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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/16/2013 1:55:24 PM

Russia meteor was biggest in a century, shook the ground like an earthquake

The meteor contrail over Chelyabinsk, Russia Friday morningAccording to officials with NASA and the US Geologic Survey (USGS) the meteorite that flashed across the sky over Chelyabinsk, RussiaFriday morning is not only the biggest meteor the Earth has directly encountered in over 100 years, but the shockwave from when it exploded shook the ground like an earthquake.

The last time something like this happened was nearly 105 years ago, in June of 1908, when a 40 m object (either a meteor or a comet)exploded over the Tunguska region of eastern Russia. The shockwave from that event leveled trees over 2,000 square kilometres and apparently registered as a magnitude 5.0 earthquake to seismic instruments across Eurasia.

Scientists are still working on the exact details, but the object that exploded over Chelyabinsk was abolide — a meteor that explodes into extremely bright fireball. Estimates put it at roughly 17 meters long, with a mass of about 10,000 metric tons. It entered the atmosphere travelling at 15-20 km/s (54,000-72,000 km/h), leaving a vapour trail hundreds of kilometres long and exploding somewhere between 30-50 kilometres above the ground, with a force equal to a 500 kt nuclear bomb.

[ Related: Asteroid-targeting system could vaporize dangerous space rocks ]

The shockwave from the explosion took between one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half minutes to reach the ground, and when it did, it shattered thousands of windows in communities around the region, as well as causing several building fronts to buckle from the stress and it apparently collapsed the roof of a zinc factory. To seismographs around the world, it registered as the equivalent of a magnitude 2.7 earthquake.

Last reported, over 1,100 people were injured, either by flying broken glass or meteorite fragments, and nearly 3,000 buildings — including 34 healthcare institutions and 361 schools — were damaged. Last count, the damage estimate was 1 billion rubles, equal to more than 33 million dollars.

Initially classified as just a meteor, the object was then called a meteorite when evidence was discovered of fragments reaching the ground. One particular fragment smashed through the ice covering Lake Chebarkul, about 80 km west of Chelyabinsk.

A hole in the ice of Lake-Chebarkul, caused by a meteorite fragment. (Photo credit: Andrey Orlov)

The difference in terminology for meteors, meteoroids and meteorites may seem subtle, but it is significant. The term meteoroid is used for anything floating around in the solar system that's anywhere from the size of a grain of sand up to as big as a boulder. The visible streak in the sky created when a meteoroid encounters the atmosphere is called a meteor. A meteoroid that survives creating a meteor trail and impacts on the ground is then called a meteorite.

There has been some question about whether or not this asteroid was connected with asteroid 2012 DA14, which made an extremely close pass by the Earth on Friday afternoon. However, whereas some asteroids and meteoroids flying around in space aren't alone as they do so, these two encounters were entirely coincidental. There's a very cool graphic at The Telegraph that illustrates it.

Trajectories of Russian meteor (above) and asteroid 2012 DA14 (below)The reason that astronomers can be so certain of this is due to the trajectories of the two objects. The meteor that streaked across the sky above Chelyabinsk today traveled from northeast to southwest. Asteroid 2012 DA14 swung by the Earth traveling from south to north. If the two objects were somehow related, their paths would have been more parallel to each other.

Another question being asked is why, if we knew asteroid 2012 DA14's path so exactly, and we know the positions and paths of other objects out in space so well, how did this meteor over Russia catch us off-guard?

The sad truth is that we have no idea exactly how many meteoroids and asteroids there are flying around out in space, and the smaller an object is, the harder it is to see it. With this object over Russia only being 17 metres wide, it is extremely difficult to see objects of that size unless they are made of an extremely reflective material, and rocks floating around in space are notorious for being made of dark materials.

[ More Geekquinox: Russian meteor causes sonic booms, rains down debris ]

As I learned from Phil Plait (@badastronomer) today, there are two satellite missions in the works to help with this problem though.

