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Myrna Ferguson

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3/6/2013 1:20:02 AM
Miguel, I watched this the other day, it is worth every minute of the program. On Saturday I watched 10 hours of David Icke. on his "Remember who you are" So many of the same things were said on both programs. The truth will set us free. Things are moving along very nicely now, with a lot more to come. Hold on to your hats folks . If you would be interested in David Icke here is the info


David Icke's Amazing 10-hour Wembley Arena Event Can Now Be Seen Here As Many Times As You Like Until MARCH 26th - A FURTHER two Month Extension Due To Incredible Interest


We May Need to Brace Ourselves for Some of What’s Ahead

Kay Grioggs 345

One brave individual

I have to confess that my knees are shaking thinking of the phase of things that we may be inching towards.

Some of you may have listened to Kay Griggs’ video, which Poof mentioned. If you did, you’re probably in a state of shock hearing how people like Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeffrey Dhamer, and many others like them are all tied together as part of a U.S. Army program to train assassins. (Oswald did not assassinate Kennedy, as far as I’m aware, but he was part of an assassins’ program, according to Kay.)

You’re probably in shock learning how many former top administration officials like Caspar Weinberger and Henry Kissinger are knee deep in … well, shall we say, despicable deeds?

You may be dazed at hearing how casual the assassination of foreign citizens is, of the incredible power that rests in the hands of what Kay calls the evil men at the head of the military bureaucracy. (Not all men at the head of the military bureaucracy are evil; some are white knights whose mission it is to restore balance and reform the military.)

[Kay's interview can be heard at]

Anyone who’s read the memoirs of Svali, the former Illuminati trainer, on how the cabal are (or perhaps were) behind snuff flicks, pedophilia, and every other form of unspeakable trend in our society will know some of what Kay talks about.

Kay is to be honored for giving us her testimony. She braves her own death every day to keep warning us of these matters. It’s a wonder she’s still alive. Really.

And it’s also necessary for some people to watch her video – not all of us, by any means. But enough of us that we don’t remain with our heads in the sand over what she risks her life to bring to our attention.

But the really distressing thought is that, at some time in the future, we’ll need as a society to hear about the monstrous things the Illuminati have done so that we never succumb again to being willing or unwilling accomplices in what they brought forth into the world. And I don’t look forward to that time.

I’m not going to review what Svali said in earlier times. You can read some of it here if you have the intestinal fortitude: . I have no idea if Svali survived giving her testimony. As far as I’m aware, she hasn’t been heard from in years.

I haven’t been willing to write about these topics and I still hope I don’t have to. But I do need to warn you that revelations of a very disheartening and shocking nature will come to light some day, and we may be nearing it.

Why must these things be revealed? Jesus said through John Smallman: “All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being. … The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, is at an end.” (1)

SaLuSa explains that “it is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past.” (2) “You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones,” he tells us. (3)

Without knowing these things, how will the general public understand why our star brothers and sisters are here and what they’ve come to do? Most people won’t understand it and will jump to an unjustified conclusion that they are here to take us over.

They’re not. They’ve rescued us from the Illuminati. Without them we couldn’t have done it – or not for a thousand years and billions of deaths. Only revealing what the Illuminati were up to and how far they would go to seize control of the planet (murdering all but 500 million of us in a World War III that was planned to start with bombing Iran) will awaken the mass of the people to the reason why the galactics are here.

Look at how many people to this day don’t see what’s behind American and Israeli threats to bomb Iran?

The Pleiaidian Council through Wes Annac said last year: ” You are now to find in the immediate period ahead many disclosures and revelations that we Lovingly ask you to prepare yourselves for. ”

“The truths that have been given through channels have been only a small fraction of the overall truths that you are going to be given, and the plan for your world in general is that each and every one of you are to take up the work required to begin healing your beautiful world in the mass, effective ways that have been needed.” (4)

Matthew Ward says that “the shocking truths that will be coming forth … will cause considerable unrest.” (5)

We’ve been forewarned.

