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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2013 5:19:53 PM

Gold Price Falling and Falling…

goldStephen: Gold? Oil? AU$22 billion wiped off the Australian sharemarket in the past two days? As this story indicates, confusion reigned at the close of today’s trading here in Australia on April 16 (remember, our markets are ahead of the UK and US). The price of gold has been falling over the past few weeks. Today it slumped further as oil dropped to just $88 a barrel (see separate post below). Just what (or who?) is causing such a downward spiral in the prices of major commodities and shares? It only makes me wonder if there’s any link between these continual price drops, the possible imminent implementation of a new financial system, and yesterday’s tragic Boston Marathon incident being a potential false flag (see Geoffrey West’s article above)? Hmmm…

Gold, Share Price Drop Baffles Investors

By Greg Roberts, The Age- April 16, 2013

Australian investors were left confused after $7 billion was wiped off the value of the sharemarket, taking the losses in two days to more than $22 billion.

The price of gold, normally considered a save-haven investment, is bucking normal behaviour by tumbling at record levels as sharemarkets also fall.

Events in the world’s two largest economies, the US and China, were cited as being responsible for the ASX’s woes.

US markets plunged by two per cent overnight amid worries about an end to monetary stimulus being discussed, along with the fatal bombing at the Boston Marathon.

Australia’s 0.46 per fall wasn’t as bad but that followed a 0.91 per cent hit on Monday.

Australia’s largest trading partner, China, reported weaker than hoped for economic growth so far this year.

Investors believed the US economy will suffer if it stops pumping money into the economy and are “pricing that future” now, according to CMC Markets chief market strategist Michael McCarthy.

Their worries then affect the price of commodities used in growing economies, such as oil and copper, which cause steep falls in mining and energy stocks.

“All of the growth in oil markets is coming from essentially emerging nations in Asia, I think that’s why those two groups of commodities have been hit very hard over the last 24 hours,” Mr McCarthy told AAP.

He said the current falls might not be a bad thing because they would stave off a nastier correction later.

The big gains made on the ASX in the first two months of the year were too great, with share price rises far outstripping profit gains, he said.

Australian shares are expensive, trading at above 20 times their earnings per share, compared to only 14-15 for US and German companies.

CommSec market analyst Steve Daghlian said the sharemarket had posted 9.5 per cent growth in the first two months of 2013 and expecting that to continue would have meant a “ridiculous” 60 per cent jump for the year.

Gold stocks continued to be hammered on the back of the falling gold price, which plunged by nearly $US76 in Sydney to $US1,377 a fine ounce.

The Australian dollar is trading lower, as expected when global uncertainty pushes investors to the US currency, but at a relatively strong 103.72 US cents.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2013 5:33:03 PM
NOTE: The false-flag terrorist hypothesis on the Boston bombings is gathering strenght from a New-Ager's view.

Two Dead in Questionable Bombings in Boston

Boston Marathon 345

Picture-perfect response from Boston police (Please note that this is the same picture of the Boston police used in a Facebook page that was mounted hours before the bombing occurred; see below.)

With help from Stephen Cook. Revised.

See also Geoffrey West, “Boston, A Potential False Flag,” at

On the day that Poof suggests the Iraqi dinar re-valuation was to be announced, explosions have occurred in Boston. You remember that the World Trade Center attacks occurred on the day that NESARA was to be announced in 2001.

The finish line at the Boston Marathon was bombed twice “in what is being described as a coordinated ‘event,” according to the Atlantic Wire. (1)

As with 9/11, the attack was immediately identified as being “terrorist,” this time by “federal authorities.”

“Federal authorities are classifying the bombings as a terrorist attack, but it’s not clear whether the origin was domestic or foreign, a federal law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said.” (2)

The Boston Commissioner of Police didn’t come right out and say the bombings were terrorist-related but he implied it:

“The commissioner declined to call the blasts a terrorist attack, but said, ‘You can reach your own conclusions about what happened here.’” (3)

As with 9/11 the “experts” consulted agreed that it was terrorism: “’It is quite the counterterrorism effort,’ said Mr. Roman, who runs Roman & Associates, a New York firm.” (4)

As so often with events such as these, we have the symbolic links. In this case, “the 26th mile marker in this year’s marathon was actually dedicated to the victims of Newtown.”(5) Hardly a symbol that might appeal to a foreign terrorist. But it does appeal to the domestic mind.

These reports were followed by the news that a Saudi national was being questioned, though not as a suspect.

