THE 251st   Bill Farish My wife and i were both born in the UK. Retired early 3 years ago. Sold the house, lived in India for a while. Now living in Chiang Mai Thailand. We both have published ebooks. We joined in the Holi Festival in Jaipur India. This is where complete strangers throw coloured powder over each other. Fantastic. And no it did not wash out of the shirt. My wife joined in as well. You should have seen the state of the hotel shower when we had finished trying to wash off the coloured powder. Great Day. Well we have left Chiang Mai. and now we are living in Esentepe. North Cyprus. We had to get a bit closer to Europe. Please visit our web-site. To see more of our books. There is also links to lot's of helpful and interesting pages. Thank You. Bill Farish