THE 244th   Roger Macdavitt Based in the United Kingdom I consider communication to be the most important online skill. I have past experience from within the printing trade, this led me, through spacial skills, into garden design where, until recent health issues intervened, I have until now, made my principle living. I use my aquired skills (NLP and Hypnotherapy) to create an affiliate driven communication platform. I consider teams to be the best way to work in developing any business. I have a loving and supportive family who are a joy to me and I hope I am to them. I am a christian with very strong views about fairness and equality. I have been involved in MLM for many years and am currently working with an established debtfree company to establish a wider international presence. My burning desire is to improve the lot of children in particular and on a worldwide basis. To encourage better family stability, love and family security has to be a priority for this century. Watch out for a brand new approach to business building as a team with GLACIAL MOVEMENT TEAM. I offer a range of opportunities to make money with a selection of different programs and advertising schemes. I frequently review my options always going forward. Roger Macdavitt