One is the Sentinel Mission, being developed by the B612 Foundation. This satellite will orbit around the Sun at roughly the same distance as the planet Venus scanning out towards Earth's orbit with infrared instruments to spy asteroids and meteoroids.

This will complement the NASA WISE mission (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer), which has been in operation since 2009, and has already provided data that suggests there are between 3,200 and 6,200 potentially-hazardous asteroids (PHAs) whizzing around out there.

One thing seems clear from the events of the past day, though. The issue of near-Earth asteroids and their danger to us is not something we can ignore. We can only hope that the U.S. Congress can follow through on their plans to schedule a hearing on the issue of potentially-hazardous asteroids, and that this hearing will actually see some real results — like increased funding to NASA, and to organizations like the B612 Foundation, so that we can better protect ourselves in the future.

(Images courtesy: Getty/Andrey Orlov, Chebarkul/EUMETSAT/NASA JPL)

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Lydia Fokina

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2/16/2013 3:43:00 PM
Primary school teacher of the Lyceum N37 Chelyabinsk Julia Karbysheva rescued 44 students from the consequences of the explosion of the meteorite over the city on Friday, and she was in the hospital with cuts, the agency "Interfax-Ural" main city hospital doctor N9 Oleg Denisov.According O.Denisova, teacher, who on that day was on the substitution of the two fourth grade, saw the children during the intense light flashes rushed to the window."She gave a command of fourth hide under their desks, and she rushed to open the interior doors. They were glass, because the school was located in a former kindergarten" - shared details of the incident O.Denisov.A few minutes after the flash was followed by a massive explosion, the shock wave shattered glass and debris rained down on the woman. The teacher did not get lost, he ordered the children to get dressed quickly and evacuated them to the street."None of the students did not get a single scratch. Teacher was admitted to the hospital with cuts the tendons of his left hand and left thigh. Yu.Karbysheva currently being treated in hospital N9", - said the head physician.According to him, only in a hospital sought medical treatment 112 Chelyabinsk, 16 of them, including 11 children, have been hospitalized. As of the morning of February 16, the health facility were five adults and two children. Basically all incised wounds of face and hands.Read more:
Lydia Fokina

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2/16/2013 3:51:11 PM

Neither Russia nor the United States can not afford to shoot down the "objects of alien origin" need international initiative - Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin15.02.13 / 09:44 © comments

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the relevance of association of the leading countries of the world in order to prevent an invasion of Earth alien bodies."I have already spoken of the need of some international initiatives relating to the development of prevention and preventing dangerous approach to Earth objects extraterrestrial origin," - said Rogozin, "Interfax" on Friday in connection with the last of the Chelyabinsk region meteor shower.As the Vice-Prime Minister, what happened today in the Urals, reaffirms the importance of addressing the issue.Currently, neither Russia nor the United States have the capacity to bring down such objects, said Rogozin.As the Deputy Prime Minister, missile defense is, "but they affect ballistic targets - go near the Earth for good path." And here, he said, it is in fact a direct hit "shell" of the cosmos. "This kind of technology (to shoot down while approaching meteorites and asteroids) or the Americans or we do not have at the moment," - said Rogozin."Here we have to think," - he said.Rogozin said that the first time he spoke in detail about this, when he served as the permanent representative of Russia to NATO. "The response was skepticism:" this can not be, because it can never be ", was some criticism, many laughed," - said Deputy Prime Minister.Meanwhile, Rogozin said, the idea of ​​this kind of protection is not refused."Russia and other major countries have a system of monitoring, control of outer space, but most of it is focused on tracking dangerous approach of spacecraft and space debris", - said Rogozin, adding that today's events are a strong argument in the dispute with the skeptics who did not believe that this can happen."It is better not to wait for the new emergency, and do these kind of problems before," - said the representative of the government. According to him, of course, significant international cooperative efforts for developing appropriate technologies. "In any case, the theme is very technological, goals, facing the major world powers, to entities interested in the cosmos, it is quite rational and understandable," - said Deputy Prime Minister.According to him, the solution of this problem makes us work together, "rather than engage in a heap of military stuff in space, aimed at easing as soon as the safety of our planet."What happened this morning over the Chelyabinsk region, "just make kosnomyslyaschih bureaucrats space to think about more serious problems to look for cosmic horizon," Rogozin believes

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/16/2013 3:57:27 PM
Another scandal looming in the wake of Pope's resignation?