“Officials began questioning at least one person in connection with the explosions that tore through the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing at least two people and injuring dozens more, officials said….

“A federal law enforcement officials said authorities were questioning a Saudi national who was taken to a Boston hospital with injuries. The person was not identified as a suspect.” (6)

If he was not a suspect, why was his nationality mentioned? Surely nationals of many countries participate in the Boston Marathon and might have been questioned. Why then mention only the Saudi’s nationality? Linguistic analysts call this the irrelevant modifier, like saying “the Black senator from New York.” But remember that many of the 9/11 “hijackers” were said to be Saudis.

Photo of picture-perfect Boston police responding to bombings appeared on Facebook at 7:37 a.m. on Monday when bombings occurred eight hours later. See 42-second mark.

Initial reports held that three devices were found that did not explode.

“The authorities also found a device at St. James and Trinity Streets that did not explode, the person said, and two other devices were found, including one in Newton, outside of Boston.” (7)

Other reports said that two unexploded devices were found.

“A senior U.S. intelligence official said two other explosive devices were found near the marathon finish line.” (8)

Others report only one other unexploded device and say that police intended to explode it.

“And there were reports that another device has been found and will be detonated.” (9)

Thus the press learned that the device would be exploded before it was. That suggests that there was not an immediate danger of it exploding. If there was not, why were attempts not made to preserve it as a very important piece of evidence?

Next we hear that the police exploded the device, destroying that valuable item: “Officials said that a suspicious package was found and destroyed by police at the Mandarin hotel.” (10)

Not only did they explode it, but they used the very crude device of a water cannon in a crowded part of Boston:

“A third explosion was heard about an hour after the first two after authorities warned spectators to expect a loud noise from a water cannon that police apparently were using to destroy one of the devices.” (11)

Then comes a report that police may have defused two of the bombs.

“According to the AP and an unnamed intelligence official, two more devices were reportedly being defused: ‘Intelligence official: 2 more explosive devices found at Boston Marathon; being dismantled.’” (12)

Keep in mind the plane that crashed outside Camp David on 9/11 that was mentioned in the early accounts and then disappeared from the record. Keep in mind as well all the parts of the “airplane” that smashed into the Pentagon that were removed and never seen again, along with all videotapes of the event. Will these unexploded devices go into the same evidential black hole?

Much of the evidence from 9/11 was shipped to China. Little of consequence has ever resurfaced … except for a passport belonging to one of the hijackers which survived going through the World Trade Center fireball, emerging unsinged and practically falling into the lap of the FBI.

The exploded devices were described as homemade: “NBC Nightly News reported that law enforcement officials say that a ‘small homemade bomb’ was the cause of the explosion.” (13) No explanation is given as to how this could be known about a device that had already exploded. Had they recovered pieces? Were they big enough to establish that it was a homemade device? The allegation of a homemade device lends credibility to the explanation of “terrorism.”

The New York Times reports that “authorities in large cities are typically on the highest level of alert for events like a marathon, said Anthony Roman, a security expert.” (14) Although this was the case, we have perhaps five explosive devices (perhaps more) having been planted on a city street most likely before the marathon and none of the security personnel or surveillance cameras picking up any unusual activity before the fact.

Then we hear “from a scanner that there was a device in a trashcan.” (15) Again trashcans would seem to be an obvious place to hide an explosive device. I was under the impression that security officials had long taken steps to see that trashcans could not be used to hide a bomb at a public event. But here a trashcan proved to be the hiding place, safe from the prying eyes of an already-watchful security.

Next a news report came in saying that Boston PD had an actual video of a suspect with multiple backpacks: ” CBS News is reporting that Boston PD has video of someone ‘bringing multiple backpacks to blast site.’” (16)

One would suspect that a person carrying multiple backpacks would fit the profile of a person of interest and be intercepted or at least searched by a vigilant security force, such as the picture-perfect police in the shot of the authorities reacting to the first bomb blast. They break and head in all directions, looking about as glamorous as Hollywood actors. No Fort Apache in Boston.

“’They have all the analytic cameras in the city focusing on the race with their advanced software network, reading license plates,’ Mr. Roman said.” (17) But with all the high-tech surveillance and the Johnny-on-the-spot cops on the beat, they could not pick up someone wearing multiple backpacks seeding the trashcans of the area with multiple explosive devices. Perhaps it was nighttime.

I’m reminded of how on 9/11 the country with the largest air force had not a plane available to intercept several meandering planes full of “hijackers.” Except one they sent out to sea.