I have to confess that when I hear SaLuSa say that “we look to you to lift people up,” (6) I feel a bit woozy. If we really get what he’s saying, he’s telling us that it will fall to us lightworkers to explain and interpret to the large numbers of people who’ll be shocked into awakening what is being discussed and what the situation is. There won’t be any room at that time for us to say, “We’re shocked as well. We haven’t had time to react ourselves. How can we lead you when we’re as knocked over by these revelations as you are?”

So again these are all reasons to prepare ourselves and to find new sources of strength within ourselves to weather what lies ahead … no, not to weather it; to lead others through the thick of it. Tough assignment.

So I’m just saying this now to put us on notice and to warn us of what may lie ahead. No one wants to listen to the grisley things that Kay Griggs has to say and I’m sure Kay would never have chosen the life she was forced to live if, at a soul level, she was not prepared to make that sacrifice for humanity. No one revels in being the bearer of such bad news.

But we need to hear it if we are ever to turn our back on the glitzy, superficial lifestyle we’ve been leading so far which hides from our view the really nasty things the Illuminati have been doing behind closed doors and out of the public view.


(1) Jesus through John Smallman, Oct. 18, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012, at

(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012.

(4) The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac, July 6, 2012, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at

(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2013.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 9:44:35 AM
You are right on all accounts, Myrna. I too feel the increase in the exposure, how everything is moving along more nicely these days. I hope this keeps on. Thanks for all the info. Miguel

Miguel, I watched this the other day, it is worth every minute of the program. On Saturday I watched 10 hours of David Icke. on his "Remember who you are" So many of the same things were said on both programs. The truth will set us free. Things are moving along very nicely now, with a lot more to come. Hold on to your hats folks . If you would be interested in David Icke here is the info


David Icke's Amazing 10-hour Wembley Arena Event Can Now Be Seen Here As Many Times As You Like Until MARCH 26th - A FURTHER two Month Extension Due To Incredible Interest


We May Need to Brace Ourselves for Some of What’s Ahead

Kay Grioggs 345

One brave individual

I have to confess that my knees are shaking thinking of the phase of things that we may be inching towards.

Some of you may have listened to Kay Griggs’ video, which Poof mentioned. If you did, you’re probably in a state of shock hearing how people like Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeffrey Dhamer, and many others like them are all tied together as part of a U.S. Army program to train assassins. (Oswald did not assassinate Kennedy, as far as I’m aware, but he was part of an assassins’ program, according to Kay.)

You’re probably in shock learning how many former top administration officials like Caspar Weinberger and Henry Kissinger are knee deep in … well, shall we say, despicable deeds?

You may be dazed at hearing how casual the assassination of foreign citizens is, of the incredible power that rests in the hands of what Kay calls the evil men at the head of the military bureaucracy. (Not all men at the head of the military bureaucracy are evil; some are white knights whose mission it is to restore balance and reform the military.)

[Kay's interview can be heard at]

Anyone who’s read the memoirs of Svali, the former Illuminati trainer, on how the cabal are (or perhaps were) behind snuff flicks, pedophilia, and every other form of unspeakable trend in our society will know some of what Kay talks about.

Kay is to be honored for giving us her testimony. She braves her own death every day to keep warning us of these matters. It’s a wonder she’s still alive. Really.

And it’s also necessary for some people to watch her video – not all of us, by any means. But enough of us that we don’t remain with our heads in the sand over what she risks her life to bring to our attention.

But the really distressing thought is that, at some time in the future, we’ll need as a society to hear about the monstrous things the Illuminati have done so that we never succumb again to being willing or unwilling accomplices in what they brought forth into the world. And I don’t look forward to that time.

I’m not going to review what Svali said in earlier times. You can read some of it here if you have the intestinal fortitude: . I have no idea if Svali survived giving her testimony. As far as I’m aware, she hasn’t been heard from in years.

I haven’t been willing to write about these topics and I still hope I don’t have to. But I do need to warn you that revelations of a very disheartening and shocking nature will come to light some day, and we may be nearing it.

