly Father has … Show more We need a Savior because we are not able to perfectly keep the commandments our Heavenly Father has given us. In order to receive forgiveness for the human mistakes we make, we need a Savior who has paid the penalty for our sins through his suffering and crucifixion. We do not have power to overcome our sins by ourselves. We require the help of Jesus Christ. He provides us hope that we can return to our Heavenly Father again in spite of the mistakes we make on this earth. Show less -
- Chadd answered …
Because we are imperfect beings in an imperfect world. We need his sacrifice to become perfect and … Show more Because we are imperfect beings in an imperfect world. We need his sacrifice to become perfect and live with God again. Show less View all Answers Jesus Christ Suffered for Us When God created the world, He created a plan that allows us to learn and grow during this life. Jesus Christ was always a part of this plan. His role is not only to teach us about God and about how we should treat each other, but also to make a way for us to be forgiven after we make mistakes. Before He was crucified, Jesus prayed to God in the Garden of Gethsemane on our behalf, where He commenced to take upon Himself our sins and pain. He suffered for us so that we can be made clean. Christ’s suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross is called the Atonement. We can change our lives for the better when we accept Jesus Christ and His atonement. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the set of instructions we can follow to become clean, find lasting happiness in this life and eventually return to live with God. Faith in Jesus Christ A firm belief that Jesus Christ is our Savior inspires us to follow His teachings. We often hear the phrase, “Seeing is believing.” If we take this idiom literally and only believe what we see, what would happen if we went blind? Wouldn’t we be able to believe anything, or know for sure that anything exists? We would be able to know the existence of things, but we’d have to rely on other senses. We can know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, too, though we can’t see Him, by exercising our faith. Faith is a spiritual sense that tells us when something is true even if we can’t see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it. Faith in Jesus Christ is a firm conviction that He is who He says He is and that He will help us when we need Him. He is the Son of God, “The way, the truth and the life,“ and our Savior. Think of your closest friends. Do you trust them? Do you believe they will do what they promise? Why? Just like faith in our friends or family, faith in Jesus Christ comes from experience. If we try to do something He teaches and it makes us happy, our faith in Him will get stronger. As we continue to live according to His words, we will feel our confidence growing until it becomes an active force in our lives, helping us make good decisions and deal with our challenges (John 7:17). Faith in Jesus Christ isn’t a simple declaration—it is a source of power we must renew every day by studying His words, praying, and by trying harder to follow His example as we interact with the people around us. What do Mormons believe about Jesus Christ? Do Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? -
- Britty answered …
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he sacrificed his life … Show more We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he sacrificed his life for our sins so that we could repent and so that we could live with God again. Show less
- Spencer Javier answered …
Jesus Christ is the literal Son of our Heavenly Father in the flesh. He is … Show more Jesus Christ is the literal Son of our Heavenly Father in the flesh. He is our Redeemer and Saviour, “…I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent” Mosiah 3:17, "The Book of Mormon". I testify along with our Prophet and Apostles today that Jesus is the Christ, He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is our Mediator with the Father, He WILL bring us our salvation, as He said in the times of old "...follow thou me..." let us be diligent in following Him thru His chosen Prophets and Apostles, we are wise when we follow Him. Show less
- Laurel answered …
Jesus Christ is the son of God. He lives today. Through His atonement, we … Show more Jesus Christ is the son of God. He lives today. Through His atonement, we can receive a remission of our sins, and can return to live with our Heavenly Father again. Without the Savior, Jesus Christ, and a testimony of Him, we cannot return to live with our Heavenly Father. Show less View all Answers Watch “Finding Faith in Christ” A powerful biblical depiction of the life and ministry of the Savior, Jesus Christ (29:10). Repentance Making bad decisions causes us to feel sorrow, but Jesus Christ made a way for us to be forgiven. Having faith in Jesus Christ makes us want to live good lives. When we make mistakes, our faith can motivate us to do better. God understood when He created the earth that we wouldn’t be perfect, so He provided a way for us to make right the things we do wrong. Repentance is His way for us to overcome our mistakes. To repent we need to recognize and feel sorry for what we’ve done wrong, do whatever is possible to repair the damage it may have caused and to leave our bad behavior behind and follow the example of Jesus Christ. This process can be difficult and requires a lot of honesty, but the joy and freedom we feel when we turn away from our sins are well worth the effort. Because Christ took upon Himself our sins, we can be forgiven when we repent. That’s why the Atonement is so important to all of us. We believe that Christ’s atonement gives us the ability to repent and become clean from sin. To say we have to repent for our sins may sound like a punishment, but the real punishment is the disappointment we feel when we make a mistake. Repentance is the opposite of punishment, then, because it allows us to correct our mistakes and remove the bad feelings that follow our bad decisions. Baptism "Be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins." - Alma 7:14 -