We go to so much expense to build so many security systems, subject civilians to so many searches, and position so many closed circuit cameras everywhere, but when push comes to shove we somehow cannot nab Saudi nationals with multiple backpacks putting homemade bombs in trashcans at the heavily-guarded Boston Marathon.

Accompanying these events we have unexpected stock-market activity today. Remember that there was heavy short-selling of airline and other stocks immediately before 9/11.

“Free-Market Analysis: The mainstream media is filled with reports of stock markets moving up and precious metals moving down. One would think the bad times were over and the good times had begun again. … As part of the alternative press, it may sound as if we are criticizing a trend we don’t understand. But we are not alone in believing that something is amiss.” (18)

So what else was predicted to happen today? Well, Poof speculated that the Iraqi reval might appear on the Foreign Exchange today. That is one big nail in the coffin of the cabal.

“There was much activity on the reval of currencies this past week, the question is, what of the public? Will they finally allow the pubic in on it? Will we see it on Forex Monday?” (19)

He asked who could frown at these events save people with control issues.

“When value is reattached to something of worth for everybody, then equity across the board is the results for everybody. What’s the problem with that? There is no feasible argument can be made against liberating people…unless you have control issues.” (20)

Now remember that on Sept. 11, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. in the World Trade Center, NESARA was going to be declared. And consider that the Iraqi revaluation is one of the pivotal events in the new NESARA being declared.

Poof closed with the words of Yogi Berra: “It’s not over til it’s over.” Prophetic words.

Now for the spin. Todd Robberson of the Dallas News wasted no time linking the Boston bombings to 9/11 and Al Qaeda:

No one knows who was behind the explosions in Boston today. But it’s worth noting that Boston was the location where the two planes took off on 9/11 that brought down the World Trade Center in New York.

A trademark of al-Qaeda and its affiliates is to launch attacks in ways that are highly photogenic, guaranteed to inflict maximum casualties and, most important, generate maximum television coverage. Something like 27,000 people run in the Boston Marathon, and thousands more gather along the route, with heavy concentrations at the finish line. The fact that multiple explosives have been found near the Boston Marathon site suggests another trademark of al-Qaeda, which has a preference for attacks in multiple stages, or multiple bombs set to go off all at once in a big blast.

Al-Qaeda also patiently looks for openings and areas of vulnerability. The New York Marathon, for example, would have had such tight security it would have been almost impossible to infiltrate a bomb without the perpetrator being caught. Boston probably wasn’t on anyone’s radar for a big attack. How the bomber was able to plant these explosives is something that investigators will no doubt spend many weeks trying to uncover.

There are so many weirdos out there right now. The 26th mile marker, not far from the finish line in Boston, was devoted to the 26 people killed in the Newtown, Connecticut, massacre in December. Since those killings, all the talk of gun control has led to some pretty extremist rhetoric. CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen suggested this could be the work of “right-wing extremists,” similar to the Oklahoma City bombing. (21)

Expect in the next days and weeks more reports and analyses linking the Boston Bombings to Al Qaeda.

Have we not seen all this before? Are we really expected to buy it this late in the game? Hopefully people have awakened enough by now that they can see through so unlikely an event.

If so many people were not killed or injured, the event would be comic. But the wholesale devastation caused to the innocent makes this latest probable false-flag attack a great tragedy. We’ll watch the messages in the next few days to see if someone can inform us of who the culprits really are. (22) Give you good odds they won’t turn out to be Saudis.


(1) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(2) Josh Levs, “Terrorism strikes Boston Marathon as bombs kill 2, wound dozens,” CNN, April 15, 2013, at

(3) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(4) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(5) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(6) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(7) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(8) “Boston Marathon Explosion: Headquarters On Lockdown Following Blast Near Race Finish Line (LIVE UPDATES),” Huffington Post, April 15, 2013, at

(9) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(10) “Site of the Boston Marathon Explosions,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(11) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(12) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(13) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(14) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(15) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(16) “Explosions at the Boston Marathon: Live Updates,” Atlantic Wire, April 15, 2013, at

(17) “Explosions at Boston Marathon Kill 2,” New York Times, April 15, 2013, at

(18) “Stock Markets Up, Gold Down – Is Something Wrong With This Picture?,” The Daily Bell, April 15, 2013, at–Is-Something-Wrong-With-This-Picture

(19) “Poof: April 14, 2013 – Liberation,” at

(20) “Poof: April 14, 2013 – Liberation,” at

(21) Todd Robberson, “Boston explosions: Choice of cities recalls 9/11 events, says Tod Robberson,” Dallas News, Aopril 15, 2013, at

(22) I also have a reading on Wednesday and will ask.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2013 10:21:03 PM

FBI seeks images in Boston Marathon bomb inquiry

BOSTON (AP) — Investigators appealed to the public Tuesday for amateur video and photos that might yield clues to the Boston Marathon bombing as the chief FBI agent inBoston vowed "we will go to the ends of the Earth" to find whoever carried out the deadly attack.

