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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2018 4:59:56 PM

Start prepping! Electric grid ‘prime target’ of terrorists, ‘profound threat,’ says council

by Paul Bedard | December 10, 2018 10:23 AM

In a new report that warns that the electric grid is the “prime target” of terrorists, Americans are being urged prepare for the up to six months without electricity, transportation, fuel, money, and healthcare.

“People no longer keep enough essentials within their homes, reducing their ability to sustain themselves during an extended, prolonged outage. We need to improve individual preparedness,” said a just-published report to President Trump.

“There needs to be more individual accountability for preparedness,” adds the report, “Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage,” from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Counciland published by the Department of Homeland Security.

It looked at the potential of a power outage of up to six months and recommended Americans have enough supplies on hand for a minimum 14 days, a standard for some prepper organizations.

“Build a Culture of Preparedness includes objectives to incentivize investments that reduce risk, including pre-disaster mitigation; closing the insurance gap; helping people prepare for disasters; and better learn from past disasters, improve continuously, and innovate,” said a key recommendation.

The report, a draft to be voted on this week by the council, is the second in one month to warn of a “profound threat” to the electric grid from terrorism and naturally occurring events like a solar storm or flare. A prior governmental report also called for presidential action to protect the grid. That report warned of a threat to world order in an attack.

Together, they draw emergency attention to the threat and impact a national blackout would have.

“This profound risk requires a new national focus. Significant public and private action is needed to prepare for and recover from a catastrophic outage that could leave the large parts of the nation without power for weeks or months, and cause service failures in other sectors — including water and wastewater, communications, transportation, healthcare, and financial services — that are critical to public health and safety and our national and economic security,” said the advisory council.

The report is an urgent call to action to organize a uniform reaction to a grid attack, harden it from attack, warn of the threats, and push regular Americans into preparing for the worst.

It also calls for federal spending instead of a reliance on rate hikes by individual utilities to fix their systems and said that $1 spent to protect the grid will save $6 in the case of recovery.

“The power grid is a prime target for attack by nation states, and it is not fair for ratepayers to bear the full burden for this national security function,” said the report, which looked at the potential of a “catastrophic” half-year blackout that could impact 75 million.

The attack could also come with no notice and last half a year. "Long-duration, lasting several weeks to months (at least 2 months, but more likely 6 months or more) due to physical destruction to equipment, such as transformers or transmission lines; or the severity of the event resulting in limited work force to repair damage, or inability to create or transport replacement parts," the report said. “This profound threat requires a new national focus. The NIAC found that our existing plans, response resources, and coordination strategies would be outmatched by an event of this severity. Significant action is needed to prepare for a catastrophic power outage that could last for weeks or months."

According to DHS, the council "provides the president of the United States, through the Secretary of Homeland Security, with advice on the security and resilience of critical infrastructure sectors and their functional systems, physical assets, and cyber networks."

While the prior study was prepared by federal agencies and the military, the new report was prepared by industry and governmental leaders. Both raised similar concerns.

Much of the report’s recommendations focus on the need for a central clearinghouse or authority to guide the nation in a blackout. But it also reveals how unprepared people and governments are despite the prepper movement in the nation. Some of those warnings from the report are below:

  • Given the growing frequency and severity of disasters and other risks, there needs to be an increase in individual accountability, enterprise, and community investment in resilient infrastructure.
  • There is a misconception that events occur infrequently.
  • There needs to be more individual accountability for preparedness.
  • Resilience at the state and local level will be critical to enable people to shelter in place and facilitate faster recovery. Any event that requires a mass evacuation will use up critical resources, clog transportation pathways, and reduce the workforce necessary for infrastructure recovery.
  • Electricity, fuel, clean drinking water, wastewater services, food/refrigeration, emergency medical services, communications capabilities, and some access to financial services have been identified as critical lifeline services that would be needed to sustain local communities and prevent mass migration.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said it was a DHS report. The department said it was instead just a draft report of the council. Washington Secrets regrets the error.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2018 11:05:00 AM
Snowflake Cold

SOTT Earth Changes Summary - November 2018: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

california fires
This last month of November the town of Paradise in California turned into a living hell. Apocalyptic wildfires ravaged the state triggering mass evacuations, causing 85 deaths and record losses. 1,890,438 acres were turned to ashes. But that's not all, floods and snow have been added to the deadly mix causing more destruction.

Seismic activity and other geological phenomena increased in November. A 6.3 degree earthquake in Iran and a 7.0 in Anchorage, Alaska, to mention the most significant. Meanwhile, volcanoes in Guatemala, Russia, Mexico, and Italy all sprung into action and India and Saudi Arabia were affected by huge earth cracks that are becoming more common around the world. The earth appears to be 'opening up'.