Vatican's new bank chief has military ship links

By NICOLE WINFIELD | Associated Press19 hrs ago

Associated Press/Alessandra Tarantino - Pope Benedict XVI delivers his blessing after an audience with the Roman clergy in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Thursday Feb. 14, 2013. Benedict XVI is continuing
his farewell tour with an off-the-cuff meeting with Roman priests, an annual encounter that has taken on poignant new meaning with his impending resignation.The Vatican has said Benedict would reflect Thursday on his personal experiences as a young theological expert attending the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that brought the Catholic Church into the modern world. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

This undated photo provided by DC Advisory on Friday, Feb 15, 2013 shows the company's former CEO, Ernst von Freyberg. Pope Benedict XVI signed off on one of the last major appointments of his papacy Friday, approving the German lawyer and financier to head the Vatican’s embattled bank. Von Freyberg has solid financial and Catholic credentials as a former investment banker and member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, an ancient chivalrous order drawn from European nobility. (AP Photo/DC Advisory)

Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi arrives to meet the media during a press conference, at the Vatican, Friday Feb. 15, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI has signed off on one of the last major appointments of his papacy, approving a German lawyer to head the Vatican's embattled bank. Ernst Von Freyberg has solid financial and Catholic credentials as a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, an ancient chivalrous order drawn from European nobility. The Vatican said Von Freyberg had been appointed by the bank's commission of cardinals and that the pope had "expressed his full consent." (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican was drawn into a new controversy Friday after acknowledging that its bank's new president is also chairman of a shipbuilder making warships — a significant conflict for an institution that has long shunned ties to military manufacturing.

The Vatican announced to great fanfare that Pope Benedict XVI had signed off on one of the last major appointments of his papacy, approving Ernst von Freyberg as president of the Vatican's bank, officially known as the Institute for Religious Works.

The Vatican spokesman was caught off-guard, though, when a journalist noted that the German shipbuilder von Freyberg chairs, Blohm + Voss, is known for its military ship construction.

The Rev. Federico Lombardi demurred and defended the selection. He later issued a statement saying von Freyberg chairs a civilian branch of Blohm + Voss, which repairs and transforms cruise ships and builds yachts — but that the company is currently part of a consortium that is building four frigates for the German navy.

The Vatican and its bank have deep-rooted traditions of steering clear of investments in companies that manufacture weapons or contraceptives, in line with Catholic Church teaching.

Michael Brasse, spokesman for Blohm + Voss in Hamburg, said that von Freyberg is chairman of the executive board of Blohm + Voss Shipyards, a unit that concentrates on building civilian ships.

But before Blohm + Voss Shipyards and other non-military units of Blohm + Voss were sold in 2011 to Star Capital Partners, its military shipbuilding unit, Blohm + Voss Naval, had contracted with the German Defense Ministry for four new frigates. Blohm + Voss Naval subcontracted the actual construction of those vessels to Blohm + Voss Shipyards.

Though Blohm + Voss Naval is now known as ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH, and is entirely separate from the other Blohm + Voss units, the Shipyards unit is still constructing the frigates under the legacy contract.

After they are built, however, the company plans to concentrate entirely on non-military ships. Von Freyberg will remain its chairman while working for the Vatican.

"The focus of the business is for yachts, and on the repair side for cruise ships or the offshore oil and gas industry," Brasse said.

Lombardi pointed out that Blohm + Voss is not engineering or designing military equipment, just involved in steel welding and docking. Germany's navy has contributed frigates and other ships to the EU's anti-piracy patrols off the Horn of Africa.