Why must these things be revealed? Jesus said through John Smallman: “All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being. … The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, is at an end.” (1)

SaLuSa explains that “it is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past.” (2) “You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones,” he tells us. (3)

Without knowing these things, how will the general public understand why our star brothers and sisters are here and what they’ve come to do? Most people won’t understand it and will jump to an unjustified conclusion that they are here to take us over.

They’re not. They’ve rescued us from the Illuminati. Without them we couldn’t have done it – or not for a thousand years and billions of deaths. Only revealing what the Illuminati were up to and how far they would go to seize control of the planet (murdering all but 500 million of us in a World War III that was planned to start with bombing Iran) will awaken the mass of the people to the reason why the galactics are here.

Look at how many people to this day don’t see what’s behind American and Israeli threats to bomb Iran?

The Pleiaidian Council through Wes Annac said last year: ” You are now to find in the immediate period ahead many disclosures and revelations that we Lovingly ask you to prepare yourselves for. ”

“The truths that have been given through channels have been only a small fraction of the overall truths that you are going to be given, and the plan for your world in general is that each and every one of you are to take up the work required to begin healing your beautiful world in the mass, effective ways that have been needed.” (4)

Matthew Ward says that “the shocking truths that will be coming forth … will cause considerable unrest.” (5)

We’ve been forewarned.

I have to confess that when I hear SaLuSa say that “we look to you to lift people up,” (6) I feel a bit woozy. If we really get what he’s saying, he’s telling us that it will fall to us lightworkers to explain and interpret to the large numbers of people who’ll be shocked into awakening what is being discussed and what the situation is. There won’t be any room at that time for us to say, “We’re shocked as well. We haven’t had time to react ourselves. How can we lead you when we’re as knocked over by these revelations as you are?”

So again these are all reasons to prepare ourselves and to find new sources of strength within ourselves to weather what lies ahead … no, not to weather it; to lead others through the thick of it. Tough assignment.

So I’m just saying this now to put us on notice and to warn us of what may lie ahead. No one wants to listen to the grisley things that Kay Griggs has to say and I’m sure Kay would never have chosen the life she was forced to live if, at a soul level, she was not prepared to make that sacrifice for humanity. No one revels in being the bearer of such bad news.

But we need to hear it if we are ever to turn our back on the glitzy, superficial lifestyle we’ve been leading so far which hides from our view the really nasty things the Illuminati have been doing behind closed doors and out of the public view.


(1) Jesus through John Smallman, Oct. 18, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012, at

(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012.

(4) The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac, July 6, 2012, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at

(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2013.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:26:06 AM

Too much money spent in Iraq for too few results

Associated Press/ Khalid Mohammed, File - FILE - In this file photo taken on Dec. 21, 2003, Iraqi workers end their shift at a reconstruction site in downtown Baghdad, Iraq. Ten years and $60 billion in taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and broken that even its leaders question whether U.S. efforts to rebuild it were worth the cost. (AP Photo/ Khalid Mohammed, File)

FILE - This Saturday, July 24, 2010 fil;e photo shows a guard tower and fences with barbed wire for a U.S.-funded prison in Khan Bani Saad, Iraq, northeast of Baghdad. This site is among hundreds of projects funded by U.S. taxpayers that remain abandoned or incomplete, wasting more than $5 billion, according to auditors. Ten years and $60 billion in taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and broken that even its leaders question whether U.S. efforts to rebuild it were worth the cost. (AP Photo/Kim Gamel, File)
In this photo taken Feb. 19, 2013, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen gestures during an interview in his office in Arlington, Va. Ten years and $60 billion in taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and broken that even its leaders question whether U.S. efforts to rebuild it were worth the cost. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ten years and $60 billion in American taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and broken that even its leaders question whether U.S. efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation were worth the cost.

In his final report to Congress, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen's conclusion was all too clear: Since the invasion a decade ago this month, the U.S. has spent too much money in Iraq for too few results.

The reconstruction effort "grew to a size much larger than was ever anticipated," Bowen told The Associated Press in a preview of his last audit of U.S. funds spent in Iraq, to be released Wednesday. "Not enough was accomplished for the size of the funds expended."