Heavy rain, floods and big hail have become the new normal - even in some countries' dry season - causing hundreds of deaths this month, failed crops and infrastructure damage. Kuwait, Vietnam and Sydney paid a heavy toll, but the Middle East and Italy were the most affected. Record extreme weather did serious damage to Italy with hurricane like wind gusts, fiery storms and heavy floods causing the death of 30 and heavy damage to crops and entire forests destroyed.

The sheets of rain that have been falling have also been causing liquefaction of the soil that has provoked landslides in Panama, Costa Rica, Brazil , Peru and Ecuador, to name just a few. Much of the downpours - in combination with increasingly low temperatures caused by the solar minimum - also caused heavy early snowfalls that surprised many.

Meteor fireballs also gave us quite an spectacle this month, but in a rather unusual event, four meteor fireballs blazed over southern Spain, two of them sighted within 2 hours.

Watch our summary below:
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Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it's taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.

Check out previous instalments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here, or here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2018 5:54:58 PM

Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

The world’s debt currently exceeds $86,000 per person on average, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The US, China, and Japan are the top three global borrowers, accounting for more than half of the global debt.

The IMF has calculated that their share of debt exceeds that of output. It stated that the emergence of China among the top ranking is, however, a relatively new development. Since the beginning of the millennium, China’s share in global debt surged from less than three percent to over 15 percent, underscoring the rapid credit surge in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.

According to the IMF, global debt has reached a record high of $184 trillion in nominal terms. That’s the equivalent of 225 percent of the world GDP in 2017. The debt figure is $2 trillion higher than the estimated number released by the fund in October, because it includes the debts of several countries who had not previously reported their updated data.

“By including both the sovereign and private sides of borrowing for the entire world, the GDD (Global Debt Database) offers an unprecedented picture of global debt in the post-World War II era,”
said the IMF. GDD is a comprehensive dataset covering public and private debt for 190 countries dating back to the 1950s.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/17/2018 11:58:53 PM

2 Major Volcanic Eruptions And Dozens Of Significant Earthquakes Have Struck The Ring Of Fire Within The Last 24 Hours

Global earth changes appear to be accelerating once again, but the mainstream media in the United States is not talking about it, and so most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening. Within the last 24 hours, we have seen close to 40 significant earthquakes of at least magnitude 2.5 along the Ring of Fire, but even more alarming are the two major volcanic eruptions which just took place. Mount Soputan is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Indonesia, and it erupted twice on Sunday morning. According to the Daily Mail, authorities are reporting that hot volcanic ash was shot 25,000 feet into the sky…

A volcano in central Indonesia has erupted, sending columns of thick ash spewing as high as 25,000 feet into the sky.

Mount Soputan, a 6,000ft peak in Minahasa on the northern part of Sulawesi island, erupted twice on Sunday morning.

A two-and-a-half mile exclusion zone has been enforced around the mountain as the national disaster agency warns local residents to avoid the peak.

Those eruptions may have been more spectacular, but the eruption that we just witnessed down in Mexico is potentially much more concerning.

Mt. Popocatepetl has been called the most dangerous mountain in North America for a reason, and officials are carefully watching “Don Goyo” after it “exploded”on Saturday evening…

The active volcano Popocatepetl, located in Central Mexico, has exploded Saturday evening, sending ash two kilometers into the air with the cloud of smoke moving in a northeast direction.

Videos from the eruption show a powerful explosion and traces of magma flowing out of the crater. Possible ash fall is expected in areas surrounding the summit. At the moment the volcanic warning issued by the Federal Civil Protection remains at ‘Phase 2’.

Approximately 25 million people live within striking distance of Mt. Popocatepetl, and scientists assure us that someday the 5,426-meter-high “smoking mountain” will devastate the entire Mexico City region.

And when I say “devastate”, I am not just talking about a disaster that will inconvenience people for a few weeks.

I am talking about an event which will cause death and destruction on an absolutely immense scale. According to the experts, in the distant past “Don Goyo” actually produced gigantic mud flows that buried entire Aztec cities

Historians tell us that Popocatepetl had a dramatic impact on the ancient Aztecs. Giant mud flows produced by massive eruptions covered entire Aztec cities. In fact, some of these mud flows were so large that they buried entire pyramids in super-heated mud.

But we haven’t witnessed anything like that in any of our lifetimes, so it is hard to even imagine devastation of that magnitude.

In addition to Mexico City’s mammoth population, there are millions of others that live in the surrounding region. Overall, there are about 25 million people that live in the immediate vicinity of Popocatepetl. Thankfully, we haven’t seen a major eruption of the volcano in modern times, but at some point that will change.

Meanwhile, significant earthquakes continue to rattle areas all along the Ring of Fire.

