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10/31/2018 7:24:11 PM



The U.S. military appears to be planning for armed confrontation on the southern border with groups it considers terrorist and criminal as a caravan of asylum seekers makes it way through Mexico from Central America, according to a document obtained by Newsweek.

A Department of Homeland Security memorandum sent to Newsweek by a Pentagon official and dated October 25 detailed a department request for extra assistance from the Department of Defense in assisting Customs and Border Protection personnel to handle "the arrival and the detention of the migrant caravan currently traveling to the U.S. southern border no later than October 30, 2018, for approximately 45 days to December 15, 2018."

"DHS requests that DoD provide federal, state and local law enforcement agencies with assistance that is necessary to protect CBP officials as they perform their federal functions. DoD personnel may perform missions that require direct contact with migrants and/or the public and, at DoD's discretion, may require them to be armed," the document reads.

"Decisions regarding arming of DoD personnel for self-defense purposes and related rules for the use of force will be informed by the circumstances of their missions and made by the DoD, or the respective State Governors in the case title 32 National Guard forces are authorized, and in consultation with CBP," it added.

On Monday, Defense Secretary James Mattis and subordinate combatant commanders authorized troops heading to the border to carry live ammunition, according to the documents obtained byNewsweek. It is unknown at this time what the specific rules of engagement will be on the southern border for active-duty service members.

migrant caravan, military, terroristsSome of the thousands of Central American migrants in the caravan get a lift to a camp for the evening on October 30, in Juchitan de Zaragoza, Mexico. The U.S. military appears to be planning for armed confrontation on the southern border with groups it considers terrorist and criminal as a caravan of asylum seekers makes it way through Mexico from Central America.SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES

The document goes on to say that "strategic communications posture highlight DoD's temporary assistance role in supporting CBP” and "emphasize collaborative efforts between DHS and DoD in the border security mission." The Department of Homeland Security will reportedly lead public relations, while the Department of Defense "will provide support when requested or as required."

The Department of Homeland Security's listed goals in the document are: "Prevent Terrorism and Enhance Security" as well as "Secure and Manage U.S. Borders." Page 1 of DHS to DOD ISO CBP Border Mission 10 25 18

In another document marked "UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE," U.S. Army North maps out potential paths the caravan could take and potential flashpoints at five border crossings in Texas at Brownsville and McAllen, in Arizona's Nogales and in San Ysidro, near San Diego, California.

"Four large migrant caravans, originating from Honduras and consisting of approximately 7,000 people, are transiting through Mexico in an effort to enter the US. Based on historic trends, it is assessed that only a small percentage of the migrants will likely reach the border," the document reads above a map detailing two potential courses of action.

In the scenario marked "MLCOA" (most likely course of action), the "Caravan dwindles as it nears US; limited TCO [Transnational Criminal Organization] exploitation and no terrorist infiltration; balloon effect on smuggling," while in the MDCOA (most dangerous course of action), the "Caravan grows markedly; terrorists or FISS [Foreign Intelligence and Security Services] exploit; TCOs upset by DoD efforts."

The closest caravan—which originated in Honduras and was last estimated to contain up to 3,500 migrants—remains more than 900 miles away from the closest U.S. border at McAllen. President Donald Trump has warned that “many gang members” and “unknown Middle Easterners” were among those traveling with it, though neither he nor any of his officials have provided evidence for these claims.

As Newsweek previously reported, the Pentagon’s announced deployment of 5,200 troops to the southern border with Mexico could in actuality be as high as 7,000—including up to 2,000 National Guards already stationed in the region. Meanwhile, a Defense Department official told Newsweek on Monday that an additional 7,000 in reserves would be placed on “24-hour standby,” creating a combined force of up to 14,000 prepared to respond to what Trump has designated a “national emergency.”

Many have fled the so-called “Northern Triangle” of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras because of high homicide rates and deteriorating socioeconomic conditions, which have helped drug cartels thrive. The countries were directly involved in U.S. military-backed efforts in the 1980s to eradicate socialist and communist movements across Central America, resulting in bloody civil wars that ravaged the region. Honduras—which served as a base for U.S.-sponsored actions against left-wing forces in neighboring El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua—underwent a 2009 military coup that went unrecognized by Washington.

Trump has said he would revoke foreign assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras over their failure to prevent citizens leaving en masse. The president has also urged Mexico to take harsher measures to stop the asylum seekers from traveling through the country.

On Sunday, a 26-year-old Honduran man was killed amid clashes as fellow asylum seekers broke through Guatemala’s border with Mexico.


