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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/29/2020 5:24:22 PM

The US Dropped a Record-Breaking Number of Bombs on Afghanistan in 2019

The U.S. military dropped a record-breaking number of bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, the Air Force announced Tuesday, drawing criticism from observers who wondered what purpose the continued barrage of the war-torn country after over 18 years of war could serve.

“Isn’t this an admission of colossal failure?” tweeted CounterPunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair. “Who are we bombing? Why? What will it yield but more war?”

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The munitions data (pdf) was published Monday by U.S. Air Forces Central Command. Air Force jets dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, the highest number since records began in 2006—beating out 2018.

Stars and Stripes explained how the bombing affects the Afghan people:

The AFCENT figures include bomb and missile strikes, 105 mm shells fired by AC-130 gunships and strafing fire from 20 mm cannons and up.

Airstrikes, predominantly conducted by U.S. forces, caused 579 of the 1,149 civilian war fatalities attributed to pro-government forces in Afghanistan during the first nine months of 2019, according to the most recent United Nations data.

As the war in Afghanistan continues, so too does a lack of accountability with the American people from President Donald Trump’s administration.

Two members of the president’s Cabinet, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, refused to attend a Congressional hearing on the war Tuesday morning, drawing criticism from Subcommittee on National Security chairman Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.).

Lynch said in his remarks that the president’s strategy in the region is at best incoherent.

“Despite repeated invitations, the Department of State and the Department of Defense refused to make witnesses available to testify today,” said Lynch. “That’s very disappointing, because I’m concerned that rather than implementing a coherent Afghanistan strategy, U.S. policy in the region is instead being driven by the latest impulse of the commander-in-chief.”

U.S. airstrikes killed 15 civilians earlier in January, Stars and Stripes reported last week.

Afghanistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission, which reported the strike in a report, said the attack was “a clear violation of human rights.”

By Eoin Higgins | | Creative Commons

Article source: The Mind Unleashed

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2020 5:31:10 PM

What Is Really Happening? A Coronavirus Interview With An American In China

With so many reports coming out daily on the coronavirus outbreak, how do we know what to believe? We already see the governments and social media companies working around the clock to control the narrative in an attempt to allegedly prevent misinformation, but is restricting information really the answer?

In this report, Spiro interviews an American who has been living and working in Southeast Asia for decades and is currently in China. See first hand his experience concerning the coronavirus, as there have been confirmed reports of the virus in his area.


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A Pandemic That Scares The General Population Into Submission Can Act As Cover For Many Different Events.

Jon Rappoport

Richie Allen


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2020 5:54:52 PM

Coronavirus: An Analysis In Relation To Technocracy

People around the world are in near-panic over the potential pandemic emanating from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Face masks and bottles of hand sanitizers have been flying off the shelves and trips involving air travel are plummeting.

Not surprisingly, there is a mountain of disinformation with attendant conspiracy theories racing around the Internet, all of which only exacerbate the fear and muddle what facts we know for certain.

ZeroHedge Banned from Twitter

The widely-read ZeroHedge news site was completely banned by Twitter over the weekend for “violating community policies”. The ban was apparently due to the release of a certain scientist’s email and phone number, both of which are publicly and freely available elsewhere. The scientist in question, Dr. Peng Zhou, is a prominent researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and leads the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group. Coincidentally, his lab is only 20 miles from the epicenter of the outbreak.

The frenzied questions concerning motive of the outbreak are largely pointless at this time. It happened. It is what it is. Real answers might surface someday but not because governments anywhere are known for their honesty and intellectual integrity, especially China, the United States and Canada.

In light of this, I would direct readers of Technocracy News & Trends to think about the role played by Technocracy and its Technocrat operators.

China is a Technocracy

China is a full-blown Technocracy that has elevated science and engineering to god-like status. They are noted for their mastery of technology promoting Scientific Dictatorship, where every citizen is tracked, monitored and socially engineered to the satisfaction of the controllers. Furthermore, their economic system is completely engineered by Technocrats.

