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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2019 6:49:38 PM

From pariah to demi-god: transgender leader a star at massive Indian festival

PRAYAGRAJ, India (Reuters) - In a desert tent guarded by armed police and a thick-set bouncer, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is blessing a constant stream of pilgrims, who garland her with marigolds and kneel to touch her feet.

Tripathi, a tattooed transgender leader and a former reality TV star, has become an unlikely icon at India’s Kumbh Mela, a huge religious festival being held on the banks of the Ganges river in the city of Prayagraj. Up to 150 million people are expected to attend by the time the festival ends in March.

On Tuesday, her religious movement, called the Kinnar Akhada, became the first transgender group to bathe at the confluence of the holy Ganges and the Yamuna rivers on the first day of the ancient festival, traditionally reserved for reclusive Hindu priests, almost all of whom are men.

“After centuries down the line, it was when the community finally got its due,” Tripathi told Reuters, seated on a pedestal next to her Michael Kors bag, juggling calls on an iPhone.

Many at the festival cheer Tripathi for reclaiming the lost place in Hinduism for India’s “third gender”, known as the hijras, worshipped as demi-gods for thousands of years, but ridiculed and sidelined during British colonial rule.

A law passed in 1871 classed the hijras as “criminals”.

Little changed after independence and hijras were pariahs, living in tribes, begging or soliciting for sustenance and harassed by police.

It was only in 2014 that the Supreme Court officially recognized transgender people as a third gender.

Tripathi is one of the best known. But her support for building a controversial Hindu temple on the site of a demolished mosque has angered some in the LGBT community, who allege she is courting support from India’s powerful religious right to further her own influence.

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, chief of the "Kinnar Akhara" congregation for transgender people speaks to her followers during "Kumbh Mela", or the Pitcher Festival, in Prayagraj, previously known as Allahabad, India, January 16, 2019. Picture taken January 16, 2019. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui


The place of hijras in Indian culture dates back to the Ramayana, a more-than 2,000 year-old Hindu epic poem venerated and performed across India.

In the text, the god-king Ram is exiled from the holy city of Ayodhya, with the entire kingdom following him into the forest. He orders them to turn back, but returning after 14 years, finds the hijras waiting for him in the same spot. Impressed by their devotion, he grants them the power to invoke blessings and curses on people.

For centuries, though their lives were far from easy, hijras held a special role in India’s royal courts, tasked with guarding harems and rising to influential positions.

Today, despite their legal recognition, many still face prejudice in what is a conservative country, forced into sex work or seeking alms at weddings and births, a long-held practice among hijras. Hate crimes against them are common and HIV prevalence within the community is many times higher than the general population.

“The ritual seeking of alms is now seen as begging,” said Anindya Hajra, a transgender activist at the Pratyay Gender Trust. “It criminalizes and pushes an already vulnerable community to its very brink.”


Born in 1979 in Thane, a suburb of India’s financial capital Mumbai, Tripathi says she had a difficult childhood scarred with abuse by a close relative. A sickly child who was bullied at school for being feminine, she grew in confidence after learning Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance.

“I chose not to remember the prejudice,” she said. “Rather I think (about) the good things that have happened to me, and be a flamboyant rainbow.”

Long recognized as one of the most influential figures in the LGBT community in India, she become famous across the country when she appeared on reality TV show “Bigg Boss” in 2011. She was a petitioner in the landmark court ruling that recognized transgender people.

In 2015, she founded her Akhara and began a campaign to have hijras represented at the at the first “Shahi Snan”, or royal bath, of the Kumbh Mela.

“It all started to reclaim the lost position in the dharma,” Tripathi said, referring to the Hindu cosmic law underlying correct behavior and social order. “I was not very religious until 2015 – life changed.”

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2019 11:02:51 AM

World War 3 Alert: Israel, Iran Edging Dangerously Close to State of All-Out War


Missile fire is seen over Damascus, Syria.
Missile fire is seen over Damascus, Syria. (SANA/Handout via REUTERS)

Israel and Iran are edging dangerously close to a state of all-out war. On Sunday night, Israeli forces rained missiles down on Iranian forces based in the Damascus area "for nearly an hour." According to the IDF, this was a response to "dozens" of missiles that were fired by Iranian forces in Syria toward targets in Israel earlier that day. The Israelis were able to intercept the Iranian missiles, but if any of them had gotten through they could have caused a tremendous amount of damage. Some of the missiles that Israel fired at the Iranians were reportedly intercepted, but quite a few of them did hit their intended targets. If the violence continues to escalate, we could potentially soon be talking about an all-out war between Israel and Iran in which both sides use their weapons of mass destruction.

The missile strikes against Iranian targets in Damascus made headlines all over the globe. According to Syrian state media, there were "consecutive waves of guided missiles."

Syrian state media cited a Syrian military source as saying Israel launched an "intense attack through consecutive waves of guided missiles," but that Syrian air defenses destroyed most of the "hostile targets."

Witnesses in Damascus said loud explosions rang out in the night sky for nearly an hour.

The Syrians are boasting that they were able to destroy quite a few of the Israeli missiles, but independent observers confirm that quite a few Iranian targets were destroyed.

In the past, the Israelis have not always publicly acknowledged their attacks in Syria, but on Sunday night they released an immediate statement:

"We have started striking Iranian Quds targets in Syrian territory," Israel's military said in a statement.