Indonesia was hit by a magnitude 6.1 earthquake within the last 24 hours, and a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Australia made headlines all over the world

A 5.9 magnitude eathquake has struck Western Australia, 203km northwest of Carnarvon at 22.26pm local time (2.26pm BST) at a depth of 10km.

Locals in Carnarvon reported feling tremors, after the massive earthquake shook the region this afternoon.

One resident reported to EMSC earthquake tracker: “I am holidaying with my children we all felt the beds shake.”

We live at a time when seismic activity is becoming more intense and more frequent. Some of the “experts” in the United States insist that the numbers are rising simply because we are doing a better job of “detecting” seismic activity these days, and they promise that we have absolutely nothing to worry about. But a lot of people are skeptical of that explanation, because they can see that our planet appears to be getting increasingly unstable.

Could it be possible that an era of dramatically increased seismic activity is about to change all of our lives in a major way?

Earlier today, I came across a British article that discussed the fact that scientists that have studied a supervolcano near Naples, Italy are extremely concerned that it may be “reawakening”…

Yellowstone volcano has a rival in Europe, according to a recent study from scientists based in the region. The volcano is based in Naples to the west, in a place known as Phlegrean fields, once the site of a world-changing eruption. Scientists have now picked up on new signs of the volcano complex starting another cycle. This particular volcano is a threat as the end point of the major cycle could be a significant eruption, rivalling the outcome of a Yellowstone eruption in the US.

Scientists observing the volcanic cycle of one Campi Flegrei, located in Napoli, are concerned of a “potential reawakening”.

Of course we have seen many formerly “dormant volcanoes” reawaken in recent years.

Something very unusual definitely appears to be happening to our planet, and unlike the mainstream media in the United States, this is something that we will be keeping a very close eye on.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/18/2018 12:23:02 AM

"One of a kind", untouched 4,400-year-old tomb recently discovered at Saqqara, Egypt

egypt tomb
© Amr Nabil / AP
Saeed Abdel Aal, an excavation worker, stands at the recently uncovered tomb of the Priest royal Purification during the reign of King Nefer Ir-Ka-Re, named "Wahtye," at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018.
The stunning tomb displays clues to the life of a royal official, with more discoveries likely.

During Egypt's pyramid age, a well-connected man named Wahtye died and was laid to rest in the vast royal cemetery that now occupies the desert west of modern Cairo. His colorfully decorated tomb, apparently intact, has recently come to light some 16 feet (five meters) beneath the sand at the archaeological site known as Saqqara.

Comment: Rome also had to be excavated from massive layers of dirt buried.

This burial is "one of a kind in the last decades," said Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, at a press conference that announced the discovery earlier today. "The color is almost intact even though the tomb is almost 4,400 years old."

egypt tomb
© Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
The deceased, a priest named Wahtye, sits at an offering table with his wife in a relief from his tomb.
The tomb owner served King Neferirkare, who ruled during the Old Kingdom's fifth dynasty. In addition to the name of the deceased, hieroglyphs carved into the stone above the tomb's door reveal his titles: royal purification priest, royal supervisor, and inspector of the sacred boat.

The grave's rectangular gallery-measuring 33 feet (10 meters) wide north to south, 10 feet (three meters) east to west, and about ten feet tall-is covered in painted reliefs, sculptures, and inscriptions, all in remarkably good shape after so many centuries.

The reliefs depict Wahtye himself, his wife, Weret Ptah, and his mother, Merit Meen, as well as everyday scenes that include hunting, sailing, making offerings, and manufacturing goods such as pottery and funerary furniture. Large painted statues of the priest and his family fill 18 niches, while 26 smaller niches near the floor hold statues of an as yet unidentified person either standing or seated with legs crossed, as a scribe.
egypt tomb
© Amr Nabil, AP
Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, shows off the small statues in niches that appear at the base of a wall.
egypt tomb
© Amr Nabil, AP
Niches in the tomb hold statues of the priest as well as his family.
The team of Egyptian archaeologists working here found five shafts in the tomb. One was open and held nothing inside, but the others are sealed-a situation that offers exciting possibilities. Work on the sealed shafts could begin as early as tomorrow, according to news reports.

"This shaft should lead to a coffin or a sarcophagus of the owner of the tomb," said Waziri, indicating his best guess for the location of finds to come. Other shafts might hold the grave goods of the deceased.

The high priest's tomb lies along a ridge that has been only partly excavated. Even more discoveries may turn up when digging resumes there in January.
egypt tomb
© Amr Nabil, AP
An Egyptian team, including head worker Mustafa Abdo, uncovered this finely decorated tomb of a priest.
egypt tomb
© Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
Painted reliefs on the walls of the tomb include these scenes of workers carrying out a variety of everyday tasks during the life of the deceased.

Comment: Archaeological discoveries like these in Egypt and elsewhere seem to be happening with greater regularity, and some are proving to be very insightful indeed:


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