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10/2/2018 7:10:22 PM

How We Deal and How We Feel

What a supercharged moment in time we’re living through! Controversy abounds; emotions are high; and it seems as if we’re all swirling in a state of discord.

The hottest topic at this juncture, for those following American politics, is sexual assault and how we handle it as a society. Our social environment has been highly-charged around this and rightly so.

However, the situation as it is has presented a most fertile field to sow seeds of anger and division among the population. Surely by now we understand that how we perceive any given happening is what actually matters. Consider that everything is about frequency and vibration, most especially our thoughts and feelings.

No one wants to make things worse for those who’ve experienced sexual assault. Speaking of this to people who have taken, and who may be most vulnerable to taking, a reactionary stance regarding a high-profile public accusation of sexual assault … well, it’s a trust walk.

But here we go….

There’s so much here. For clarity I’ll just focus on the agenda of the parties involved. All those sealed indictments are just about ready to be unsealed and military tribunals are apparently going to commence once our Supreme Court is fully appointed.

Who doesn’t want that to happen? Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide, no? The thing is that Brett Kavanaugh has been thoroughly vetted by the FBI six times already over his long career. No sexual misconduct reported. There’s no evidence that he was involved at all and none of Ms. Ford’s witnesses corroborate her story.

It’s been postulated that someone with a political agenda got wind of the story of her high-school party assault and felt it was the perfect opportunity to assassinate the character of a Trump selection for the Supreme Court. It’s certainly plausible, but how can we know?

Could it be that many conversations took place between the accuser and interested political parties? Perhaps money changed hands and promises were made for her to go public? Could it be possible that the Democratic Party took advantage of Ms. Ford and used her to try to delay the confirmation of a lifetime appointment to the highest court in our land, an appointment that could very well mean the end of their power play?

The timing and method of the release of this information is questionable. Not about how long she took to come forward, because there are clearly many factors involved in that kind of revelation. No, the sketchy part is who it was released to and when. There are too many things here that point to a blatant last-ditch attempt to gaslight the public. We have more power than we realize; or they wouldn’t be trying so hard to convince us otherwise.

Social media is rife with argument, and only rarely is it with any semblance of decency where the parties agree to disagree. I personally find it very difficult to jump on the “guilty until proven innocent” wagon.

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that I don’t think Brett Kavanaugh was even at the party in question and that Ms. Ford was used without mercy or compassion by the Democratic Party. I don’t doubt that something happened to her. I do wonder whatever became of the two men who came forward saying it’s a case of mistaken identity because they were the perpetrators and not Brett Kavanaugh.

And here’s another very compelling thing to consider. What about Juanita Broderick, who came forward with actual rape allegations (not an attempt) and was summarily ignored because it was Bill Clinton?

Magenta Pixie has also bravely come forward with several posts expressing her feelings about it, as well as how the Nine see the situation ~

By Petra Pixie McGuire, September 27, 2018

The Nine have asked me (or directed me) to comment on this issue, so I shall do this. I will not reply to any comments on this thread at this time due to the controversial nature of this subject but please feel free to comment as you will.

I present here my observations as I see/feel them on a psychic, clairvoyant, empathic and mediumistic level.

Hon. Brett M Kavanaugh – emotional feeling, thought processes and words he speaks are cohesive. This man speaks the truth.

Prof. Christine Blasey Ford – no true emotional feeling that match words or thought. Very mild and shallow emotional action similar to ‘acting’ (but nowhere near as deeply felt as a trained stage or television actor) – this woman is not telling the truth.

I am being told that this person, Kavanaugh, is being targeted deliberately for political gain. Cabal/illuminati using the same tactics they have for many, many years.

If each aware starseed focuses on this situation, visualising the ‘Excalibur sword of truth’ (divine vertical pillar of light) around this situation, sending love and light to this man being targeted this way, then this Cabal/illuminati tactic will backfire.

Now is the time we make a stand. These machinations and manipulations must stop and as a cohesive starseed consciousness, we have the power to create energetics of truth and disclosure across this planet (and beyond).

Warmest blessings,
Magenta Pixie

Everything that follows is also from Magenta Pixie on Facebook:

Women will back other women, especially regarding sexual misconduct but they will also back their sons. No Mother ever wants to see their son go through what this poor glaringly-obviously innocent man is going through!

Emotions of our trauma and memory clouding our judgements. Yet the true Divine feminine looks with an objective eye. The abused are able to see even clearer than others for they know firsthand the matrix of the abuser and can therefore see the innocent.

