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11/11/2018 10:49:26 AM

Globalism Vs Nationalism in Trump's America

trump globalists media
Billed as a 'referendum on Trump's presidency', the US Midterm Elections drew an unusually high number of Americans to the polls yesterday. The minor loss, from Trump's perspective, of majority Republican control of the lower House of Representatives, suggests, if anything, the opposite of what the media and establishment want you to believe it means.

An important clue to why the American media has declared permanent open season on this man transpired during a sometimes heated post-elections press conference at the White House yesterday. First, CNN's obnoxious Jim Acosta insisted on bringing up the patently absurd allegations of 'Russia collusion' and refused to shut up and sit down. Soon after, PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor joined her colleagues in asking Trump another loaded question, this time on the 'white nationalism' canard:

Embedded video

Asked about criticism that his rhetoric may have emboldened white nationalists, Pres. Trump replies, "That's such a racist question."

Alcindor: On the campaign trail you called yourself a nationalist. Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists...

Trump: I don't know why you'd say this. It's such a racist question.

Alcindor: There are some people who say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric. What do you make of that?

Trump: Why do I have among the highest poll numbers with African Americans? That's such a racist question. I love our country. You have nationalists, and you have globalists. I also love the world, and I don't mind helping the world, but we have to straighten out our country first. We have a lot of problems...
The US media is still "not even wrong" on Trump and why he won the 2016 election. You know something is fundamentally wrong when the average high school drop-out MAGA-hat-wearing Texan or Alabaman working a blue collar job has more sense, can SEE much more clearly, than the average university-educated, ideology-soaked, East Coast liberal.

Trump is a "nationalist". More or less every administration previous to his, going back at least 100 years, was "globalist".For much of its history, the USA has been known around the world as a very patriotic (i.e., nationalist) country. Americans in general had a reputation for spontaneous chants of "USA! USA! USA!", flying the Stars And Stripes outside their houses and being very proud of their country. Sure, from time to time, that pissed off people a little in other countries but, by and large, Americans' patriotism was seen as endearing, if a little naive, by most foreigners.

Globalism, on the other hand, as it relates to the USA, is the ideology that saturates the Washington establishment think-tanks, career politicians and bureaucrats, who are infected with the toxic belief that America can and should dominate the world. This is presented to the public as so much American largess and magnanimity, but it is, in reality, a means to increasing the power and wealth of the Washington elite.

Consider Obama's two terms, during which he continued the massively wasteful (of taxpayer's money) and destructive (of foreigners' lives and land) "War on Terror". Consider that he appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, who proceeded to joyfully bomb Libya back to the stone age and murder its leader. Consider that, under Obama, US-Russia relations reached an all-time low, with repeated attacks (of various sorts) on the Russian president, government and people, and the attempted trashing of Russia's international reputation in the eyes of the American people. Consider the Obama regime's hugely destructive war waged (mostly by proxy) on the Syrian people. Consider the Obama era coup in Ukraine that, in a few short months, set that country's prospects and development back several decades and further soured relations with Russia.

These are but a few examples of the "globalism" that drives the Washington establishment. Who, in their right mind, would support it? (I won't get into what constitutes a 'right mind', but we can all agree it does not involve destroying other nations for profit). The problem however, is that the Washington elite want - no, NEED - the American people to support such military adventurism, and what better way to do that than by concocting false "Russian collusion" allegations against Trump and having the media program the popular mind with exactly the opposite of the truth - that Trump was a "traitor" to the American people. The only thing Trump is a traitor to is the self-serving globally expansionist interests of a cabal of Washington insiders. This little maneuver amounted to a '2 for 1' for the Washington establishment. They simultaneously demonized Trump (impeding his 'nationalist' agenda) while advancing their own globalist mission - in this case aimed at pushing back Russia.

Words and their exact meanings matter. To be able to see through the lies of powerful vested interests and get to the truth, we need to know when those same powerful vested interests are exploiting our all-too-human proclivity to be coerced and manipulated by appeals to emotion.

So the words "nationalist" and "nationalism", as they relate to the USA, have never been "dirty" words until they were made that way by the "globalist" element of the Washington establishment (i.e., most of it) by associating it with fringe Nazi and "white supremacist" elements in US society that pose no risk to anyone, (except to the extent that the mainstream media can convince the general population otherwise). The US 'Deep State' did this in response to the election of Trump the "nationalist" and their fears that their globalist, exceptionalist vision for the USA - a vision that is singularly focused on their own narrow interests at the expense of the American people and many others around the world - would be derailed by Trump attempting to put the interests of the American people first.

Divide and conquer

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11/11/2018 6:55:14 PM

SoCal Fire Sends Thousands Fleeing; 101 Closed; Zero Containment

Update: The situation in Southern California has gone from bad to worse, as residents have been ordered to evacuate after the Woolsey Fire jumped over the 101 freeway, which is now closed in both directions for approximately four miles. The Pacific Coast Highway is also closed northbound at Topanga Canyon and southbound at Leo Carrillo State Beach.