Two bombs blew up seconds apart Monday at the finish lineof one of the world's most storied races, tearing off limbs and leaving the streets spattered with blood and strewn with broken glass. Three people were killed, including an 8-year-old boy, and more than 170 were wounded.

A doctor treating the wounded said one of the victims was maimed by what looked like ball bearings or BBs.

Federal investigators said no one had claimed responsibility for the bombings, which took place on one of the city's biggest civic holidays, Patriots Day. But the blasts raised the specter of another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

President Barack Obama said the bombings were an act of terrorism, but investigators do not know if they were carried out by an international organization, domestic group or a "malevolent individual." He added: "The American people refuse to be terrorized."

Across the U.S., from Washington to Los Angeles, police tightened security, monitoring landmarks, government buildings, transit hubs and sporting events. Security was especially tight in Boston, with bomb-sniffing dogs checking Amtrak passengers' luggage at South Station and transit police patrolling with rifles.

"They can give me a cavity search right now and I'd be perfectly happy," said Daniel Wood, a video producer from New York City who was waiting for a train.

Richard DesLauriers, FBI agent in charge in Boston, said investigators had received "voluminous tips" and were interviewing witnesses and analyzing the crime scene.

"We will go to the ends of the Earth to identify the subject or subjects who are responsible for this despicable crime, and we will do everything we can to bring them to justice," he said.

Gov. Deval Patrick said that contrary to earlier reports, no unexploded bombs were found. He said the only explosives were the ones that went off.

FBI agents searched an apartment in the Boston suburb of Revere overnight, and investigators were seen leaving with brown paper bags, plastic trash bags and a duffel bag. But it was unclear whether the tenant had anything to do with the attack.

A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release details of the investigation said the man had been tackled by a bystander, then police, as he ran from the scene of the explosions.

But he said it is possible the man was simply running away to protect himself from the blast, as many others did.

At a news conference, police and federal agents repeatedly appealed for any video, audio and photos taken by marathon spectators, even images that people might not think are significant.

"There has to be hundreds, if not thousands, of photos and videos" that might help investigators, state police Col. Timothy Alben said.

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said investigators also gathered a large number of surveillance tapes from businesses in the area and intend to go through the video frame by frame.

"This is probably one of the most photographed areas in the country yesterday," he said.

Investigators refused to give any specifics on the bombs and say, for example, where they might have been hidden or whether they were packed with shrapnel for maximum carnage, as is often the case in terror bombings overseas.

But Dr. Stephen Epstein of the emergency medicine department at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center said he saw an X-ray of one victim's leg that had "what appears to be small, uniform, round objects throughout it — similar in the appearance to BBs."

The fiery explosions took place about 10 seconds and about 100 yards apart, knocking spectators and at least one runner off their feet, shattering windows and sending columns of smoke rising over the street.

Roupen Bastajian, a state trooper from Smithfield, R.I., had just finished the race when he heard the explosions.

"I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor," he said. "We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated."

At least 17 people were critically injured, police said. At least eight children were being treated at hospitals. In addition to losing limbs, victims suffered broken bones, shrapnel wounds and ruptured eardrums.

At Massachusetts General Hospital, Alasdair Conn, chief of emergency services, said: "This is something I've never seen in my 25 years here ... this amount of carnage in the civilian population. This is what we expect from war."

Eight-year-old Martin Richard was among the dead, said U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, a family friend. The boy's mother, Denise, and 6-year-old sister, Jane, were badly injured. His brother and father were also watching the race but were not hurt.

A candle burned on the stoop of the family's single-family home in the city's Dorchester section Tuesday, and the word "Peace" was written in chalk on the front walk.

Neighbor Betty Delorey said Martin loved to climb the neighborhood trees, and hop the fence outside his home.

Tim Davey of Richmond, Va., was with his wife, Lisa, and children near a medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners when the injured began arriving. "They just started bringing people in with no limbs," he said.

