Posting the Mighty Ones, Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, and Gabrielle
What can we do when we see horrendous situations around the world with many suffering and dying?
Dear reader Céline emailed me the YouTube below explaining about the multiple cyclones that have occurred in the area of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, similar to Cyclone Idai, how she is grateful for the organizations stepping up, and an invocation she uses:
Cyclone Idai from 0:26 to 5:33 minutes
Céline: I am grateful to the World Food Programme and all agencies (and governments!) stepping up.
May every single person have their bellies filled with nutritious food and water, and may our higher Light and intentions keep all bugs at bay.
Transmute, transmute, by Violet Fire
All causes and cores not of God’s desire
I AM a Being of cause alone,
That cause is Love, the sacred tone.
Links: Zimbabweans Pull Out Their Last Penny
for Dead and Injured of Cyclone Idai
UN Launches $282 Million Appeal for Mozambique Cyclone Relief
Thank you, Céline.
I highly recommend invoking Universal Law, the Universal Law of Elimination for the false grids, the entrenched beliefs that “God is punishing” to help stop natural disasters.
Blaming the dark within/without, pointing fingers, doesn’t work.
We need to eliminate within:
the bigotry — the racism
the hatred — all judgement
the limitation — the separation anxiety
the control — the guilt
These belief systems connected to our core issues of sorrow, shame, anger, and fear help create these natural disasters.
As within so without.
I see us needing to step it up a notch with greater hope, trust, forgiveness and non-judgement of everything — surrounding the horrendous in Love, the disasters, even the shooters killing many.
The blessing and virtue of humility teaches us to put ourselves with others not above or below, and in compassion, without any judgement.
The murderer and the bomber, those who commit the most heinous acts, arrived here with the purity of grace in their souls.
Was it ignored or covered? Yes.
The danger is
when we judge anyone or anything,
we are
considering our selves separate from the Divine.
All judgement separates us from each other.
When we say, “Well that person is a murderer. Look what they’ve done. They are horrible and need to be punished,” we have lost our balance.
We set ourselves up to be ‘holier than thou’ and we dare not misstep because then we put ourselves in the same category as those we have judged.
Each journey has many, many twists and turns and it can be helpful to look at what that heinous crime has created.
Has there been a positive outcome?
Maybe we do not want to credit the murderer with the positive outcome?
We like to give credit to those who have risen to the occasion but the catalyst for that positive behaviour came from what we judged as negative.
Unity with our Muslim friends around the world
That does not mean that we take on the burden of that person.
We can see them in Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Octagon (1),or send the energy of healing, acceptance, and Love becausethey’ve lost their way not realizing the joy of why they came.
We are compassion, humility, acceptance.
When we can do this and be in gratitude for our entire journey, the good, the bad and the ugly, we come to balanceas the Creator Race we are.
Being peace, Love, and joy,
forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude
is a way to create the end of disasters in our without.
I invoke the Mother, the Universal Law of Elimination,
Her Hope, Trust, Forgiveness for the false grids
of bigotry, hatred, limitation, control.
The Mother’s Blue Diamond Energy of Hope, Trust, and Forgiveness for everyone
(1) Archangel Raphael and His Emerald Octagon