I have repeatedly noted and warned of the carelessness of Technocrats in the object of their studies. Data security in Smart Cities is always an afterthought. Massive computer systems are routinely hacked, exposing personal data of hundreds of millions of people. Amazon’s Ring Cameras are increasingly hacked to terrorize unsuspecting children and their parents. Boeing’s 737 Max was grounded because of amateurish software developers who failed to adequately test their creations. You get the idea.

When Technocrat engineers build complex laboratories able to handle the world’s worst killing agents like Ebola, SARS, Anthrax and even the Spanish Flu, there can be no room for error. When these labs are then staffed with human scientists who decide to experiment with genetic engineering to see what they can come up with, there can be no room for error. The obvious problem with this is that errors always creep in because error-prone Technocrats simply don’t think things through to the very end and they end up creating things they cannot control.

In my opinion, this new coronavirus outbreak bleakly underscores the built-in structural failures of Technocracy in general and Technocrat achievements in particular. In deference to the original father of Technocracy, French philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), science is not a god and there is no priesthood of scientists and engineers.

The Global Supply Chain Is As Risk

China itself has absolutely no reason to purposely release a killer virus that would choke its economy and besmirch its already-tenuous scientific reputation. The gigantic and precision-oriented global supply chain that it helped to create, including all of China’s Belt and Road initiatives, is at risk of serious disruption if not complete collapse. It would be truly insane for China to intentionally jeopardize 45 years of progress.

However, no one can rule out the possibility of an act of eco-terror by a group or even a single person. There are plenty of death-crazed zealots in the world who would count it a great victory to kill thousands and terrorize billions.

The global elitists who created the economic paradigm of Sustainable Development through the United Nations, have been preparing for an economic reset (death) of Capitalism and Free Enterprise. In 2015, the head of climate change at the UN, Christiana Figueres, clearly stated:

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.

Since then, governments, global corporations, central banks and UN-linked NGOs have all jumped on the Sustainable Development band wagon. Anyone who has read my latest book, Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, knows that Sustainable Development is functionally equivalent to Technocracy that was originally created in the 1920s and ’30s.

No matter what happens from this point forward, the economic impact of the Wuhan coronavirus will be an order of magnitude greater than the health impact. This implies at least temporary shortages of products that are dependent on the global supply chain to work correctly; unfortunately, that is most products that are necessary for modern living. Further, the already-fragile global financial system could seize up, resulting in another financial meltdown.

In the meantime, expect bizarre social behavior that will further exacerbate the situation.

Article source: Technocracy.News

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2020 6:11:30 PM

China sees 254 new coronavirus deaths, 15,152 new cases, after using new reporting method

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/14/2020 6:09:03 PM

Planet Alert February 2020

In my last article I wrote about the 6-point earthquakes that opened up the Pacific Northwest to 6D energy. Since that time there have been many 6-point quakes all around the world. This means that areas all over the world opened up to 6D energy in December and January. We are now in the energy of Magic and Miracles and the Unicorn rules. The same thing happened in 1994 when the world opened up to 5D energy after a 5.1 quake off Vancouver Island in January of 1994. After that quake I counted 24 -5+ earthquakes around the world. Vancouver Island is the acupuncture point for the Pacific Northwest.

I have been studying the Book of Revelation for years and I would like to share some more prophecies with you. Remember the Book of Revelation is symbolic and you have to know how to interpret it to understand what it means. Some people think we are just starting to experience the events talked about in that book. My understanding is that the prophecies started with World War 1 and continues to this day. The first Trumpet sounded and there came hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled down upon the earth. That was the First World War. The second trumpet blew and a third of the ships were destroyed. This was Pearl Harbor and the fulfilling of the second trumpet. The third trumpet talks about the Atomic Bomb that was dropped on Japan. Now we are experiencing the seventh trumpet which is the last. We are at the end!