"We warn the Syrian Armed Forces against attempting to harm Israeli forces or territory."

You can see some footage of the missile strikes right here. Among the targets were"weapons warehouses at the Damascus International Airport.":

Targets striked by the IDF, which number at around 10 according to its statement, include weapons warehouses at the Damascus International Airport and in other locations, an Iranian intelligence site and an Iranian training camp in Syria's south.

Now that the Iranians have been hit so hard, will they respond by striking back at Israel?

If both sides continue to escalate the violence, eventually, a point of no return will be reached, and then all hell will break loose.

Prior to the IDF missile attacks on Iranian targets, rockets were fired toward the Golan Heights from inside Syria, and Israel blamed those attacks on the Iranians:

The Israeli military said earlier on Sunday that missiles fired toward the northern Golan Heights were intercepted by the Iron Domemissile defense system. It added in a statement on Monday that an Iranian force fired these missiles, but said it holds the Syrian regime responsible for any activity in its territory.

It seems extremely unlikely that this conflict will be resolved any time soon. The Iranians are certainly not going to leave Syria, and they are definitely going to continue to funnel arms and resources to Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon.

And the Israelis have clearly stated that they are going to resist any Iranian attempts to strengthen Hezbollah or to establish a permanent military presence inside Syria. In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu couldn't have been any clearer when he said this to reporters:

"We have a permanent policy, to strike at the Iranian entrenchment in Syria and hurt whoever tries to hurt us," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

If a full-blown war erupts in the days ahead, Israel will almost certainly find itself fighting Iran, Syria and Hezbollah simultaneously. Of course Hezbollah is essentially an Iranian proxy, and at this point they have between 130,000 and 150,000 missiles aimed at Israel. When war finally comes, it will be extremely bloody and extremely destructive.

Tonight, we are closer to such a war than ever. The Iranians and the Israelis absolutely hate one another, and now they are firing missiles at one another.

It isn't going to take much to push the two sides over the edge, and if that happens we are just a hop, a skip and a jump away from the start of World War III.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho's First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled "Living A Life That Really Matters" is available in paperback and for the Kindle on


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2019 5:29:43 PM

New York Dems Flex Muscles, Pass Reproductive Health Act
January 22, 2019 at 6:36 pm


— A re-write of New York abortion laws had been held up by Republicans for more than a decade.

On Tuesday, the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Senate Democrats passed the Reproductive Health Act, 38-24. Gov. Andrew Cuomo hoped to sign the bill later in the evening, CBS2’s Tony Aiello reported.

Critics call the legislation a radical over-reach that benefits people who harm pregnant women.

All the power in Albany is now in the hands of Democrats and they quickly moved to pass an abortion rights bill.

“We’re saying here in New York, women’s lives matter. We’re saying here in New York, women’s decisions matter,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said.

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Andrea Stewart-Cousins speaks during the One Fair Wage Event at the Rockefeller Foundation on Feb. 20, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

New York legalized abortion in 1970, three years before the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. Supporters say almost 50 years later, the Empire State has simply moved to codify abortion rights, with Cuomo often pointing to new members of the high court.

“Kavanaugh is going to reverse Roe v. Wade, I have no doubt,” the governor said.

But critics say the Reproductive Health Act goes beyond codifying — to expanding.

Timothy Cardinal Dolan spoke about it Tuesday on his radio show.

“Any, any, any limit on the unfettered, unquestioned absolute right to abortion, they want none of it,” Dolan said.

Provisions in the bill include dropping most restrictions on abortions after 24 weeks, allowing midwives and nurse practitioners to perform abortions and ending criminal charges for harming children in the womb.

Livia Abreu of the Bronx lost her baby in a 2018 domestic violence attack. Charges against her ex-boyfriend, Oscar Alvarez, include abortion in the first degree.

“The passing of RHA will exonerate him from those charges. I cannot imagine living in a world where harming or killing an unborn child is not a crime,” Abreu said.

Democrats say voters put them in control to pass progressive legislation — and the Reproductive Health Act is one of the first on a long list of bills Republicans can no longer stop.

(CBS New York)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 10:38:59 AM

Blood Moon Update: Meteor Hits Moon During Eclipse; Iran, Israel Come to Blows

Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood. Joel 3:3 (The Israel Bible™)

In a powerful confluence, a lunar eclipse over the continental U.S. on Sunday evening coincided with Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish arboreal New Year. Breaking Israel News cited many experts who ascribed dire significance to the event. A quick retrospective shows that the predictions were not empty as the day passed with portentous events in the heavens and on the earth.

Since the moon has no atmosphere, meteors do not burn up before impacting the surface making meteor impacts far more common than on the earth. Though relatively common, these impacts usually go unnoticed. But on Sunday, a multitude of telescopes great and small was turned towards the moon to witness the eclipse. The impact was easy to miss, a tiny spot of light illuminated for the barest moment at the height of the eclipse.

One week before the eclipse, Rabbi Yekutiel Fish told Breaking Israel News that the lunar eclipse was a warning that the Jews of America should immediately move to Israel.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 11:11:02 AM

PETER PARKS / AFP / Getty Images


Trump calls for more global warming while Australia sizzles in record-breaking heatwave

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