The revelation dominated what was supposed to have been the Vatican's triumphant appointment of a new president for the bank after its last president, Italian banker Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was fired nine months ago for incompetence.

Gotti Tedeschi's stunning ouster came just as the Vatican was submitting its finances to a review by the Council of Europe's Moneyval committee in a bid to join the list of financially transparent countries.

The Vatican last summer passed the test of the Moneyval committee, which seeks to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. But the IOR and the Vatican's financial watchdog agency received failing grades.

The new president will be tasked with bringing the IOR into compliance by Moneyval's next review.

The Vatican stressed von Freyberg's Catholic credentials, noting that he was a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, an ancient chivalrous military order drawn from European nobility. He himself is a member of one of Germany's aristocratic families.

The Vatican said he had been appointed by the bank's commission of cardinals and that the pope had "expressed his full consent."

The appointment may well be one of the last major decisions of Benedict's papacy given his planned retirement Feb. 28. On Friday, he held one of his last audiences, meeting with Romania's president.

While the appointment was seemingly curiously timed, Lombardi went to great lengths to stress that the selection process took its own path and was to some degree irrelevant to the change in governance of the church.

Lombardi said von Freyberg was selected after a "meticulous and articulate" seven-month search process from an initial list of about 40 candidates put forward by an international executive head-hunting firm. He had the full support of the bank's lay board, the five members of its cardinal's commission, and finally the pope, Lombardi said.

But he was completely thrown by the suggestion that the bank's new president may have links to Germany's military.

"I would say that if he is a competent person who works in the field of ship-building, this is not a reason not to take him," Lombardi said. "As we know, he also organizes pilgrimages to Lourdes, he is a member of the Order of Malta, he takes care of the sick, so certainly he is a person with a notable human and Christian sensibility."

It appeared that the IOR's board simply didn't know about the old frigate contract and that von Fryberg didn't think to mention it, given that the company's primary work is in civilian shipbuilding.

The Vatican bank's finances have long been shrouded in secrecy and scandal. Most famously, the bank was implicated in a scandal over the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano in the 1980s in one of Italy's largest fraud cases. Roberto Calvi, the head of Banco Ambrosiano, was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982 in circumstances that remain mysterious.

Banco Ambrosiano collapsed following the disappearance of $1.3 billion in loans the bank had made to several dummy companies in Latin America. The Vatican had provided letters of credit for the loans.

While denying any wrongdoing, the Vatican bank agreed to pay $250 million to Ambrosiano's creditors.


David Rising and Juergen Baetz contributed from Berlin.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/16/2013 4:44:12 PM
Dear Lydia,

How kind of you to visit here, you are so welcome to
this thread. And while only now have I been able to read your posts, I could but note they are most informative. Now I have to include other delayed material, but if necessary, I will later on comment on them.

Thank you,


Primary school teacher of the Lyceum N37 Chelyabinsk Julia Karbysheva rescued 44 students from the consequences of the explosion of the meteorite over the city on Friday, and she was in the hospital with cuts, the agency "Interfax-Ural" main city hospital doctor N9 Oleg Denisov.According O.Denisova, teacher, who on that day was on the substitution of the two fourth grade, saw the children during the intense light flashes rushed to the window."She gave a command of fourth hide under their desks, and she rushed to open the interior doors. They were glass, because the school was located in a former kindergarten" - shared details of the incident O.Denisov.A few minutes after the flash was followed by a massive explosion, the shock wave shattered glass and debris rained down on the woman. The teacher did not get lost, he ordered the children to get dressed quickly and evacuated them to the street."None of the students did not get a single scratch. Teacher was admitted to the hospital with cuts the tendons of his left hand and left thigh. Yu.Karbysheva currently being treated in hospital N9", - said the head physician.According to him, only in a hospital sought medical treatment 112 Chelyabinsk, 16 of them, including 11 children, have been hospitalized. As of the morning of February 16, the health facility were five adults and two children. Basically all incised wounds of face and hands.Read more:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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