It seems to be that any woman can accuse any man of sexual abuse and ruin his life. No woman should ever have to suffer sexual abuse and we sisters stand together. Yet neither should any man be falsely accused before the eyes of the world. Remember the men in this too; we have brothers, fathers and sons. Know the difference between the guilty and the innocent even if you have been abused yourself. Especially so! Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated again.”

On September 28, 2018 ~

Is the lamb to the slaughter paving the way for the wolf in sheep’s clothing? Now, more than ever, we must trust our inner-tuition and our knowing. Seeing the energy fields and patterns behind the physical presentation is the only way to know the difference between truth & lies, lambs and wolves.

Finally, on September 29, 2018 ~

Been asked this so often now so time for a reply…

Question – Higher dimensional guides of light do not comment about politics, they are not interested. How can your ‘Nine’ be genuine when they repeatedly comment on politics?

Response – You are correct. Higher dimensional guides of light do not comment about politics. It is not political issues the higher guidance get involved with.

We (conduits/channels/messengers) are here to do whatever it takes to bring truth to the world as this is part of our destiny. It is the reason we incarnated. There is always a revealing of truth at these times of completion and Ascension. It is ‘me’ (Magenta Pixie) that comments politically or on specific individuals not ‘The Nine’ (higher guidance system.)

Higher guides are not political but our political system has been used to control the masses therefore the system will and must change and those that are ‘conduits’ and ‘messengers for the light’ will comment politically. 3D polarity is playing out on the political stage before the world.

This is part of the ‘Great Reveal’ and the ‘Great Awakening’ so every genuine ‘higher guidance system’ will nudge or invite (not push, demand or order) their conduit to comment regarding events playing out on the political stage. They will teach their conduits/messengers how to discern/intuit/empath, etc., so they are able to deliver accurate information to others. So I will say once more: ‘The Nine’ do NOT comment politically.

They will use generalised terms such as ‘your political arena’. It is me, Magenta Pixie, who comments on political issues or establishment members individually if I feel it is in alignment to do so.

As women, we must stand up. We remain silent and are targets for abuse as little girls and as women, we must stand up and say No More!….but we must be very careful not to point the finger at the wrong person or to support another woman who pretends to have suffered just as we did.

She pretends to be us so we rally around her and support her thinking she is a sister and shares what we went through. Yet all she does is wear our clothes so she may point the finger and gather a female army behind her to point the finger at the innocent…why? Why would she do this? Because she is part of a family that want to rule the world and they do not want justice within perceived justice circles that have the final say on justice.

Only members of the family are allowed in that construct. However, no matter what they do, light and true justice will find a way to filter into all constructs and the dark agenda and those that pretend to be us, will be exposed. It is time for truth.

OK, back to me (Suzi) now.

Here’s a few questions for all of us: Are we willing to go back to the way we always fought things out before? Are we willing to leap entirely into a belief and cleave to it based on our own wounding? Have we noticed how it makes us feel when people we love disagree with us? Can we use this opportunity to practice Mastery? Do we really want to allow the CIA to co-opt the women’s movement?

What truly and actually matters here is not whether Brett Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford. What matters is how we deal with what information is in front of us.

Granted, I may have more information than some because I dig for it and I follow other people who do. If we’re going to pass judgment on someone’s guilt or innocence, don’t we owe it to ourselves to gather as much intel on the situation as possible?

It’s Mastery to be able to maintain one’s focus on the good, true, and beautiful while this travesty is unfolding before us. Can we be kind even to those who feel differently than we do? Can we send blessings to all those involved?

A good man and his family are being dragged through a hellish process in order for the Deep State to stay deep. A woman is being shamelessly used to further a nasty political agenda. They both could use some blessings, I’m sure.

Let’s even go as far as to say we bless everyone involved, including the members of Congress desperately trying to save their own behinds. Truth be told, any one of us might have played a similar role in any number of past incarnations. Compassion and blessings for all….


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/3/2018 11:13:14 AM

California supervolcano ERUPTION: Yellowstone is not the real danger - THIS volcano is

A GIANT supervolcano hidden beneath California could be an equal if not greater threat to the US than Yellowstone volcano, scientists have revealed.

The 20-mile long Long Valley Caldera in eastern California is one of the world’s largest volcanic calderas.

The supervolcano measures approximately 10 miles in width and is up to 3,000 ft deep.

But very few people know about this supervolcano east of the central Sierra Nevada Range, making it a potentially greater threat than .

And a study published this August in the science journal GeoScienceWorld, has found evidence of ground deformation at the supervolcano.

