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10/9/2018 5:53:20 PM

‘Biggest bubble in history of mankind’: Ron Paul says US stock market will soon plunge by 50%

Published time: 9 Oct, 2018 11:23

The recent jump in Treasury bond yields indicates that the US is barreling towards a potential recession and market meltdown at an increasingly fast pace, according to former Republican congressman Ron Paul.

“We’re getting awfully close. I’d be surprised if you don’t have everybody agreeing with what I’m saying next year some time,” the retired politician told CNBC.

Paul’s remarks come as the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield rallied to seven-year highs, intensifying fears over rising inflation.

“It can be pretty well validated by looking at monetary history that when you inflate the currency, distort interest rates, and live beyond your means and spend too much, there has to be an adjustment,” the politician said, adding: “We have the biggest bubble in the history of mankind.”

It’s not the first time that Paul has made such dire warnings. He has been cautioning investors for years that when the bubble eventually bursts, it could cut the stock market in half or more.

Paul predicted the February correction, but not in terms of its size and scope.

The former congressman acknowledged that his previous predictions of a downturn haven’t come to pass, but said that it’s just a matter of time, based on the looseness of US monetary policy since the 2008 financial crisis.

READ MORE: US dollar dominance ‘idiotically’ outsized – economist Jim O’Neill

“I know it’s going to happen,” Paul said. “It will come, and the bubble is bigger than ever before.”

A number of other politicians have also voiced concerns over ballooning deficits, including current US House Speaker Paul Ryan, who issued a warning regarding the nation’s debt in 2012.


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10/9/2018 6:18:46 PM

Make America Great Again? Things Not Looking Good For The 'Internet Generation'

French students cell phones
© Alamy Stock Photo
"The American University is in the grip of mass hysteria." This is how Heather MacDonald begins her lecture 'The Diversity Delusion'. I think we can all agree that this is the case. It doesn't help that teachers are being fired for not giving students partial credit for no work done. When well-off and coddled students claim to be 'fearful for their lives' due to being 'surrounded by oppressors, transphobes and racists,' and when young doctors protest over 'fact-based' medicine, we can probably agree that we are in a pretty bad spot. But, as I recently found out, it appears things are only going to get worse.

I came across a book by Jean M. Twenge called the iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood. This book - chock full of statistics, graphs and charts - provides a shocking picture of the generation that is now moving through universities and colleges, and it is not looking pretty.

The Lost iGeneration

We all know that there are obvious differences between those generations born in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. But what are they, exactly?

Born between 1995 and 2005, the Internet Generation was born at a time when live births to unmarried mothers were at their highest levels ever. They are also the most ethnically diverse generation, with estimates that "52% of Americans under 18 are white, compared to 75% of Boomers." And they spent their entire youth on the internet.

Socialized on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it seems that most picked up their intellectual interests on Reddit and Tumblr. They did it all with little to no adult supervision. And now, like in the movie Event Horizon, they've brought what they picked up there back with them and into the universities.

Most of the Internet Generation's waking hours are spent on video chat, texting, browsing the internet, and electronic gaming. For high school seniors in this age range, it's roughly 6 hours a day, and for 8th graders it's 5 hours a day. But to make matters worse, less than 20% of parents are aware of what their children are getting up to online. That's 6 hours of unsupervised activity on a medium that contains everything from porn to flat earth theory. Which explains why only 66% of this generation is sure that the Earth is round.

Well what's wrong with that - kids will be kids, right? Make mistakes and grow up. Sure, but that entails facing challenges - dating, socializing with real people, doing homework and working a job. They are doing those things, right?

Outside of the internet, what does the Internet Generation do with their time? Well they don't read. The percentage reading books or magazines nearly every day dropped from about 60% in 1976 to 15% in 2015. The percentage who reported reading two or more books for pleasure in a year dropped from nearly 80% in 1976 to about 50% in 2015.1

Ok so they're not bookworms. No big deal. Surely they're partying and hanging out with friends then? Nope. They're not dating and they don't go out without their parents. In the 1990s more than half of teens hung out with friends every day or nearly every other day. By 2014 that number had dropped to about 25%, or one in four.2

Ok so they're not reading for pleasure and 75% of them aren't hanging out with friends. They must be working then? Nope. As Tenge writes, "[I]n the late 1970s, only 22% of high school seniors didn't work for pay at all during the school year, but by the early 2010s, twice as many (44%) didn't."3

Ok so they're not hanging out, not working, and not reading for fun. Presumably that's because they're all too busy studying to get into college then? Nope, not that either - the amount of time spent on homework has dropped and 65% of eighth graders in American schools are not even proficient in reading, and 67% are not proficient in basic math. Two-thirds of all American children!