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11/1/2018 10:46:53 AM


A major setback in Brazil

This week, Brazilians elected “the Trump of the Tropics” to lead the world’s fifth-largest country. Jair Bolsonaro has considered pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and vowed to open up public lands to industry. And he rose to power using the blunt weapons of racism and homophobia.

This is a frightening moment for Brazil, and for the world. In a must-read articleearlier this month, Grist’s Paola Rosa-Aquino laid out the stakes of Bolsonaro’s election for the planet’s most important forest, the Amazon.

Since the election on Sunday, indigenous groups in the Amazon have calledBolsonaro’s plans to steal lands a looming “genocide.” Environmental defenders in the Amazon are already dying at horrific rates while protecting their homelands, and now are likely to face fresh waves of attacks from loggers and miners with the government looking the other way. “The livability of the entire planet is at stake,” warned the New Republic. One climate-focused news organization has already called Bolsonaro’s election “the environmental story of 2018.”

In a congratulatory tweet, Trump praised Bolsonaro, in effect pledging a new political-economic-military alliance built on divisiveness and planet-killing policies. Brazil’s stock market rallied after the announcement of the election results, along with hopes of billions of dollars of new foreign investment in the extraction of the country’s natural resources. This is a nascent alliance between the world’s biggest historical contributor to climate change and the steward of the world’s best hope to suck all that carbon out of the air. There are no words to express how dangerous the spread of this kind of ideology is to the people on the front lines of this fight — and eventually, to every living thing on the planet.

Setbacks like this hurt. A lot. But there’s a model for resistance that has worked in Latin America.

Earlier this year, a group of 25 young people in Colombia, Brazil’s northern neighbor, successfully sued their government and won a landmark protection for the section of the Amazon forest within their country’s borders. Colombia’s highest court awarded “personhood” to the Amazon, which granted the forest additional rights under the nation’s constitution.

This might not be feasible in Brazil (especially right now), but it’s important for those of us who understand the stakes to keep thinking of creative solutions to the existential risk of continued deforestation.

Trees are still the best technology we know of to suck carbon dioxide out of the air — and they were already under grave threat even before Bolsonaro’s victory. As global weather patterns change, trees are dying worldwide at the fastest rate in history. We don’t need someone trying to make money off cutting them down. We need to make a daily commitment to imagine and build a better world, together.

When everything is at stake, a setback like this makes our work that much more important.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/1/2018 4:41:05 PM

There's a Strange Cloud on Mars Right Now, and It's Just Hanging Around

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There's a Strange Cloud on Mars Right Now, and It's Just Hanging Around
An instrument aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft captured this image of a strange cloud on the Red Planet on Oct. 10, 2018.
Credit: ESA/GCP/UPV/EHU Bilbao, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

For more than a month now, a European orbiter circling Mars has been watching a long, plume-like cloud on the Red Planet.

The cloud has remained in place over a mountain called Arsia Mons near the Martian equator since Sept. 13, according to a statement released by the European Space Agency (ESA). But that location is just a coincidence, the agency adds. No volcanic process is producing the cloud — the volcano hasn't been active in about 50 million years, scientists believe.

In this version of a Mars Express image of the strange cloud, the European Space Agency has labeled nearby geologic features.
In this version of a Mars Express image of the strange cloud, the European Space Agency has labeled nearby geologic features.
Credit: ESA/GCP/UPV/EHU Bilbao, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

The same spacecraft, called Mars Express, and its predecessors have spotted similar clouds on at least three previous occasions, and those structures formed around the same time in the Martian year. And that's not a coincidence, the ESA wrote.

The cloud is full of water ice, the agency continued, created by air flow along the side of the volcano. This means the feature is what scientists call an orographic or lee cloud. That also happens to mean that the cloud changes over the course of the day as atmospheric patterns on Mars change.

A second instrument aboard Mars Express captured this image of the strange cloud in visual and infrared light on Sept. 17, 2018.
A second instrument aboard Mars Express captured this image of the strange cloud in visual and infrared light on Sept. 17, 2018.

Scientists watching the cloud have noticed that it grows over the course of the morning, stretching along the equator. It may also be affected by the dust still in the atmosphere from the massive dust storm that engulfed Mars earlier this year.

Email Meghan Bartels at or follow her@meghanbartels. Follow us @Spacedotcom and Facebook. Original article on


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11/1/2018 5:56:52 PM

Republicans & Democrats May Bark And Bite, But The Migrant Caravan Moves on

migrant caravan

'USA, here we come!'
On the eve of midterms, thousands of migrants are streaming towards the US through Mexico with dreams of entering America. The crisis has turned into a slippery political football in a coliseum called Washington.