- Dana!’s Baptism
I was dressed in a white dress. I entered the water and I … Show more I was dressed in a white dress. I entered the water and I felt a warm smile come to my face. I came out completely drenched and I felt I would never make a mistake again. I felt I was glowing. Show less View all Answers We join Jesus Christ’s church and wash away our sins by being baptized. Baptism is a commitment we make to follow Jesus Christ throughout our lives. When we develop faith in Him and repent of our sins, a person who has authority to baptize immerses us in water and raises us back up. This ordinance, or ceremony, suggests burial and rebirth, symbolizing the end of our old life and the beginning of a new life as a disciple of Christ. When we are baptized we take Jesus’ name upon us, which means we have become Christians in the full sense of the word and do our best to always live accordingly. Jesus was also baptized when He was on earth. He promised that if we follow His example and keep the promises we make when we’re baptized, we will have His Spirit to guide us through this life and we’ll have a place in heaven after it. Because Heavenly Father is a fair and loving God, we believe that everyone will have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ through baptism, if not in this life then in the next. After Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, “Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). We believe that God is also well pleased when each of us chooses to follow His Son and be baptized. He sees everything we do, knows us by name, and wants us to become clean so we can return to His presence. The Gift of the Holy Ghost God comforts, guides and strengthens us through the Holy Ghost. When Jesus was on the earth, He told a man named Nicodemus, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). After we are “born of water,” or baptized, we can be “born […] of the Spirit” by receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. A person with authority to do so puts his hands on our heads and gives us the right to this gift from God. The Holy Ghost is a Spirit that can dwell in our hearts. He is the third member of the Godhead, along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and live worthy of His company, He can always be with us. We call it a gift because the Holy Ghost is given to us from God to guide us as we face difficult decisions, comfort us when we are sad, influence our minds and feelings, and help us recognize when something is true. That we can receive this kind of divine help reminds us that God is personally invested in each one of us and that He wants to help us through the difficulties of our lives. How has the Holy Ghost helped you? -
- DarLee answered …
The Holy Ghost has warned me of danger and kept me out of bad situations. I … Show more The Holy Ghost has warned me of danger and kept me out of bad situations. I was going to take a trip with my friends to New York City. The day we were going to get together to buy our plane tickets I was absolutely sick to my stomach. I couldn't go through with it. I was supposed to be our tour guide since I had once lived near NY. But I told my friends I wouldn't do it.They were understanding. A month later they got together and planned their trip without me. They bought their tickets for a week earlier than we had originally planned. I ended up moving away so it all worked out. Later that fall when the World Trade Centers tumbled down, I realized that our original plan would have put us in NYC on Sept 11, 2001. My friends were safe at home by the time the disaster struck. Show less
- Stephen answered …
The Holy Ghost has helped me in many ways. The main way He has helped me is … Show more The Holy Ghost has helped me in many ways. The main way He has helped me is with comfort in times of sorrow. I know with his companionship, I am never alone. Show less
- Rina answered …
In the Mormon church, you start learning at the age of 3 about the Holy … Show more In the Mormon church, you start learning at the age of 3 about the Holy Ghost and how you should listen for " a still, small voice." I was 28 before I figured out how the Holy Ghost speaks to me. I always thought I should be hearing a man's voice speaking to me, cautioning me or warning me. So I grew up thinking that the Holy Ghost didn't ever speak to me. It wasn't because I was "bad", but just one of those things. When I was 28, I finally did some soul-searching and asking around about the matter. It turns out, that a lot of people don't hear an actual voice. They just have a thought come into their minds. And most of the time, it's their own voice they hear. There are some people who do or have heard an actual voice giving them warning or caution, but there are a lot of people just like me; we hear our own voice in our head prompting us to do something, or not to do something or answer a question we've had. While on the one hand, I'm sad that I was 28 years old before I figured that out,on the other hand, I'm glad I didn't just give up and assume that the Holy Ghost just didn't speak to me at all. Show less
- Marcia answered …