A red flag warning will remain in effect until Tuesday.

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This why the 101 is closed, this is by Las Vírgenes. Visibility a big problem as smoke blankets the roadway. @CBSLA

Dozens of homes have been destroyed, including Caitlyn Jenner's, as the fire has spread to 14,000 acres with zero containment.

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11/11/2018 7:40:03 PM

As Macron's Popularity Plummets, France's Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

Authored by Guillaume Durcoher via The Unz Review,

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Emmanuel Macron, the current president of the French Republic, is a weird dude. Now, after just 18 months in power, he is also a very unpopular dude. The French media have been making much of the fact that Macron’s prime minister, Édouard Philippe, has been slightly more popular than the president in certain polls. But really, what we are seeing is an almost perfect parallel collapse in popularity of both personalities

That French presidents are unpopular is nothing new. However, there is a secular trend in them getting unpopular more and more quickly upon getting into office.
True, Macron is not as unpopular after 18 months as was the hapless and squishy François Hollande, who could deliver on virtually none of his Socialist economic promises. However, Macron as collapsed in popularity more quickly than Nicolas Sarkozy did, who was a one-term president.

The English-speaking Macron said he wanted to turn France into a “start-up nation.” A bold ambition, but it’s worth remembering that 90% of start-ups go bankrupt.

I personally don’t understand the French electorate on these matters. Macron in particular did not promise anything other than to deliver more of the samepolicies, albeit with more youth and more vigor, as a frank globalist. Who, exactly, was excited at his election but is disappointed now? People with a short attention span or susceptibility to marketing gimmicks, I assume.

It is hard to talk about the French media without getting a bit conspiratorial, at least, I speak of “structural conspiracies.” Macron’s unabashed, “modernizing” globalism certainly corresponds to the id of the French media-corporate elites and to top 20% of the electorate, let us say, the talented fifth. He was able to break through the old French two-party system, annihilating the Socialist Party and sidelining the conservatives. The media certainly helped in this, preferring him to either the conservative François Fillon or the civic nationalist Marine Le Pen.

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11/12/2018 9:59:03 AM

Military coup plot uncovered in Germany - Sensational report claims special forces and military vets planned to execute 'unwanted' politicians 'en masse'

© Reuters / Michaela Rehle
A far-right underground network made up of members of Germany's elite commando force and military veterans planned to kill top politicians upon the collapse of order in the country, a sensational media report claims.

German police have reportedly uncovered a clandestine far-right network which allegedly had "concrete plans" for what they called "Day X" - the moment when Germany's civil order would collapse, Focus magazine reported. The harrowing plan included bringing "unwanted" political figures to a remote place and killing them en masse.

The names of people on the group's "hit list" have yet to be established, but it is thought that Dietmar Bartsch, head of the Left Party's parliamentary group, was one of those to be taken out.

The far-right underground network is said to include members of the KSK, the German army's elite special operations unit, along with military and law enforcement veterans. Thoroughly preparing for "Day X," they had already created secret weapons and ammunition depots, as well as fuel stores.

Infiltrating the secretive group would have been impossible without one of its leaders who happened to be "the only trustworthy source of information" for MAD, the German military intelligence service, according to Focus.

Ironically, a senior officer within the very same service did his utmost to hamper the investigation. A 42-year-old lieutenant colonel from the military intelligence, whose name remains unknown, was charged with leaking sensitive information about the probe to some contacts within the German army, warning them about police searches in advance.

As the probe grew larger, investigators also stumbled on a loose association of people known as survivalists in Germany.

Usually dismissed as conspiracy theorists readying themselves for all sorts of apocalyptic crises, many survivalist groups do have links to far-right extremists and the so-called "Reich citizens" - nationalists who don't recognize modern democratic Germany and seek the restoration of the old German Reich.

Comment: Ordinary survivalists or preppers are hardly conspiracy theorists considering governments have been advisingcitizens to store 10 days worth of supplies in case of a major disaster.

Another KSK officer identified as Andre S. was named as an administrator of a number of online survivalist groups, which were frequented by some members of German neo-Nazi factions. The man denied being a neo-Nazi and the MAD ultimately concluded he was not an extremist, Die Welt reports.

German officials have been conspicuously tight-lipped about anything linked to the information about the alleged secret network. The military refused to comment on possible links between KSK officers and controversial survivalist groups.

Germany has been facing some unnerving developments within both its armed forces and society for quite some time. Last year, the Bundeswehr found itself in the crosshairs as numerous Wehrmacht memorabilia and Nazi-era artifacts were discoveredinside several barracks.

These included posters glorifying Nazi soldiers, as well as distinctive German steel helmets and replicas of the Wehrmacht's standard-issue weapons. On the heels of that uncomfortable revelation, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen promised to scrutinize the army ranks "from recruits to generals, from instructors to the minister."