In interviews with Bowen, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said the U.S. funding "could have brought great change in Iraq" but fell short too often. "There was misspending of money," said al-Maliki, a Shiite Muslim whose sect makes up about 60 percent of Iraq's population.

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, the country's top Sunni Muslim official, told auditors that the rebuilding efforts "had unfavorable outcomes in general."

"You think if you throw money at a problem, you can fix it," Kurdish government official Qubad Talabani, son of Iraqi presidentJalal Talabani, told auditors. "It was just not strategic thinking."

The abysmal Iraq results forecast what could happen in Afghanistan, where U.S. taxpayers have so far spent $90 billion in reconstruction projects during a 12-year military campaign that, for the most part, ends in 2014.

Shortly after the March 2003 invasion, Congress set up a $2.4 billion fund to help ease the sting of war for Iraqis. It aimed to rebuild Iraq's water and electricity systems; provide food, health care and governance for its people; and take care of those who were forced from their homes in the fighting. Fewer than six months later, President George W. Bush asked for $20 billion more to further stabilize Iraq and help turn it into an ally that could gain economic independence and reap global investments.

To date, the U.S. has spent more than $60 billion in reconstruction grants to help Iraq get back on its feet after the country that has been broken by more than two decades of war, sanctions and dictatorship. That works out to about $15 million a day.

And yet Iraq's government is rife with corruption and infighting. Baghdad's streets are still cowed by near-daily deadly bombings. A quarter of the country's 31 million population lives in poverty, and few have reliable electricity and clean water.

Overall, including all military and diplomatic costs and other aid, the U.S. has spent at least $767 billion since the American-led invasion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. National Priorities Project, a U.S. research group that analyzes federal data, estimated the cost at $811 billion, noting that some funds are still being spent on ongoing projects.

Sen. Susan Collins, a member of the Senate committee that oversees U.S. funding, said the Bush administration should have agreed to give the reconstruction money to Iraq as a loan in 2003 instead as an outright gift.

"It's been an extraordinarily disappointing effort and, largely, a failed program," Collins, R-Maine, said in an interview Tuesday. "I believe, had the money been structured as a loan in the first place, that we would have seen a far more responsible approach to how the money was used, and lower levels of corruption in far fewer ways."

In numerous interviews with Iraqi and U.S. officials, and though multiple examples of thwarted or defrauded projects, Bowen's report laid bare a trail of waste, including:

—In Iraq's eastern Diyala province, a crossroads for Shiite militias, Sunni insurgents and Kurdish squatters, the U.S. began building a 3,600-bed prison in 2004 but abandoned the project after three years to flee a surge in violence. The half-completed Khan Bani Sa'ad Correctional Facility cost American taxpayers $40 million but sits in rubble, and Iraqi Justice Ministry officials say they have no plans to ever finish or use it.

—Subcontractors for Anham LLC, based in Vienna, Va., overcharged the U.S. government thousands of dollars for supplies, including $900 for a control switch valued at $7.05 and $80 for a piece of pipe that costs $1.41. Anham was hired to maintain and operate warehouses and supply centers near Baghdad's international airport and the Persian Gulf port at Umm Qasr.

— A $108 million wastewater treatment center in the city of Fallujah, a former al-Qaida stronghold in western Iraq, will have taken eight years longer to build than planned when it is completed in 2014 and will only service 9,000 homes. Iraqi officials must provide an additional $87 million to hook up most of the rest of the city, or 25,000 additional homes.

—After blowing up the al-Fatah bridge in north-central Iraq during the invasion and severing a crucial oil and gas pipeline, U.S. officials decided to try to rebuild the pipeline under the Tigris River at a cost of $75 million. A geological study predicted the project might fail, and it did: Eventually, the bridge and pipelines were repaired at an additional cost of $29 million.

—A widespread ring of fraud led by a former U.S. Army officer resulted in tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks and the criminal convictions of 22 people connected to government contracts for bottled water and other supplies at the Iraqi reconstruction program's headquarters at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.

