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Loving From Heart (or) Brain ?
10/10/2010 4:34:04 PM

Dear Friends...........!

Which one you prefer ?

Loving from heart (or) Loving from brain.

Which is better & why ?

Share your valuable comments with our friends.

Thanks and Regards............!

Friendly Yours,


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Loving From Heart (or) Brain ?
10/10/2010 7:19:34 PM

Gani, Love

Being boring, I believe that the mind, and therefore the seat of love, is in the front cortex of the brain.

I confess that our chest, therefore the heart, feels like the centre of our emotions.

Both views of course are represented in religious and cultural beliefs but as we begin to recognise the front cortex as being the "control centre" of our body, all reason points to this being the seat of love.

There again, who am I to argue with the classics of Rome and of Greece and even more, with Shakespeare.


RE: Loving From Heart (or) Brain ?
10/11/2010 4:14:07 PM

Dear Roger.......My Friend !

Thank you very much for your wonderful explanation.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers...............!

Friendly Yours,



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