Well who likes math anyway when you can go on dates. They are at least dating, right? Nope - they're not doing that either. In the early 1990s, nearly three out of four 10th graders dated, but by the 2010s only about half did. As Twenge writes, "In short: iGen teens are less likely to take part in every single face-to-face social activity measured across four data sets of three different age groups."4

A lack of challenge combined with the contagious and addictive nature of the internet is why seventy-nine percent display symptoms of distress when kept away from their devices. They're basically (barely) functioning addicts before they even reach adulthood.

Strange Contagions and the Internet Generation
Apple iPhone
The first iPhone was introduced in 2007. Not long after that, in Silicon Valley (what we could call Ground Zero of the iGen epidemic), a suicide cluster began. These clusters fed on viral news vectored through social media. All day long kids were sharing updates about the deaths from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, spreading each suicide like a virus across the community. The result was an epidemic that left several hundred children dead and a suicide rate ten times higher than the national average.

If that doesn't scare a parent, then this probably will. Up until 2008 the rate of self-harm among children was relatively stable. But since 2009 the rate of emergency room visits for girls aged 10 to 14 has increased 19% a year. Suicide rates continue to rise, as well as rates of depression and anxiety.

I would argue that there is no coincidence in these numbers. There is something 'contagious' about the internet and its easy access via 'smart phones,' and it's damaging these vulnerable children. Twenge found that "8th graders who spend ten or more hours a week on social media are 56% more likely to be unhappy than those who don't."5

If the rise in self-harm and suicide isn't enough, there's the contagious nature of gender dysphoria. As one researcher reports, "Up until about ten years ago, gender dysphoria presenting for the first time in adolescence was virtually unknown in natal females." She continues, saying:
In the past decade, however, a new presentation of gender dysphoria has suddenly become widespread, in which teens or tweens come to identify as transgender "out of the blue," without any childhood history of feeling uncomfortable with their sex. Experts have dubbed this presentation rapid onset gender dysphoria, and are beginning to study it.

"We think this is an entirely distinct phenomenon from childhood-onset gender dysphoria," says Michael Bailey, PhD, a leading researcher on sexuality and gender, and a psychology professor at Northwestern University. "Indeed, we think it didn't exist until recently. It is a socially contagious phenomenon, reminiscent of the multiple personality disorder epidemic of the 1990s."

Although not much is known at this time about ROGD, it appears likely that it may be a kind of social contagion in which young people - often teen girls - come to believe that they are transgender.
As we discussed on a previous episode of The Truth Perspective, ideas, behaviors, and emotions are contagious. They spread by imitations and mimicry. Children now spend more unsupervised time being possessed by the internet than they do face-to-face with other human beings. The factors that conditioned them have now followed them into the colleges.

Now thirty-seven percent of college students report that it is acceptable to shout down speakers with whom they disagree, and 10% agree it's acceptable to use violence to shut them up. These kids, unaccustomed to life, find anything that is vaguely threatening - like clapping or differing opinions - a cause for official and/or violent intervention.

Anything with the scent of testosterone has become 'rape' because this generation barely learned what a relationship even looked like, outside of the awful influence of pornography.

And, without learning how to deal with things like conflict, debate, discussion, or differing opinions, these kids have become the prime target audience for the SJW authoritarians out to police everyone's thoughts and relationships.

In sum it seems that the Feminist war on the family has combined with the Internet Generation to create the perfect host for the SJW madness, and it looks like it's only going to get worse.


1. Jean M. Twenge's iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us (Kindle Edition) loc. 893
2. Ibid. loc. 1016
3. Ibid. loc. 478
4. Ibid. loc. 1067
5. Ibid. loc. 1095


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10/10/2018 4:56:38 PM
Deadly One-Two Punch: Killer Quake & Massive Tsunami Likely to Devastate Northwest, Experts Warn

PACIFIC NORTHWEST— When it comes to natural disasters, the Pacific Northwest is just about the nation's quietest corner. But the biggest killer quake to ever hit America is likely to happen right there.

That's because a fault line runs up the entire coast of Oregon and Washington that someday could cause a more devastating earthquake than anything ever predicted along California's infamous San Andreas Fault.

Ground-Shredding Shakes

It's called the Cascadia subduction zone and sits right on the Ring of Fire that rims the Pacific Ocean. As it did regularly before pioneers began to settle the Northwest, It'll eventually send powerful, ground-shredding shakes through much or all of the land between the coast and the mountainous Cascade Range.