In too many cases, Bowen concluded, U.S. officials did not consult with Iraqis closely or deeply enough to determine what reconstruction projects were really needed or, in some cases, wanted. As a result, Iraqis took limited interest in the work, often walking away from half-finished programs, refusing to pay their share, or failing to maintain completed projects once they were handed over.

Deputy Prime Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, a Shiite, described the projects as well intentioned, but poorly prepared and inadequately supervised.

The missed opportunities were not lost on at least 15 senior State and Defense department officials interviewed in the report, including ambassadors and generals, who were directly involved in rebuilding Iraq.

One key lesson learned in Iraq, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns told auditors, is that the U.S. cannot expect to "do it all and do it our way. We must share the burden better multilaterally and engage the host country constantly on what is truly needed."

Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno, who was the top U.S. military commander in Iraq from 2008 to 2010, said "it would have been better to hold off spending large sums of money" until the country stabilized.

About a third of the $60 billion was spent to train and equip Iraqi security forces, which had to be rebuilt after the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority disbanded Saddam's army in 2003. Today, Iraqi forces have varying successes in safekeeping the public and only limited ability to secure their land, air and sea borders.

The report also cites Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as saying that the 2011 withdrawal of American troops from Iraq weakened U.S. influence in Baghdad. Panetta has since left office when former Sen. Chuck Hagel took over the defense job last week. Washington is eyeing a similar military drawdown next year in Afghanistan, where U.S. taxpayers have spent $90 billion so far on rebuilding projects.

The Afghanistan effort risks falling into the same problems that mired Iraq if oversight isn't coordinated better. In Iraq, officials were too eager to build in the middle of a civil war, and too often raced ahead without solid plans or back-up plans, the report concluded.

Most of the work was done in piecemeal fashion, as no single government agency had responsibility for all of the money spent. The State Department, for example, was supposed to oversee reconstruction strategy starting in 2004, but controlled only about 10 percent of the money at stake. The vast majority of the projects — 75 percent — were paid for by the Defense Department.



Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction:


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:31:21 AM

'Sinkhole season' has only just begun in Florida

Associated Press/Chris O'Meara - Demolition workers pick up the remnants from the home of Jeff Bush, Tuesday, March 5, 2013, in Seffner, Fla. A huge sinkhole opened up under a bedroom in the home last Thursday and swallowed Jeff Bush, 37. Officials gave up hope of finding Bush alive and filled in the hole with crushed rock. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

SEFFNER, Fla. (AP) — As crews entombed a man who was swallowed by a sinkhole near Tampa, the earth opened up again just a few miles away. On Tuesday, in a neighboring county, officials investigated reports of a home cracking, perhaps due to another sinkhole.

Across Florida this time of year, it's the start of what's unofficially considered the "sinkhole season," State Geologist Jonathan Arthursaid. It coincides with the beginning of the state's rainy season and usually lasts until the end of summer.

"Florida is famous for bugs, alligators, pythons, hurricanes and now sinkholes," said Larry McKinnon, a Hillsborough sheriff's office spokesman. "I think our salvation is that for most of the time, our weather is picture-perfect."

But it's also the weather — along with man-made factors — that exacerbate sinkholes, experts said.

Arthur said February is usually when the state is at its driest, but it's also the start of the rainy season. Acidic rain can, over time, eat away the limestone and natural caverns that lie under much of the state, causing sinkholes. Both extremely dry weather and very wet weather can trigger sinkholes, he said.

"An extensive drought can cause soil and sediment over a cavity to be extremely dry and collapse," said Arthur.

On the other hand, following Tropical Storm Debby in 2012, dozens of sinkholes formed in counties north of Tampa because of the rain.

In Hillsborough County, an area particularly susceptible to sinkholes, 37-year-old Jeff Bush was killed last week when a hole opened up underneath his bedroom. Engineering experts have said it is too dangerous to retrieve Bush's body, so they demolished the home and filled the hole with gravel.

Hillsborough County is in a moderate drought, but engineers and county officials don't know exactly why the sinkhole formed in Seffner, and said they will likely never know.