For those of us living cozy, self-indulgent lives, complete with cappuccino mornings and cocktail sunsets, it is hard to imagine a level of economic deprivation so severe it could actually force people to pack their bags and trek thousands of miles in search of some semblance of happiness.

Yet that is exactly what is happening now as an estimated 10,000 poverty-stricken migrants, the majority from Honduras, have set off on a modern-day odyssey in the hope of reaching the 'Promised Land,' where potholes are filled with gold and cotton candy hangs heavy from trees. But what has made this march particularly sensational is that it is happening at the most pivotal moment as far as American politics is concerned.

Obsessed with the upcoming midterm elections, the Democrats and Republicans are piling on the emergency like a fumbled ball, trying to use the crisis to win extra points before November 6th. Such political maneuvering sees both parties occasionally flip-flopping on their platforms or twisting information for the purpose of gaining an edge.

In fact, many Americans would probably be surprised to know that under the leadership of Barack Obama, the Democrats - who have compared Trump to Hitler over his efforts to build a wall on the Mexican border - deported a whopping 2.5 million undocumented people from the United States by 2015. Equally surprising is that under the tenure of Obama's Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, the Republicans deported just 2 million undocumented people.

And then there was Hillary Clinton. On the campaign trail in 2007, she told a rally "the federal government is supposed to set immigration policy." That comment should have carried a footnote that reads, 'Unless you are Donald Trump.' In other words, in this brutal political game, the goalposts continuously shift to accommodate the changing winds.

Meanwhile, the GOP is also guilty of its own false starts. Indeed, many Republicans view the timing of this massive movement of people as more than just a coincidence, looking to borderline conspiracy theories to explain it.

Last week, for example, Republican lawmaker Matt Gaetz tweeted out a video that shows a long line of women, many of them holding children, accepting cash from two young men. Gaetz assumed that the video was made in Honduras, but in fact it showed the migrants somewhere in Guatemala on their way towards Mexico. Although he got the location wrong - which he lateracknowledged - the video succeeds in raising far more questions than answers. Gaetz could not resist dropping the name of George Soros, the billionaire bugbear of the political right who provides funding for a long list of political and civic groups.

BREAKING: Footage in Honduras giving cash 2 women & children 2 join the caravan & storm the US border @ election time. Soros? US-backed NGOs? Time to investigate the source!

One such group that has benefited from Soros' financial support is the non-profit organization, Skylight, which is embedded with the caravan for the stated purpose of filming the migration. In 2016, the group received a 1 million dollar contribution by Foundation to Promote Open Society (2016 tax return, page 287, 'Skylight Engagement Inc'). Although this does not necessarily prove anything untold is happening, Skylight's presence in the caravan has raised some eyebrows among Republicans.

Open Society denies any involvement in assisting the migrants on their journey.

Video taken by our crew on the ground with the showing thousands of migrants making their way into Mexico at the / border 🇬🇹 🇲🇽 🎥

This is a monumental undertaking, and already the march is taking its toll. Mexican officials say 1,740 migrants have applied for asylum and "hundreds more have taken up offers of bus rides back to Honduras," AP reported.

Whatever the case may be, Trump is urging Mexico to crackdown on the marching migrants before they reach the US border. The US leader's uneasiness about the situation is understandable. In the event that even a fraction of the migrants reach the US border before the midterms, it would place the Republicans in a tricky predicament.

If the US National Guard, for example, is forced to push back against migrant women and children (who will certainly be sent to the front of the receiving line for maximum visuals) it may spell disaster for the Republicans in the midterms. Such stark images will conjure up memories of Trump's failed 'zero tolerance' immigration policy that separated children from their parents at the border, as well as the misconception that Trump is somehow a 'racist' for wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border.

On the other hand, the image of thousands of migrants storming the US border might get Republicans off the couch and to the polls in record numbers. At the same time, other Trump supporters will be asking, yet again, why the wall Trump promised to buildremains a pipe dream.

Such questions could ultimately work to the Republicans' advantage, in that the Democrats have vigorously opposed most Republican projects to date, not least of all the border wall. Ironically, however, had the Democrats performed this simple construction task during Barack Obama's two-term presidency, Trump, who built his campaign on the promise of protecting America's border, would most likely never have had the rallying cry he needed to become president.

Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council is right when he says on @foxandfriends that the Democrat inspired laws make it tough for us to stop people at the Border. MUST BE CHANDED, but I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency. They will be stopped!