"It'll spread from Canada to California over 800 miles," Oregon State University paleoseismologist Chris Goldfinger told CBN News.

He's a leading expert on this once unknown fault line. The lack of knowledge about it meant construction all over the Northwest went up wherever and however for many, many decades without taking giant earthquakes into account.

"The whole Pacific Northwest is very, very fragile. Essentially our cities are turn-of-the-century cities built on a time bomb," he intoned.

If it should hit Seattle at a monstrous nine or higher on the Richter scale, FEMA's regional planner pointed out just one of many frightening results.

Glass Three Feet Deep Piled Up in the Streets

"When the skyscrapers start swaying…well, a lot of them are designed to have their windows pop out," said Matt Caesar at the region's FEMA headquarters in Bothell, Washington.

"There'll be three feet of broken glass on the roads underneath those buildings in downtown Seattle — three feet of glass. We don't even see three feet of snow," he stated.

Caesar deals with disaster planning all the time, but that one fact spooked even him.

"That glass thing really stuck with me. When you think about all those glass panes falling," he said, shaking his head.

Caesar didn't want to discuss death toll numbers from a Cascadia quake, but it's clear, as he put it, "Many, many people will lose their lives, unfortunately."

Hillside Homes: Great Views, But Could Come Tumbling Down

The Northwest is famous for its scenic mountain peaks and beautiful bodies of water surrounded by thousands of hillsides. So people have built all over those hillsides. Unfortunately, a powerful quake will bring many of those homes tumbling down.

Because land next to the water is particularly desirable, cities like Portland and Seattle just made more such land.

"All of those cities have filled along their waterfronts to expand into the bays and estuaries and spots like that," Goldfinger said.

The sad fact is that fill-land is not nearly as solid as old-fashioned solid ground.

Caesar pointed to the metropolis near FEMA's regional headquarters and said, "Seattle was built on fill, and that doesn't do well in disasters."

Ground will Liquify

"So you have the earthquake shaking and you have the ground just basically liquifying out from under the buildings," Goldfinger described.

The structures on top of such ground will find they're on surfaces suddenly moving side to side and up and down, maybe undulating like ocean waves. It's hard for structures to survive something like that. Gas lines, water lines, sewage lines will all be breaking. There'll be much flooding and lots of fires.

"Fires are always big after disasters," Caesar stated, recalling, "I was at Katrina. The water was boiling with fire because the gas lines were ruptured where it flooded. And it ignites. The water is literally on fire."

Highways and roadways will buckle. Overpasses crumble. Bridges come tumbling down.

"So you'll have the major highways blocked every couple of miles by collapsed bridges," Goldfinger warned.

The region is rich in hydroelectric power, but many of the lines and towers bringing it in will fall.

Many Months, Maybe Years to Recover

After many of these areas crumble, flood or burn, well more than a million people may need temporary housing, food, and water.

And getting all these places, things, and services that are destroyed or damaged restored could take a long, long time.

"Months in some areas. In some areas, years," Caesar predicted.

There'll be so much destruction because, in the worst kind of quake, this usually peaceful, stable region would drop about six feet and slide more than 30 feet toward the Pacific Ocean.

Which would cause a truly horrifying result – a tsunami so large, it would wipe out anything on the coast that's not on high enough ground.

Halfway down the Oregon Coast, a section of Lincoln City is so low, the ocean almost reaches up to some of the buildings at high tide.

Wall of Water, Massive Debris Wave to Hit with Deadly Power

The tsunami would bring water 20 to 80 – maybe even 100 – feet higher than today's high tides. Most of the structures that have survived the killer quake but built too low will be smashed into by a devastating wall of water. And the next surge could be even higher, and the one after that higher still.

It won't just be the water causing destruction, but everything it picks up. Goldfinger described what would happen all around and on the spit of land where CBN Newsinterviewed him in the middle of Newport, Oregon's Yaquina Bay, a few hundred yards from the Pacific.

"Then suddenly you've got a bay full of fishing boats, refrigerators, cars and everything else," Goldfinger explained. "And it's like a glacier of debris that's just kind of sloshing back and forth."

Paying the Cost to Save Seaside's Students

Much of Seaside near coastal Oregon's northern border is almost eye-level with the ocean. Planning manager Kevin Cupples knows just about all the area's schools would be right in the tsunami zone. That's why he's really pleased residents recently voted for funding to move the schools and kids to higher ground.

"So now they're basically going to be outside the inundation zone and on stable ground," Cupples told CBN News.

But that kind of worst-case planning is unfortunately rare because this area's been strangely quiet for so long when it comes to quakes.