The county has had 1.56 inches of rainfall since Jan. 1; it usually averages about 5.41 inches, according to the National Weather Service.

In Pinellas County, about 30 miles away from Seffner, fire-rescue workers in the community of Palm Harbor said they asked two people to evacuate a home after the residents reported "extensive cracking on the interior and exterior of the home." A county building inspector said the home was safe to live in, but the homeowner was seeking an engineer's opinion.

Arthur said he looked at 50 years of data and found that there is usually an uptick of reported sinkholes in February, with an increase until about July, when activity tapers off. December and January have typically low sinkhole activity.

Florida tracks naturally-occurring sinkholes and other ground collapses following a busted water main, development and groundwater pumping for crops.

In 2010, strawberry farmers in eastern Hillsborough County pumped water from the aquifer onto their crops during cold weather so that the water would freeze on the crops, creating a layer of ice that protects the berries.

So much water was pumped that more than 65 sinkholes opened in the area and wells went dry.

"When they take water out of the ground it's like taking air out of a balloon," said Bill Fernandez, aFlorida sinkhole repair expert. "When you suck water out of the ground, you change the hydrostatic pressure underground and that's what can cause sinkholes."

Arthur added that moving a lot of dirt around for development can also trigger sinkholes. On Sunday in Largo, a failure in a pipe in a mall's stormwater control system under the parking lot caused the ground to collapse.

"There are a lot of variables," said Arthur. "Sinkholes are naturally occurring. Regardless of human activity they would occur."


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:33:09 AM

Kerry talks Syria, Iran in Saudi Arabia

Associated Press/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool - Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Abdullah, second from right, is greeted as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, second from left, speaks with an advisor before the start of their meeting at Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Monday, March 4, 2013. Saudi Arabia is the seventh leg of Kerry's first official overseas trip. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in Saudi Arabia for talks with Saudi and Gulf Arab officials, said Monday the window of opportunity for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear problem "cannot by definition remain open indefinitely."

But Kerry, who was meeting in Riyadh with the foreign ministers of Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman as well as the Saudi crown prince andforeign minister, added that "there is time to resolve this issue providing the Iranians are prepared to engage seriously" on proposals to defuse it.

"But talks will not go on for the sake of talks and talks cannot become an instrument for delay that will make the situation more dangerous," he said. Kerry said he and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal "discussed our shared determination to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."

Saud said that Saudi Arabia "supports the efforts to resolve the crisis diplomatically in order to alleviate all doubts surrounding the program."

"Therefore, we hope that the negotiations will result in putting an end to this problem rather than containing it," he said, "taking into account that the clock is ticking and negotiations cannot go on forever."

In addition to Iran, Kerry, who is on his first overseas trip as secretary of state after succeedingHillary Rodham Clinton, also held discussions about the situation in violence-torn Syria. He repeated U.S. pressure on Syria's President Bashar Assad to step down, saying that Assad "is destroying his country — and his people in the process — to hold onto power that is not his anymore."

"The United States will continue to work with our friends to empower the Syrian opposition to hopefully be able to bring about a peaceful resolution, but if not, to increase pressure on Assad," he said. The United States last week agreed to increase non-lethal aid to Syrian opposition groups.

Saudi Arabia and several other Gulf states are believed to be involved in shipping weapons to Syrian rebels, who have yet to receive lethal aid from the West. They share deep U.S. concerns about Iran's nuclear ambitions and increasing assertiveness in the region.

Saud said that in the talks here Monday, "The Kingdom stressed the importance of enabling the Syrian people to exercise its legitimate right to defend itself against the regime's killing regime."

"Saudi Arabia will do everything within its capacity, and we do believe that what is happening in Syria is a slaughter," he said, "... and we can't bring ourselves to remain quiet. Morally we have a duty."

Kerry also was to meet in Riyadh with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who is visiting the Saudi capital. Kerry's working lunch with Abbas was coming two weeks before the secretary is to accompany President Barack Obama to Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan to explore ways of restarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Kerry travels next to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar before returning to Washington Wednesday.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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