"Most everybody was conscious," Lisa Davey said. "They were very dazed."

The Boston Marathon is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious races and about 23,000 runners participated. Most of them had crossed the finish line by the time the bombs exploded, but thousands more were still completing the course.

The attack may have been timed for maximum bloodshed: The four-hour mark is typically a crowded time near the finish line because of the slow-but-steady recreational runners completing the race and because of all the friends and relatives clustered around to cheer them on.

Davis, the police commissioner, said authorities had received "no specific intelligence that anything was going to happen" at the race. On Tuesday, he said that two security sweeps of the route had been conducted before the marathon.

The race winds up near Copley Square, not far from the landmark Prudential Center and the Boston Public Library. It is held on Patriots Day, which commemorates the first battles of the American Revolution, at Concord and Lexington in 1775.

Richard Barrett, the former U.N. coordinator for an al-Qaida and Taliban monitoring team who has also worked for British intelligence, said the relatively small size of the devices in Boston and the timing of the blasts suggest a domestic attack rather than an al-Qaida-inspired one.

"This happened on Patriots Day — it is also the day Americans are supposed to have their taxes in — and Boston is quite a symbolic city," said Barrett, now senior director at the Qatar International Academy for Security Studies.

The Pakistani Taliban, which has threatened attacks in the United States because of its support for the Pakistani government, on Tuesday denied any role in the bombings.

A woman who was a few feet from the second bomb, Brighid Wall, 35, of Duxbury, said that when it exploded, runners and spectators froze, unsure of what to do. Her husband threw their children to the ground, lay on top of them and another man lay on top of them and said, "Don't get up, don't get up."

After a minute or so without another explosion, Wall said, she and her family headed to a Starbucks and out the back door through an alley. Around them, the windows of the bars and restaurants were blown out.

She said she saw six to eight people bleeding profusely, including one man who was kneeling, dazed, with blood trickling down his head. Another person was on the ground covered in blood and not moving.

"My ears are zinging. Their ears are zinging," Wall said. "It was so forceful. It knocked us to the ground."


Associated Press writers Jay Lindsay, Steve LeBlanc, Bridget Murphy, Rodrique Ngowi and Meghan Barr in Boston; Julie Pace, Lara Jakes and Eileen Sullivan in Washington; Paisley Dodds in London and Marilynn Marchione in Milwaukee contributed to this report.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2013 10:38:06 PM

Boston Marathon bombs contained ball bearings

Flags across the nation are at half staff for the victims of the Boston Marathon.

BOSTON—Rep. Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat who sits on a national security subcommittee in the house, has told Yahoo News that many of the injured at Monday's Boston Marathon were hit by ball bearings apparently embedded within the devices.

The Associated Press, citing anonymous law enforcement sources, reported that the bombs were made from pressure cookers stuffed with metal ball bearings. CBS News reported that police have found pieces of an electronic circuit board that they believe could have been used to detonate the pressure cookers. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said at Tuesday morning's press conference that law enforcement swept the marathon area for bombs twice before the explosions went off.

For their part, state and federal investigators have declined to say much about the devices that were detonated, sending 176 people to the hospital and killing three, or who they suspect might be behind them.

Meanwhile, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Brigham Women's Hospital Dr. Ron Walls said in a press conference Tuesday morning that one patient had a carpenter nail embedded in him, while two others had numerous pieces of round, shiny debris in their legs that did not appear to come from the street.

Lynch said the ball bearings led him to believe the whoever launched the attack knew what they were doing.

“I have done post-attack analyses on attacks around the world, trying to learn lessons. ... The timing here, the devices themselves, the ball bearings used—you know, that’s not some kid in his garage putting something together,” Lynch said.

Though he repeatedly said he didn’t want to get ahead of investigators, Lynch disputed speculation that the devices strongly indicated domestic, rather than international terrorism.

“I don’t think the trappings are … hokey or homegrown,” Lynch said. “Having two explosions, 11 seconds apart, that points to someone who has more competence at this and has training.”

Danny Defenbaugh, the retired special agent who led the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing investigation,told Yahoo News that investigators will try to reconstruct the devices to see if they can identify a "signature" that points to a specific group or individual. Pressure cookers were used in both foreign and domestic terror incidents in the past few years, including the attempted Times Square bombing in 2010.

“It was undoubtedly a terrorist attack, however I’d be very careful in trying to subcategorize it as international or domestic,” Defenbaugh said. “History has proven that’s just not wise.”

