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Questions on Blogging ....
12/26/2005 6:57:12 PM
I have two questions on blogging. If you would please go to: What Blog Service Do You Use and Why? and answer the 2 questions. I will compile the answers in the future and post both there and here. Thank you for your time. Kenneth R Sword Jr
Nan Herring

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Re: Questions on Blogging ....
12/27/2005 9:02:50 PM
hi, i posted. nan
Re: Questions on Blogging ....
1/1/2006 6:17:53 PM
Ken, I'm thinking about getting a blog, I havent yet because I so busy with other things. What should I look for?
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Re: Questions on Blogging ....
1/19/2006 3:39:28 AM
Hello James, Sorry for such a late reply. I quote "What should I look for?" Best to start with what you will use it for. Personal, business or both? What features do you need and then want? Will you put click ads on it? What about audio? Video? Pic storage? Will it be syndicated? RSS Do you have the need for readers' feedback? What about backlinking? Do you want email notifications sent when new posts are made? Do you need multiple catagories for your posts? Need flexability to blog template design? 1 column, 2 column or 3 column design? Do you want to get paid as an affiliate of promoting the blog service you are with and does it offer this service? Hopefully, this list will help you with making a desision. Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:
Nan Herring

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Re: Questions on Blogging ....
1/19/2006 4:49:23 PM
hi, ooooooooo i have to jump back in here. bizzyblogs is the place to get all that, and so much more. bizzyblogs is going into the future of blogging ready to handle the new technolgy as it comes and it can make you money too. nan