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Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2010 2:51:41 AM
Dear Friends,

Attributes of Kali Yuga [source: Wikipedia]

A discourse by Markandeya in the Mahabharata identifies some of the attributes of Kali Yuga:

In relation to rulers

  • Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
  • Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
  • People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source. But then, they will also love their subjects so much that they will sacrifice their lives for them. This is what kaliyuga says.

In human relationships

  • Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other.
  • Ignorance of dharma [religion, doctrine] will occur.
  • People will have thoughts of murder for no justification and they will see nothing wrong with that mind-set.
  • Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable, and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
  • Sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
  • People will take vows only to break them soon after.
  • People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
  • Men will find their jobs stressful and will go to retreats to escape their work.
  • Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings. Brahmins will not be learned and honoured, Kshatriyas will not be brave, Vaishyas will not be just in dealings and Shudras will not be honest and humble to their duties and to the other castes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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8/31/2010 3:21:34 AM


Thank you for all of this information.

I am convinced that much that is fed to us is far from the truth.

What is hard for me to understand is HOW FAR DOES IGNORANCE REACH?

In the UK (just because it is my best known example) we have a system where (within reason) anyone can aspire to becoming an active political party member and advance from there to office in parliament. I accept that this can be manipulated to put the chosen person into the prime position, but I fail to understand why nobody has reached a point in the heirachy where they start to question what is happening. Is for example, the U.S's Barack Obama unaware of the direction that we are being led in, was he part of the conspiracy from the start or is there a time at which he is informed that there is no alternative? I cannot believe that every significant world leader is somehow in on this worldwide conspiracy.

I have seen conspiracy plots come and go.

What makes this different?

May I point out here that I do not claim the above as my personal beliefs but that they are valid beliefs held by many .

Whatever the answers I am convinced that we are in end times.

I do not fear for my plight, how could I in the face of Pakistans population's plight, however, I do fear for huge groups of people worlwide.


Hello again Roger,

Here is where I should begin to respond to your queries. However, the points you raise in them so resemble my own doubts and worries that I will try to refer to these first.

Actually they have to do with a vow I made about a year and a half ago - when I started to post at Jill's forum - to never touch anything related with the awful characteristics of the last stages of the Kali Yuga in which I believe we are now, in order to instead focus on all the good things it simultaneously is bringing to us; and above all, on the wonderful times that await us when the new age finally arrives.

However, after I started this forum of mine I soon realized that I would have to also deal with these so-called End Times, even knowing that it could harm me. And the result could not be worse, for I even got ill after a while just from the attempt. Like it was not terrible enough to see the ugly events that this planet has been through in the last few months!

Viewed in retrospect, I now think that all this had to do with a terrible suspicion I had after reading a certain material that recently came to my hands: What if all the people now posing as the good guys are actually the bad ones? Or even, what if they are no more than useful tools (or 'fools') in the hands of the dark elite? It appears that merely thinking of this awful possibility weakened my defenses.

In a time where nothing is as it appears, it is really hard to find the truth about anything, let alone discover who is the good guy and who is a traitor in this drama.

In my next post I will include an article from Wikipedia that describes the main negative characteristics of this dark era. I am not sure if they include deception as its main feature, but they certainly should. Another should be that what used to be good is now regarded as bad, and vice versa - which further complicates matters.

Back to my experience with this topic, I now regret having even started it. If I had kept my vow and only focused on the positive things that these times bring, I would have spared myself all the inconveniences.

And going now, at long last, to your questions, I sincerely cannot know whether all those conspiracy plots are real. I looked up at Wikipedia for Rockefeller's statement, but could not find it. Maybe they have withdrawn it by now. But I have always believed that John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, and before them the Mahatma Gandhi, were all killed as a result of such conspiracy plots and that the visible assassins only were useful tools in them. And I am afraid the entire world's current situation as depicted in the article is very likely the product of such an horrendous scheme too, and a cruel and macabre joke to be sure - IF true. How different from the wonderful world of the future that the technocrats used to describe back in the sixties, right?

As to your preoccupation for the large groups of people, it only honors you, and I of course share it.



Hello Luis, Roger and friends,

I have to come here whenever lower vibrations start ruling this place to bring some up-lifment.
Friends, we all had many lives before and we will have many after this. In some realm or the other. Our souls are immortal. There were masters on this earth during times which were worst than this. They were able to enjoy happiness no matter what their circumstances were.

According to my research there is no end times, there is end of the old energies on this earth, while new energies will start to govern. Those who ambrace the ascension concept (new energies), will survive all what might be going on here.

Don't get me wrong. There were times I was feeling like you, but this is over. Now I know that no matter what happens, it is my choice to decide how I feel .

Not everybody is ready to embrace new energies and there is nothing wrong about it. Their time will come if not in this lifetime than another one for them.

We write our own paths, and if you embrace fear and react to it along those lines, this is what you will receive. You can't embrace new energies and feel good in them while fear is having control over you. There is concept Schumann resonances, which can be measured and we know that earth pulse is increasing while its magnetism decreasing. As this pulse increases your potential for ascension goes with it. Your telepathic abilities and intuition improve. Not only you can just know more things, but you can start perceiving other dimensions in which other areas of your DNA exists. You can start using your DNA to rewrite your biology of your own body. This DNA was dormant for thousands of years since Lemuria.
Note that Sumerians didn't have technology, yet they knew about our solar system. How? They used other areas of their DNA where all this is written. I'm sure you have heard the saying that "all is in the starts". The saying means exactly what is. You are part of the same system which is interconnected with you. You have the mechanism to feel it and understand, but you have forgotten that. Birds can navigate thousands of kilometers using this system and entire nature relies on it. The reason they still use it is because they didn't try to outsmart themselves and prove through sciences that this doesn't work.