As Caesar put it, "The Ring of Fire: you can see all these other places having this seismic activity and then there's this one void, our area, that's not."

It's hard to believe you need to spend the money and energy to build stronger and safer when it's hard to believe in the disaster that would make you do so.

'Meh, I Don't Care That Much'

As he campaigns for smarter building and planning in this region, Goldfinger said he gets every kind of reaction.

"Everywhere from 'I'm gonna pick up my family and move to the Midwest' to 'Meh, I don't care that much,'" he shared.

As one friend who lives right by the ocean told Goldfinger, "'If a tsunami gets me, well, I've had a good life.'"

Resistance to stronger and more stringent building and planning comes mainly from those who don't want to spend the necessary dollars to retrofit old buildings or from areas scared to lose tourist dollars.

'When Economics Meets Mother Nature'

"They don't want people to be afraid to go to the coast because they've heard about this earthquake thing. And so that's what happens when economics meets Mother Nature," Goldfinger stated.

On the low spit of land where he stood surrounded by Yaquina Bay, the Oregon State University professor admitted he couldn't even talk his own university out of building a major extension on this real estate sure to be dealt a double-blow by a killer quake and massive tsunami.

"What we're standing on now is built up, but it was originally a sandbar," Goldfinger said. "So most of this will liquify and sink back into the bay."

Sooner or Later, It Shall Hit

Recent discoveries show these killer Cascadia quakes hit on average 243 to roughly 500 years apart. Well, it's been 318 years since the last one, so parts of the region are way overdue. Southern Oregon is the area most likely to get hit next, with Seattle and northern Washington the least likely. Though, again, we're talking averages, so no one knows when the next will hit…only that for sure, sooner or later, it shall.

"Someday it's going to happen. And that could be 15 minutes from now or that could be years down the road," Seaside's Cupples explained.

"We could literally have it right now," Goldfinger added. "And we'd be looking around, saying 'okay, I guess this is it.'"

Caesar is sorry for news reports that may have panicked parts of the population, but he's at least grateful they're getting folks to talk and prepare. Like planning where to go and how to get there when a quake or tsunami hits, or where to meet up if a family is apart when it hits.

Cupples recommended getting together a "Go-Bag" filled with important data you'll need after a disaster and the food, water, clothing, shelter, etc., you and your loved ones will need to survive for a while on your own.

Goldfinger suggested if your home survives, you may be able to just camp in place, but you need to get tents, equipment and so forth gathered in a location where they won't get buried if homes and trees and power poles do come crashing down around them. And he warned not to take your car because it's almost certain the roads won't be drivable.

All this takes thoughtful thinking, talking and planning – a good idea if you live anywhere that mayhem may strike.

Likely You'll Need to Rescue Yourself

"It is an important thing to have these conversations with your kids and family," Caesar argued.

He pointed out in a region of 7,000,000 potential victims, it's quite likely rescuers won't be able to get to you, or at least maybe not for a long time, so you'll need to rescue yourself.

"At some point, you got to look and say, 'I have to take care of myself, take care of my family.'"

There's no way to say for certain when a massive Cascadia quake is going to rip through the Northwest. But in an area that's largely unprepared for such an event, it's pretty much up to each individual and family to do what they can to be prepared for such a day of disaster.


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10/10/2018 5:59:21 PM

JUNG YEON-JE / AFP / Getty Images

U.N. climate report shows civilization is at stake if we don’t act now

Absent heroic efforts, the world has locked in dangerous climate change. That’s according to a much-anticipated report released on Monday in South Korea by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N.-sponsored collection of the world’s top scientists.

That stark, blunt assessment comes after years of deliberation at the request of the world’s most vulnerable nations to assemble pathways that could limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees C, now believed to be the upper limit that would preserve the stability of the world’s interconnected ecological and societal systems.

Some key conclusions: The world has already warmed by about 1 degree C and without a global coordinated effort, the world will reach 1.5 degrees in as little as 12 years. “Several hundred million” lives are at stake, according to the IPCC, and the actions that are required to ensure a just transition to a fossil-fuel free world have significant overlap with the actions that would be needed to reduce global poverty.

Existential risks greatly escalate if the world lets the 1.5 degree Celsius goal slip to 2 degrees, much less the 3.4 degrees we’re currently on pace for — the difference between The Hunger Games and Mad Max, as one climate reporter put it. Still, the benefit to society of completing this transition (roughly equal to the size of the entire global economy, about $60 trillion) greatly outweighs the costs of the massive scale of action the report describes.