The Holy Ghost helped me through the death of my son in 1990, he was 9 … Show more The Holy Ghost helped me through the death of my son in 1990, he was 9 years old and by most peoples calculations much too young to die. I had called the men who hold the priesthood and they were on their way. One friend who was driving to the hospital where my son lay dead prayed on his way to ask what he should do. The Holy Ghost whispered to him "all is as it should be, comfort the mother". This instruction he included in his eulogy at my son's funeral, I was very very sad, but it helped me to know that God knew where my son was and that he was supposed to be there. I still wanted my son back but I love God and I knew that my son was His before he was mine, so I trusted him to take care of him until we can be together again, the Holy Ghost helps me to remember everyday that I must keep my promises to God so that I can be with my son again. So when ever temptation comes and someone asks me how I can with stand it, I am able to stand firm because I want to be with my child again and I can only do that if I am faithful in my covenants or promises. Show less
- Spencer answered …
The Holy Ghost has helped me in many ways throughout my life, but mainly it … Show more The Holy Ghost has helped me in many ways throughout my life, but mainly it has been there as a comforter; it has helped me through some of life's toughest times. The Holy Ghost has enlightened my heart and mind, and given me the inspiration needed to get through discouragement, grief, and fear. Show less View all Answers Continuous Christianity “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 Faith in Jesus Christ means following Him throughout our lives. Think of a close friend you’ve lost touch with over the years. How did it happen? Or think of a friend you only speak with once a year. What are your conversations like? Do you build new bonds with the person or are you always trying to catch up to where you used to be? A relationship with Jesus Christ is like any other—it can start to fade if we fall out of touch. It takes a lot of work to develop enough faith to repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, but we have to continue to live righteously to receive all the blessings God wants to give us. The key is to think of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a process rather than a checklist. We can continue to develop our faith in Him every day by reading His words in the scriptures and praying to our Heavenly Father. We’ll keep making mistakes throughout our lives, but we can repent every time we do so as long as we are striving to improve, because Jesus Christ’s atonement is never-ending. We can remember the promises and blessings of baptism by taking the sacrament at church every Sunday. We can continue to rely on the comfort and guidance of the Holy Ghost who will help us return to live with God. Which of the Savior’s teachings have influenced you in your life? -
- Richard’s story …
The Savior's invitation in the New Testament to take upon us His yoke and that by doing so our … Show more The Savior's invitation in the New Testament to take upon us His yoke and that by doing so our burdens would be light and we would have peace has been an invitation that I accepted and proven many times over in my life. Many times while serving others through my church assignments, I have faced great personal trials—the type of trials that sometimes leave individuals despondent and without hope. I have lost employment, had severe health problems, etc. However, as I chose to faithfully continue to serve my fellow brothers and sisters, the way has been provided for me to overcome the trial and become stronger and I have felt the promised peace brought to me by the Holy Ghost. My burdens truly have become light through service and I have witnessed the Lord's tender mercies in my behalf and also in behalf of others. Show less
- Bob’s story …
I have always been so impressed with the Savior's ultimate mandate: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy … Show more I have always been so impressed with the Savior's ultimate mandate: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Matthew 22: 37-39." I think the world would be a different place if each of us embraced this teaching. Show less -
- Nancy Jane’s story …
The compassion and love that the Savior exhibited throughout his earthly mission has been impactful … Show more The compassion and love that the Savior exhibited throughout his earthly mission has been impactful in my life. His whole life exemplified these teachings. I look to Him for an example of how to treat others. Even though I am NOWHERE near where He was, I can look to Him for the benchmark. Show less
- Todd Hanson’s story …
I love when the Savior taught about being true to your own self. The example he gave of people being … Show more I love when the Savior taught about being true to your own self. The example he gave of people being "good on the outside" and "bad on the inside", teaches us to not be "fake" to others. I am far from perfect, but I always keep what the Savior taught in mind. I would rather be real, then pretend to be some perfect person. People are always going to be better than me at some things, but I will always show what I am really like. Even my friends who are not members of my church, know that I do what I say I do. I know that Heavenly Father is sad when people say one thing and do another. Show less View all Answers Sometimes, even when we are doing our best to follow Christ’s example, we will run into obstacles to our happiness. Many of the things that weigh us down are not the result of sin. Death or illness of loved ones, stress at work or the difficulty of raising a family can sometimes overwhelm us. Jesus Christ said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). As soon as we are willing to turn to Him, we will feel His love. This is another benefit of continuous Christianity—the closer we come to Jesus Christ, the more we will realize that God is aware of us in our joy and in our sadness. We can take comfort in the fact that God has a plan for us and with Christ’s help we can happily fulfill that plan and return to live in Heaven. This gives us a broader perspective and makes life’s smaller troubles more manageable. - Chat with Us
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