You have choice to trust and leave all up to higher power and enjoy the time which you have now at hand, or live in fear and let yourself be controlled by the dark ones.

My suggestion is. Stop listing to TV and main stream media. Stop reading main newspaper and only look for upliftment, enjoyment and good news. Concentrate on it only and by doing this you will not only bring yourself higher in your feelings but you will positively affect your surrounding and at the same time bring everybody around you higher and make them feel good.

This will have good effect on earth and what is happening on it.

When you listen to this seven clips (taken from Roger's forum), you will find out that there is hope and there is a way. Jesus showed us the same way using different words.








In the fifth one you will find info that based on science there is only 1000 people needed to cause any effect on earth by thinking the same thought in coordinated manner.

We need to take our power back. We are sovereign human beings and we don't need anybody to make decisions for us.

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8/31/2010 7:33:32 AM

Luis and Bogdan,

Great replies and great discussion.


Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2010 2:28:41 AM

Dear Bogdan,

I needed a few days to let your last post sink before responding to it. Actually you made me a great honor in writing it, and I appreciate it above all things. Not only that, I also feel grateful for your kind, affectionate advice in it.

I understand that you want me to enjoy and not be sad, and that you are concerned about me and want me to see the brighter side of things. How could I get you wrong about your feelings regarding me?

On the other hand, I would not like you to get me wrong either, as I have told you why it was that I created this thread on the ‘End Times’. By the way, I believe in the End Times in the same way that I believe in night preceding day; that is all. The problem was that even knowing that it would affect me, I did create this thread because I felt it to be needed to give a balanced account of all the facts within the current global events. And when it did affect me, I should have kept my mouth shut about this circumstance.

So please don’t worry too much about me, not anymore at least, as I am now totally recovered and happy. Also, far from being scared at the world’s evil prospects and threats, I believe there is nothing to fear if we just trust God and his intervention in the last minute before the dark forces ultimately win. If I fear and suffer is because of what the dark can do to innocent people.

In fact, I am as happy as I can possibly be with my people and my dogs and the beautiful life I live... except when I remember all this.

This said, I have been undergoing several changes myself that make me think that like several others now, particularly at Jill’s Mountain, I too am beginning to walk in the path of ascension. I know that I still have to improve about deciding how I feel, but I guess it will come in time. As I was just reading elsewhere: “A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.”

As to the rest, I promise you to follow all and every one of your suggestions. Starting with concentrating only on good and uplifting news.

With my most sincere thanks,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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9/6/2010 10:09:15 PM

Dear Bogdan,

I needed a few days to let your last post sink before responding to it. Actually you made me a great honor in writing it, and I appreciate it above all things. Not only that, I also feel grateful for your kind, affectionate advice in it.

I understand that you want me to enjoy and not be sad, and that you are concerned about me and want me to see the brighter side of things. How could I get you wrong about your feelings regarding me?

On the other hand, I would not like you to get me wrong either, as I have told you why it was that I created this thread on the ‘End Times’. By the way, I believe in the End Times in the same way that I believe in night preceding day; that is all. The problem was that even knowing that it would affect me, I did create this thread because I felt it to be needed to give a balanced account of all the facts within the current global events. And when it did affect me, I should have kept my mouth shut about this circumstance.

So please don’t worry too much about me, not anymore at least, as I am now totally recovered and happy. Also, far from being scared at the world’s evil prospects and threats, I believe there is nothing to fear if we just trust God and his intervention in the last minute before the dark forces ultimately win. If I fear and suffer is because of what the dark can do to innocent people.

In fact, I am as happy as I can possibly be with my people and my dogs and the beautiful life I live... except when I remember all this.

This said, I have been undergoing several changes myself that make me think that like several others now, particularly at Jill’s Mountain, I too am beginning to walk in the path of ascension. I know that I still have to improve about deciding how I feel, but I guess it will come in time. As I was just reading elsewhere: “A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.”

As to the rest, I promise you to follow all and every one of your suggestions. Starting with concentrating only on good and uplifting news.

With my most sincere thanks,


Hello Miguel,

I'm glad to hear that things are going this way.
I believe now fully as Jill's forum name is. "Attitude is everything". Whatever we send out, this is coming back to us. I have decided myself not to pay any attention any more to negative events in our lives. This is coming easier and easier as I'm embracing more and more the good news. And the good news is that things are looking good as the establishment collapses.

The dark ones are on the way to elimination and no matter how long it takes, there is no way, they can change how I'm going to feel about it.

In fact they are all blessed to show me how I'm not supposed to be.
They provided us with lessons and enabled for us a way to get better humans, as it is not hard to be a good person when everybody around is good.

In the future history books and sociology books, examples of dark deeds will be used to educate young generations about the evil possible which exists in human nature. It will be shown all the effects how dark thoughts and ideas were used to enslave the world, to loot it and to feed on human bodies. The dark side of humanity if allowed to flourish becomes true vampire nature which feeds on human blood, both physically and emotionally.



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