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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/18/2010 3:07:18 PM
Hello Bill,

My thoughts are with you.
I went through this with my dad and I understand how you feel.

Bogdan Fiedur
Pauline Raina

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/18/2010 3:14:05 PM

UPDATE 2 Saturday 14th

Well its Saturday evening 21.30 to be more accurate. I am more convinced that I have made the correct decision.

When I arrived at the hospital on Thursday I could manage to hobble to the toilet without my crutches (it was about 15 paces there and back. This morning I found that I could put almost no weight on the foot and had to use one crutch to make the short distance round trip. This evening I am reduced to using both crutches.

This is in my opinion a very clear indication that things are going down hill fast.

I have a natural aversion to using pain killers and sleeping pills. this has always been the case even after major surgery. I have always used will power to fight off pain.

Up to now I am still resisting talking pain killers but its getting more and more difficult to shut it out. I really do not want to take any until after the operation, as I figure that way If i do have to use them after the op they will have maximum effect as my body has not been allowed to get used to them before hand. I am naturally going to do my utmost to resist taking any, but if needs must...

In the mean time keeping busy and staying positive and

lets see what tomorrow brings.

UPDATE 3 Monday 16th

Well its Monday evening so basically 2 days to go.

I didn't post yesterday as it was very quiet day being Sunday.

I really want to know is there a special diploma that people must study for and attain to become cooks in hospital kitchens? The food I am sure starts off nice and fresh and of good quality. So what the hell happens between it being delivered and being served up. You really want to know??? Ok here is the secret, they let the hospital kitchen cooks loose on it. (By the way I use the term cooks very loosely and apologize if i offend any real cooks.) These people then proceed to deliberately turn the perfectly good good they were supplied with into indescribable messes.

They are very crafty, if you have had the misfortune to be in hospital for any length of time have you noticed that IF (and it is very rare but it does happen) the food does look good then the better it looks the colder it is? so you still end up either leaving it or eating crap.

Anyway i digress lol so back to the matter at hand.

The operation is going ahead on Wednesday and It is scheduled to start at 13.30 UK time and should last about 1 hour. I have been told there will then be about 3 hours in recovery before being brought back to the ward.

It is apparently going to be an above the knee amputation which means it will be a bit more difficult to re learn to walk as I will need to compensation made for the fact there is no knee joint.

As far as I am concerned it just means more effort will be needed as I have no intention of letting it slow me down if i can help it.

UPDATE 4 Tuesday 17th

There are now just 14 and a half hours to go.

All the papers are signed, my obs are ok with blood pressure good pulse 48 so still nice and calm and collected.

I did start this post a couple of hours ago but I had to break off making it as I had a new client signup and I have spent the last two hours teaching him how to ftp and how to use the basics of cpanel lol.

Thats one good and positive way to lead up to the operation making a sale and training the person lol.

Ok its now just on 23.00 so I am going to close out and will be back on after the operation.

We will be waiting to hear from you again Bill....prayers follow you my friend !!!


Jim Allen

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/18/2010 4:04:59 PM
Hey There Bill,

I agree Life is a B1tch but, dude we have work to do so this laying around in bed is getting to be an old excuse ;-()

Just pulling your the other one

I look forward to hearing from you soon. My thoughts and yes, prayers are with and for you.

See ya soon my friend.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/18/2010 4:46:35 PM

Do you know something Bill.

There are some really nice people here.


Phillip Black

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/18/2010 4:50:31 PM

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the updates. Great to see that you're still upbeat & positive. Hope you get that Cup of Coffee soon my Friend.

I'll leave a Prayer for you over at Sara's Candle of Love Forum, but I had to stop by here as well, just to let you know that you're in my Thoughts & Prayers.

God Bless My Friend,


P.S. Amanda: You're in luck that you've now relocated to the Lexington, NC, area. Community General Hospital over in Thomasville, NC, has as solved the food problem. Seriously, I still eat at the Cafeteria at least twice a week, more often if I'm in the area, and the food was just as good during my recent Inpatient stay as their "Guest" a few months back.

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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