Meanwhile, extremists within the military are far from the only source of concern for Berlin. A January report by Focus magazine suggested that the number of the far-right 'Reich citizens' grew to almost 16,000 members and they apparently started preparing for their own "Day X" by creating an armed wing.

Comment: Is this a liberal German establishment putting the worst possible face on whatever it is they actually uncovered... or is this as nuts as it sounds?

We can't help but wonder if and/or how this is connected to the discovery last year that German soldiers are embedded as 'refugees' throughout Germany with a view to carrying out terror attacks to be blamed on Muslims...

See also:


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11/12/2018 4:56:42 PM

A Woman Is Warned That An East Coast Tsunami Will Destroy Florida, A New Madrid Earthquake Will Hit Ohio, And Nuclear Destruction Is Coming To U.S. Cities

November 11, 2018

Is America heading for a period of great judgment? Certainly this is already a chaotic time for our nation, but if the dreams and visions that many men and women of God all around the country are receiving are accurate, the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet. I am about to share with you the testimony of one woman that has received some very serious warnings regarding what is about to happen to America, and those warnings line up perfectly with what dozens of other men and women of God all across the United States have also received. What you are about to read is extremely chilling, especially if you have not heard this sort of thing before.

The Bible tells us that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit and that we should expect many to have dreams and visions.

The following is what Joel 2:28-29 says in the Modern English Version

28 And it will be that, afterwards,
I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
then your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
and your young men will see visions.
29 Even on the menservants and maidservants
in those days I will pour out My Spirit.

And throughout the Bible we see God speaking to people in dreams, so it should not be surprising that He still does the same thing in our day.

Recently, Marty Breeden shared a message that he received from Melissa Tabor on Z3News, and I felt that it was so important that I should share it with all of you…

“We moved to Las Vegas about 1.5 years ago, not by choice, but my husband is in the Air Force and we were suddenly assigned here.

Previously, I’ve lived in Fort Lauderdale, FL and Cleveland, OH among other places. While living in Fort Lauderdale, God gave me two dreams about tsunamis destroying FL. God moved me to Ohio about 3-4 months after these dreams.

After 3 months in Cleveland, I received a vision of an earthquake with aftershocks splitting a portion of Ohio, near Cleveland. Again, I was moved 3-4 months later.

This brought me to Las Vegas and what I’m led to share. Around May of 2018 (I did not write the exact date, wish I did), I had a vision of standing outside of my apartment facing the Las Vegas Strip. As I watched the strip, from the west /northwest, a streak of light came out of the sky striking the Stratosphere Tower. Immediately, I watched the strip disintegrate and the after-wave move through the valley.

Until yesterday, I had not received anything more about this vision. On November 7, 2018 around 8:30 am PST, I was making breakfast, praising God when there was a flash of light in my eyes. The light was so bright, I could not see for about three seconds. Then I saw three major cities crumbling to the ground. As the cities were crumbling, the Holy Spirit said, “It will happen in a flash.”

Next, I saw myself walking over dead bodies to my left and my right. Then the vision ended. A few minutes later, the Holy Spirit said, “I am going to give you a message for My people”.

The message came with a weight so great I was unsure if I wanted to accept it, but being obedient to God, I accepted it. This is why I am reaching out to you, Marty. One of the cities I saw was Las Vegas and another was Chicago, but the third was not named. I’m not sure if this message is specifically for you as confirmation or if you have the other piece to my puzzle.”

There are several things that I want to highlight here.

First of all, let’s talk about Florida. Literally dozens of men and women of God have seen that a massive tsunami will strike the east coast, and that it will hit Florida particularly hard. For much more on what that might look like, please see my previous article entitled “What Would Happen If A Giant Tsunami Hit Florida?”

Secondly, the earthquake in Ohio that she is describing would be right along the New Madrid fault zone. You can see a map of this fault zone below…

Once again, many other men and woman of God have also seen great shaking coming to that particular area.

Thirdly, although Melissa Tabor does not use the word “nuclear”, it appears that what she is describing is a future nuclear attack on the United States. Other men and women of God have also seen this, and it appears that this happens at the end of the series of judgements on America.

If America had repented and turned back to God, all of this could have been avoided.

But instead, we just keep running the other direction, and our national sins just keep piling up.

At some point time to repent will run out, and then judgment will come.

About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

The Last Days Warrior Summit is the premier online event of 2018 for Christians, Conservatives and Patriots. It is a premium members-only international event that will empower and equip you with the knowledge and tools that you need as global events begin to escalate dramatically. The speaker list includes Michael Snyder, Mike Adams, Dave Daubenmire, Ray Gano, Dr. Daniel Daves, Gary Kah, Justus Knight, Doug Krieger, Lyn Leahz, Laura Maxwell and many more. Full summit access will begin on October 25th, and if you would like to register for this unprecedented event you can do so right here.


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