In short, nothing like what is happening — and what needs to happen — has ever occurred in history.

“If action is not taken, it will take the planet into an unprecedented climate future if we compare to what has happen in all of human evolutionary history. Climate change is shaping the future of our civilization,” German climate scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner, one of the report’s lead authors, said in a response to a question from Grist. “This report is a milestone in conveying that message to human society.”

As daunting as all this seems, the alternative — ignoring this report, continuing about our lives as if it didn’t happen — is madness. This isn’t just a science report. This is a few hundred of the world’s best scientists screaming (in terrifyingly politely worded specificity) for the world to step up. By every available measure, this is something we simply must do.

Some of the initial coverage frames the IPCC’s stark conclusions in the too-familiar phrase of a time limit for action. “The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control” reads the Washington Post’s headline. That’s absolutely the wrong way to frame this. We only have a decade left to finish our initial coordinated retooling of society to tackle this challenge. The scientists were quite clear about this. By 2030, we’ll need to have already cut global emissions in half (45 percent below 2010 levels, according to the report), which (again, according to the IPCC) would require “rapid and far-reaching transitions” in “all aspects of society.”

Imagining a world that sets aside climate denial and gets to work is perhaps too much for some to consider, but there simply is no choice left. We have already waited too long.

And the IPCC gives cause for courage here: There is no time left to wait for the perfect solution or the perfect moment to enact a grand, top-down strategy. “All options need to be exercised,” said Scottish climate scientist Jim Skea, one of the report’s lead authors, at the report’s press conference. “We can make choices about how much of each option we use … but the idea you can leave anything out is impossible.” Carbon taxes alone aren’t enough, for example. They’d need to be combined with a suite of regulations and behavioral changes in every industry in every country.

In the words of the report itself, although “there is no documented historic precedent” for the scale of changes that would be necessary, the world has briefly achieved such rapid change at regional levels during previous times of great crisis — like, during World War II or in the midst of the energy crisis of the 1970s. In thisnew era of climate consequences, quite simply, every idea matters; every individual action has meaning.

In short, we need to remake society — now. Absent this, the new report says “transformational adaptation” would be necessary — with communities and whole countries reinventing themselves in order to survive.

Diana Liverman, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona and another author of the report, told Grist that the process brought her to tears. “I am overwhelmed by challenge we face. I had a good cry on plane home from exhaustion and thinking about implications of report.” Liverman also authored the “hothouse Earth” paper that drew similar conclusions earlier this year — namely that a dead world is not our destiny.

This report is a rallying cry to save the basic functioning of human civilization, shouted into the din of a news cycle dominated by a media that pretends not to understand, in a world led by anti-democratic politicians that pretend to be doing enough, aimed at a populace that pretends not to care.

If nothing else, my hope is that this report will help to take the lid off of climate (read: civilization) advocates calling for radical changes to the status quo. They now have the full weight of the world’s top scientists behind them.


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10/10/2018 6:34:28 PM

Pakistan tests nuclear-capable missile after India cancels talks & signs S-400 deal with Russia

Edited time: 10 Oct, 2018 08:25

Pakistan has successfully test-launched its nuclear-capable missile system just after its archenemy India refused peace talks with Islamabad and bought billions-worth of weapons from Russia.

The missile system, which can fire both nuclear and conventional projectiles to a distance of 1,300km, was tested on Monday by the Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC). The test of the Ghauri Ballistic Missile was praised by Pakistani President Arif Alvi, and Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“The launch consolidates Pakistan’s nuclear capability, which is aimed at peace and stability through a credible deterrence regime,” the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement read.

The test comes weeks after India U-turned on its decision to meet with Pakistan to discuss ways of ensuring peace and stability in the region.

India had initially accepted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s invitation, but it then backed out over what its foreign minister branded the “brutal killing” of three policemen at the hands of Pakistani militants earlier this month.
India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) also cited Pakistan’s reported distribution of postage stamps purportedly glorifying terrorism as a reason for India refusing to hold talks.

The nuclear-capable-missile launch also follows India signing off a $5.4-billion contract for the purchase of S-400 missile systems from Russia.

The deal was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when the two met on Friday in India’s capital of New Delhi.

India is bound to be unsettled by Pakistan’s nuclear-missile testing, given that its neighboring country and long-time enemy was already set to become the world’s fifth largest nuclear power.

In fact, it was reported in September that Pakistan’s nuclear capability had become of “considerable concern” to the US and other countries, as its warheads are poised to increase in number to between 220 and 250 by 2025, according to a new study carried out as part of the Nuclear Information Project, overseen by the Federation of American Scientists.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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