A photo of a naked man alleged to be walking along the street immediately after the London street attack. Photo:beforeitsnews
By Stephen Cook – May 23, 2013
In Bangladesh, four of the world’s five worst-ever tornadoes have claimed upwards of thousands of lives. In fact on April 26, 1989, a 22.4 sq mile area in Bangladesh’s Manikganj district was devastated by the Daulatpur-Saturia Tornado which claimed 1,300 lives.
In countries across the globe – from Syria to Mexico, from Brazil to the Congo – violence, in the form of unfathomably vicious street attacks on innocent men, women and children, is an everyday fact of life.
But today, we’re all sitting up taking notice of a truly bizarre and horrific attack on one man in a quiet London street. At the same time, we’re still reeling from the aftermath of a violent tornado that eerily ripped through a major American city, originally supposedly killing 91 people – which oddly (and yet fortunately) was later lowered to 24 – and which is still affecting thousands of lives.
Why are these two stories making headlines right around the world?
Neither event is anything less than horrific: both sent shivers down my spine as soon as I learned of them; the thought of the ‘fearful’ energy of both is nothing less than overwhelming. If you let it be.
And yet, if I sit within my own equilibrium and balance, I become somewhat detached from both events; I see them in another weirdly ‘que sera, sera’ kind of way. Let me explain.
Both events have quickly drawn claims of being ‘staged’, in some way. That’s the power of today’s internet and the ever-increasing number of people who are growing weary – and also aware – of the lies we’ve been fed about many things. From how wars have started, to who really perpetrated 9/11, to whether the vaccinations we give our children are truly safe. The list goes on.

Two babies and eight other young children were among the 24 people killed by a tornado that tore through the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore.
Dutchsinse, the man with his eye on HAARP, had instant readings that HAARP had been used around the Oklahoma City southern suburb of Moore prior to the tornado’s sudden arrival. You can read what he had to say here:http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/5202013-oklahoma-city-massive-tornado-damage-radar-pulse-haarp-ring-scalar-square-confirmation/
If he’s right, then what happened in Oklahoma on Monday was sinister indeed – although, I’m personally not quite sure of what benefit creating such a wild weather event would do, other than earn of lot of money for people who are involved in either the temporary accommodation industry (finding homes for the homeless) or the construction industry (rebuilding all that was destroyed).
If it was a last gasp of the dark to create fear and terror from nature and our planet, then it certainly did its job.
Either way, my heart, and no doubt all our hearts, go out to all – the children, the families – who’ve been affected by this freak weather event.
Meanwhile, just as questions arose within hours of the Boston marathon event, people around the world are questioning whether the London beheading was real and if it was a staged event.
Certainly, the mysterious appearance of the photo above – supposedly of a naked man walking the streets of the London suburb of Woolwich immediately after the incident – is bizarre, to say the least.
But what if he was there as a distraction, simply to make people turn away from what was really going on. (And how come he wasn’t arrested?)
However, in the even more ‘stranger than strange’ category, we’ve seen the two men who allegedly committed the attack blatantly court attention from passers by immediately after they’d caused such grief. Asking people to photograph and film them and making no attempt to flee the scene. Yes, they were both shot but you’d expect them to run and hide after committing such a crime. (Oh, and of course, they were once again, supposedly, Muslim.)

Ingrid Loyau-Kennett confronts one of the attackers (@dannymckiernan)
Even more bewildering to me is why a local woman also engaged one of the two ‘criminals’ in a long conversation – becoming a brave hero in this odd incident. But did she actually have no actual fear because no fear was actually present? (I can’t see or feel fear in the photo, at left.)
So, due to my questioning of other events, I’m even wondering if this woman was a ‘plant’ – as terrible as that sounds. If she was simply a planted ‘brave passer by’, it would be very easy for her to be the first ”witness’ to say the man had no pulse. Yet what if he was already dead and this event was completely staged. The mind seriously boggles these days, because anything is possible, no matter what we’re being led to believe.
So, with all these questions bouncing around, do you see how I can now feel detached from both events despite their seeming tragedy?
For, if they were both among the last full frontal gasps of the dark, then they will be seen for what they are very quickly. As maybe they already are.
And then there’s the other thought process. And that is this: if we are all here to play a role, and we have a chosen destiny, then are those destinies now playing out?
Maybe the men who did this awful beheading are really here to bring the atrocities that are going on, day after day, in other cities and countries of the world to all of our attention.
Maybe they did what they did (if indeed it did happen) to make the rest of the world go ‘enough is enough, we have to clean up the root causes of all such violence’.
And if the Oklahoma tornado was ‘manufactured’ for some reason that isn’t yet apparent to me (or even if it was naturally-caused weather event) despite the tragedy it has caused, hasn’t it also united a community with love and compassion as they rebuild their lives.
As we’ve been told, this time between April 25 (when the most recent lunar eclipse took place) and this coming Saturday May 25, when another lunar eclipse will take place, was always going to be a wild ride.
It’s certainly been that. Yet something deep inside tells me that we all need to sit back, retain our balance, remain detached and not be overcome by any drama – for a whole lot of good (WAY more than we possibly realise) is also going on.