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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/15/2010 4:13:45 PM

Evelyn, thank you again for voicing your opinion. I will only respond to this part of it.

Soooo Sara, I was right. You are a member of the POTW team. Why have you not been upfront about that? Why the big secret? I have suspected it for some time after watching you reply to posts in this forum before and from some of your replies this time. I may rarely post here but that doesn't mean I don't keep up with it.
I chose to not be vocal about it because of just this type of reaction. If you have a problem with it, you are free to let it be known to the Administration. I want everyone to feel free to come here and vote, to nominate and reward the winners. It was no big secret and if you had asked me I would have told you. Why don't you get involved since you are so familiar with the activities of other members? It would be a great help. I do not have time to read all the posts made because there are other things I enjoy more.
Since no one was helping come up with nominees, I have looked for worthy members and you have that same choice. I certainly did not do a Google search on the persons.
As far as the rest of your statement, I will leave that to others to respond because I don't quite understand where you are coming from since I don't believe I have done these things. Yes, I did call a name here for one of the candidates because I had reported the spamming. Maybe the person has learned a lesson and if so, that is a good thing.
Anything further you have to ask of me, I would appreciate a pm. I will not get into any further open personal discussions.
Thank you,
Barry Scott

492 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/15/2010 4:18:09 PM

Hello Members,

The eligibility criterion is listed in the POTW. If it is met they are eligible to be the Person of the Week. We list those who meet these criteria and are suggested by members or if necessary selected by the POTW Administration.

There is no “fix” or favoritism on whom I select. When I have to make the selections (due to no other suggestions being made by members), it can take at least an hour of my business day as well as the time I spend at home (my personal time) looking for eligible candidates to be listed based on the criteria and I also look for a social aspect to the profile as well. I do not feel it is incumbent upon us to investigate every single message a person has made nor do I believe that what one person’s opinion are define an individual.

This could also be easily alleviated by members’ making suggestions (a POTW contribution) so the administration is not in the position to have to make selections for candidates to be listed.

If that person does not meet up to the standards of the member voting, then they do not vote for them, there are always 4 or 5 selections to choose from.

Suggestions for the Person of the Week can be made by any member, by posting it into the pinned "Suggestions for Eligible Members" or by sending me a private message. If you have made a suggestion in the past you will see that if they met the criteria they have been listed as a candidate.

To date I have received one (1) private message to nominate a member and if you take a look at the thread for suggestions you will see the responses there are few. Which is somewhat surprising as to why there is complaints of who is listed but to date there are seven to nine suggestions of who to list since February 2010.

I am surprised and somewhat shocked that there was such a reaction to an eligible member being listed. I have seen no reports of complaints to the Administration for the member in question for any reason. If I saw a member that had some type of allegation against them I would certainly look into it further before listing them as a candidate.

The Adlandpro Administration has always acted on reports of abuse, however simply because a complaint is made does not bar/ban that individual, we do need proof of the allegations and not just beliefs, opinions or judgment by others.

I am also upset by the rally cry of a few members to discredit the POTW and the community based on what they feel is some type of careless oversight on our part. I am also shocked by the individuals who are making statements that are bordering on slanderous or libelous.
Adland is a business community that has developed a very good social aspect to it, this makes it unique and in some cases real friendships have developed apart from any business relationship. Adlandpro as one member posted earlier is to Network, Promote, and Advertise their Business Opportunities, the social aspect of the community is developed by its members as an addition to the business side.

A few members have posted some of these sentiments already. I do believe that we have to be respectful of each other and live and let live. There are enough safeguards in place to protect each member.


Barry Scott





Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/15/2010 4:26:04 PM
Soooo Sara, I was right. You are a member of the POTW team. Why have you not been upfront about that? Why the big secret? I have suspected it for some time after watching you reply to posts in this forum before and from some of your replies this time. I may rarely post here but that doesn't mean I don't keep up with it.

Hello Evelyn,

Sara has volunteered when we looked for a person to run POTW award several months ago to promote it and this is what she has done.

She would announce it in her forums, send direct messages about it and contact her friends directly about it.

This was the extent of her participation. She wasn't making decision who would be nominated or even exchanged ideas with us about it.

The person who was running the shaw was Barry, our employee and he committed as much time for this as he could between his other responsibilities which he has as an Adladpro support team member.

All Sara did is help never asking for credits.

Bogdan Fiedur
Bill Brown

480 Posts
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RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/15/2010 4:51:22 PM

Bill, I am sorry you feel the way you do about the voting forums. It used to be 'fixed' at one time but I believe with all of us working together, we have a much better and more stable voting system. You are entitled to your opinion and it is good to have you drop by and state it. I wish you would vote.

Have a good day,



why on earth would I want to vote for any of the 4 people put forward?

I have never heard of some of them, and of those I have heard of one is infamous among the members for being a spammer. Something Bogdan refuses to acknowledge.
RE: Vote for the 253rd POTW
10/15/2010 4:52:26 PM
Sara who said I had a problem with it? What do you mean by "this type of reaction". I would really like to know what you mean by this statement.
You didn't need to do a Google search to find out your nominee was promoting a gifting scam. if you had only looked at her profile under her forums you would have seen the first one listed was where she was promoting a gifting program. And I think also the main reason no one was helping come up with nominees is because the POTW is no longer an honorable award and hasn't been for a LONG time. In other words, very few people are interested in it anymore.
"Why don't you get involved since you are so familiar with the activities of other members?" This is exactly the reason I don't get involved. The only reason I ever posted in this forum to begin with (after I got through laughing my head off) was because as I said in my first post this was a stroke of brilliance. And if anyone else saw it the same way I did it will need no explanation.
"I do not have time to read all the posts made because there are other things I enjoy more." It doesn't take a lot of time to read back through the post history. I only read the ones that catch my attention.
I have no reason to send you a PM. If you think I do then you can send me one.
Bogdan, Sara stated in this forum that one of the nominees was hers. Her words not mine. I couldn't care less who is on the POTW team because as I said before I rarely vote in it and from watching the totals evidently a lot of other people think the same way. Answering posts in the POTW forum and promoting it are two different things. Evidently I came across the wrong way. I was just wondering why keep it a secret.

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