I have been telling you for years about what is coming next and sometimes it takes years to get through just one chapter. For an example the 17th and 18thchapters talk about the Fall of Babylon (Baghdad) and the bombing of the great financial city which was New York City. That was way back on 9-11-2001. In March of 2003 President George Bush started a war in Baghdad and destroyed that city. That war lasted for years and this ended the 18th chapter of Revelation.

Then we moved into the 19th chapter and at the end of that chapter it talks about a great war that would happen. This war started in North Africa and it was right on schedule. It started in Tunisia in January of 2011 and went right across North Africa including Libya, Egypt, the Middle East, and Syria, which is still in that war.

Now we are experiencing the 20th chapter of Revelation. This chapter talks about a leader who comes to power and as soon as he comes to power he goes to Gog and Magog. I had a friend who did much research on Gog and Magog and she came up with the information that it was North and South Korea. Isn’t that just what Trump did? Then it talks about the immigrant situation and mentions a group of people who walked across the breadth of the Earth to the border of the Holy Land which is Jer(usa)lem or the USA. Haven’t we been experiencing an immigration problem for the past three years?

Then it talks about light coming down from heaven and that sure has been happening for the past three years. I have received many beautiful pictures of light coming down from heaven. Sometimes when those bolts of light come down the Schumann resonance goes way up to 50 Hz and higher. This has been very hard on the physical body because it causes us to raise our frequency and that can be very painful. Look at all the Ascension symptoms people complain about like heart pain (opening of the heart chakra) headaches and eye problems from the brain changing, and other parts of the body hurting. It has not been easy.

Now we have come to the end of the 20th chapter which talks all about judging. This verse talks about the book of life being opened and everyone is judged according to what they did in life. There is no God that sits on a throne and judges us. God is within all of us and we judge ourselves enough that we don’t need anyone else to judge us. I have talked about this before but I did not realize that the last paragraph in the 20 chapter of Revelation would last for over 3 years and be all about judging.

Now the judging has reached a climax by the trial going on in the USA. Most of us have been focused on judging our leader. There is even a Supreme Court justice sitting in his chair and observing the process. This is happening because it is one of the prophecies and the last one before we experience the new heaven and the new earth. Someone had to play the part of bringing the darkness out into the open. Donald Trump is the one who chose to play this part. Tomorrow is the last day of his trial although the judging may continue for a while. I do not know when the judging part will be over.

Once we stop judging him and other people the judging will stop and we can move into the new heaven and the new earth. Many of us have been experts at criticizing or judging ourselves, or others. It is time to be neutral. If we just stopped judging we would become a much kinder person. It is so easy to judge or criticize someone who is different from you or does something you do not like. If we could just stop judging we would live in an entirely different reality.

Donald Trump became president with his Saturn on 23 degrees Cancer in a perfect square to Eris, the Goddess of chaos on 23 degrees Aries. All of the time he has been in office this energy has been activated. He came in as the King of Chaos. We have needed to be in this chaos because out of chaos comes a new reality.

The first sentence in the 21st chapter of Revelation says “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first earth has passed away. Then I saw the Holy City (ship) the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying “now the dwelling place of God is with men (people) and he/she will live with us.” I think this means that we have found that God is within all of us and we are all equal. Maybe we will just wake up on a different frequency or time-line and everything will have changed.

There are also many benevolent space ships here to help us through this change. Matthew chapter 24 Verse 30 says “’at the time of the end we will see the sign of the son of man in the heavens. Then we will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from one end of heaven to the other.” Remember the song “After the Gold Rush”. This song has become popular again because there are so many people seeing the ships that are here in our heavens now. Here is a link to that song:After The Gold Rush by Dolly Parton.

Because this article has been about the prophecies of Revelations, I am putting in a link to a good Astrology article about what the planets are doing in February. Here is that article. Intuitive Astrology Forecast for February 2020 by Tanaaz.

We do live in interesting times and who knows what will happen next. I send peace and love to everyone who reads this article. Bless you!

***** Mahala Gayle *****

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