--Liz Goodwin is reporting from New York.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2013 10:41:47 PM

Marathon victims had nails, pellets in wounds

A dark-haired little girl arrived with singed eyebrows, nails sticking out of her and a badly damaged leg. A little boy also was full of metal fragments, one of his legs bound by a tourniquet that saved his life. A day later, the injuries from the Boston Marathonexplosions are now more of a threat to limbs than to lives, doctors and hospitals report.

Three people were killed and more than 170 people were injured by two bombs that were reportedly packed with pellets, nails or metal shards. Dozens remain hospitalized with broken bones, shredded muscles and head injuries. At least a dozen people lost one or more limbs from blasts that doctors say are typical of war zones and leave combat-style injuries. And some described horrific scenes, such as seeing a severed foot on the pavement.

Investigators found fragments of BBs and nails, possibly contained in a pressure cooker used to make the explosives. Doctors' accounts reflected that description.

"We've removed BBs and we've removed nails from kids. One of the sickest things for me was just to see nails sticking out of a little girl's body," said Dr. David Mooney, trauma chief at Boston Children's Hospital, which treated 10 blast victims, including a pregnant woman later transferred to another medical center.

Mooney at first doubted the emergency call to prepare for many seriously injured patients. Then he saw the 10-year-old boy with the badly injured leg.

"My first thought was, 'He's really hurt. This isn't just some EMS overcall,'" Mooney said. "Someone at the scene put on a big tourniquet. He had singed hair, singed eyebrows, soot all over his face."

The 9-year-old girl also was in bad shape and singed. "Whoever got to her first saved her life" by putting on a tourniquet, Mooney said. "If they hadn't done that, she would have died."

Fast work by emergency responders no doubt saved many lives, doctors at many Bostonarea hospitals said. The blast occurred near the marathon's finish line where medical tents were set up to care for injured or tired runners.

People at the scene used different things as tourniquets, including lanyards with marathon credentials many wore around their necks. Some police officers gave their belts, said Dr. Martin Levine, a New Jersey family physician who was one of the doctors being paid to help elite athletes recover after they finish the race.

Levine told of a woman whose right leg was severed at her right thigh, leaving the femur bone sticking out, and of seeing a severed foot on the ground and not knowing whose it was.

"I've never seen an explosion where people's bodies explode and I hope I never see it again," he said

When word of mass casualties reached Tufts Medical Center, "we stopped all elective surgery in the operating room" in order to free up rooms to treat blast victims, said Dr. William Mackey, the hospitals' surgery chief.

Doctors removed many odd-shaped pieces of metal ranging up to half an inch in size, with nurses saving and tagging them for waiting police investigators.

"One woman from the blast had a piece of a zipper, a handle of a zipper embedded in her ankle joint, which is indicative of the force of the explosion," he said. Of the 19 blast patients, 10 remained at the hospital as of midday Tuesday.

At Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. Stephen Epstein said he saw an X-ray of one victim's leg that had "what appears to be small, uniform, round objects throughout it — similar in the appearance to BBs."

The hospital treated 24 patients, including three amputations. As of Tuesday morning nine patients had been sent home.

Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital treated 31 victims. The hospital performed four amputations and at least two more patients have legs that are still at risk of amputation, Dr. George Velmahos said.

At Boston Medical Center, the trauma chief, Dr. Peter Burke, said 19 of the 23 blast victims it treated remain hospitalized, 10 in critical condition. Five patients have lost one or more limbs.

"Some of those 10 are pretty sick" and may yet wind up needing amputations, he said. A lot of them are kept on life-support for multiple operations, but the staff expects and hopes all will survive, he said.

An orthopedic trauma surgeon there, Dr. Paul Tornetta, described pellets and metal shards in many wounds.

"This is very high energy, high velocity shrapnel and blast injuries ... very similar to what a hand grenade might do," he said.

Many of the injuries sound similar to those caused by IED attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Dr. Andrew Pollak, chair of an American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons' war injuries project. Pollak, an orthopedic trauma surgeon at the University of Maryland, said he's heard about the injuries from colleagues in Boston. Improvised explosive devices are often packed with nails, ball bearings and sharp pieces of metal designed to inflict severe injuries. Blast victims face a huge risk of infection because of debris that gets imbedded in tissue, Pollak said.


AP writers Lindsey Tanner in Chicago; and Mark Pratt, Jay Lindsay and Rodrique Ngowi in Boston contributed to this report.

(updated 17 Apr2013)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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