At this point, I would like to say that, as an American, it is difficult to fathom how the question of a strong border has become such a political football. The United States has a very fair system for allowing people to become naturalized citizens, and asylum seekers are accorded all the protections mandated by the law. The only requirement is that migrants follow the legal procedures for entry, and if that sounds like a radical or xenophobic idea, as many Liberals today seem to believe, then the majority of countries in the world would have to be classified as racist. Somehow the US went from being an ethnically diverse country comprised of law-abiding immigrants, to a nation that thinks it's alright to accept law-breaking border jumpers as future citizens.

In times past, before the age of virtue-signaling, social justice warriors and PC dementia was all the rage, a group of undocumented people storming the US border would have been dealt with in the appropriate manner, and without any questions asked. Today, however, many Western governments have been infected by the globalist creed, Merkel-style, that says it is the duty of Western democracies to let oppressed migrants into their countries en masse and unmolested. Meanwhile, it is the migrants who are portrayed as heroes in the Western media, while the people who want to defend their borders are some sort of knuckle-dragging xenophobes.

In the case of the European Union, countries that fight back against the concept of loose borders, like Hungary, for example, are treated like pariah states, even suffering severe disciplinary action. The situation is so grave and arouses so many different emotions that the issue of borders actually has the power to break up the West into two camps - the nationalists on one side and the globalists on the other.

When one looks a bit deeper at the situation, the Liberal desire to accept migrants with open arms is dripping with hypocrisy - and not a little blood. After all, if the Democrats (and Republicans) really wanted to address the problem of mass migration at the root they would be out on the streets demanding that their governments cease and desist from waging war on sovereign states. That is the real reason why so many people are fleeing their homes for a new life - military aggression.

It’s a national embarrassment that a group of illegal immigrants can cross our border and receive free healthcare/benefits, while veterans that have served this country are put on a waiting list.

Even tiny Honduras is no stranger to such violence.
This is something the Democrats should understand given former president Barack Obama and his secretary of state Hillary Clinton's botched efforts to influence the Honduras military coup of 2009. In fact, that event, which brought to power a far-right strongman, Pepe Lobo Sosa, goes far at explaining the caravan now ascending upon the US border.

In short, if the West would simply stop pursuing war and chaos around the world, much of which is based on avarice and empire building, the question of stronger borders would no longer be an issue, and those innocent people now in the firing line of NATO armies could rest easily knowing they can build prosperous lives in their own countries.


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11/1/2018 6:49:03 PM

Outraged mother releases video of toddler ‘fight club’ at son’s school (VIDEO)

Edited time: 1 Nov, 2018 16:09

A mother whose four-year-old son was involved in a “fight club” at his daycare center has released a video of the incident, as she claims the teachers who encouraged the wrestling have not been held to account.

Nicole Merseal shared the footage – circulated now by local media – dating back to two years ago. It shows children wrestling each other to the ground as they took part in what she claimed was a “fight club” at the St Louis day center in Missouri.

Rather than intervening to stop the violence, the footage shows two teachers, named as Mickala Guilford and Tena Dailey, standing around the kids as they cheered them on in the Adventure Learning Centre.

One is seen jumping enthusiastically while the other equips children with Hulk gloves.

Guilford claimed they had meant the fight club as a “stress release exercise”, state documents show, ABC reports.

According to court documents, the center’s director, Jennifer Scott, said Guilford also claimed she had started the activity as the children were “bored” and “we ran out of things to do.”

Merseal got hold of the video when her older son, aged 10, saw his brother crying on the sidelines of the wrestling, and took a video with his iPad. He then sent it to his mum for her to see what her son was being put through.

READ MORE: Day care teacher faces decades-long prison sentence after ‘baby fight club’ conviction

The incident was the reported to police, after which Scott sent the teachers home. The center’s director then called the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline and filed an incident report. The two teachers were fired thereafter.

In 2016 Merseal filed a lawsuit against the facility but has now gone public about her son’s ordeal as she claims not enough has been done to hold the teachers to account as they were spared being charged.

“My son was very afraid,” Merseal told ABC News.

“He didn’t understand why his best friends beat him up. These are children that he’s been around for a couple years.

The woman is now seeking $25,000 in damages over the incident.

The city's Department of Health and Senior Services carried out an investigation after learning about the incident and said in a statement released to ABC that the facility had been told to ensure all staff were knowledgeable about what activities are appropriate for kids of different ages.

It added the center had “completed the corrective measures” in 2017.

Two other teachers from Virginia were in 2016 convicted of pitting two children against the other in what prosecutors branded a “baby fight club,” at the Minnieland Academy at The Glen.

Sarah Jordan and Kierra Spriggs, were arrested in 2013 after police started investigating reports of child abuse at the daycare center in Woodbridge. Jordan was sentenced to nearly two years in jail while Spriggs got nearly three.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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