Geologists who led the study found “ongoing uplift suggests new magma may have intruded into the reservoir” since at least 1978.

The uplift could be evidence of moving molten rock or the crystallisation of material deep beneath the ground.

The study reads: “Despite 40 years of diverse investigations, the presence of large volumes of melt in Long Valley’s magma reservoir remain unresolved.”

The scientists estimated the Long Valley Caldera reservoir contains “considerable qualities of melt”, likely greater than 240 cubic miles (1,000 cubic km).

California supervolcano: Long Valley Caldera is a supervolcano in eastern California (Image: GETTY/GEOSCIENCEWORLD)

About 27 percent of this melt could be hot enough to be scorching liquid rock.

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Long Valley last erupted about 100,000 years ago.

Today, the caldera is “thermally active” with a number of hot springs and fumaroles dotting its landscape much like Yellowstone.

But the comparisons to Yellowstone do not stop there because Long Valley could potentially be as devastating if it were to erupt.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/3/2018 6:47:12 PM

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami death toll SOARS to 1,200 as food and water runs out

THE number of people killed in the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami disaster has risen to 1,234.

The number has soared since yesterday when the death toll stood at around 840.

The actual number could be in the thousands but many areas hit have been cut off and emergency services are struggling to get to them.

Bodies are gradually being found trapped under rubble since the disaster struck on Friday.

The dead include 34 children from a Christian camp whose bodies found under a destroyed church on yesterday.

Shaken survivors have abandoned their ruined homes in search of food and shelter, as food and water run out.

Anger and desperation are growing in parts of the country as residents faced a fourth day without food and drinking water.

Indonesian authorities scrambled to get aid and rescue equipment into quake-hit Sulawesi island and prepared to bury some of the dead.

Signs propped along roads in Sulawesi read “We Need Food” and “We Need Support”, while children begged for cash in the streets.

Queues for fuel, which has almost run out in the area, were miles long and the national police and troops were deployed to guard petrol stations and food shops.

Indonesia earthquake tsunami death toll dead GETTY

Indonesia earthquake tsunami death toll dead GETTY

“We have not eaten for three days. We just want to be safe.”


Devastation hit the country on Friday when a 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent 20-foot tsunami unleashed hell.

Around 50,000 people have been displaced by the twin disaster, with many still trying to escape the devastated region.

Over 3,000 people flocked to Palu’s airport on Monday, trying to board military aircraft or one of the few commercial flights leaving the airport, which has suffered severe damage.

Videos showed crowds screaming in anger because they were not able to get on a military plane.

“We have not eaten for three days,” one woman yelled. “We just want to be safe.”

Indonesian President Joko Widodo ordered more rescuers to be sent in to find victims this morning.

Indonesia earthquake tsunami death toll dead


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/3/2018 11:44:53 PM

Typhoon Kong-rey to batter Japan, South Korea with wind and rain

By Eric Leister, AccuWeather senior meteorologist
October 03, 2018, 7:58:49 AM EDT

On the heels of deadly Typhoon Trami, Japan will face another dangerous typhoon this week.

Typhoon Kong-rey is currently the equivalent of a Category 3 major hurricane in the Atlantic and East Pacific and will remain a dangerous tropical cyclone in the coming days.

A northwest track through Thursday will take Kong-rey toward the Ryukyu Islands, which are still reeling from damaging winds in excess of 160 km/h (100 mph) from Trami last weekend.

KongRey Track 10/3

Where structures have been left weakened and the ground saturated by Trami, a blow by Kong-rey less than a week later would further heighten the risk of damage and flooding. Residents who evacuated or lost power during Trami may face the same struggles again with Kong-rey.

Miyako and Okinawa are expected to face the worst of Kong-rey's impacts, which will include damaging winds and torrential rainfall. Wind gusts over 160 km/h (100 mph) will again be possible during the worst of the storm.

Kong-Rey Impacts 10/2

Yaeyama will endure locally damaging winds and downpours, but will be spared from the strongest winds.

Farther north, Amami, Tokara and Osumi can all expect periods of gusty winds and downpours; however, these will be much less severe than what the islands experienced from Trami.

Kong-rey will pull away from the Ryukyu Islands on Friday allowing improved conditions to return by late in the day.

After threatening the Ryukyu Islands, Kong-rey is forecast to turn more to the north, sparing Taiwan and eastern China from any significant impacts; however, South Korea and parts of Japan will be at risk for life-threatening conditions from Friday night into Sunday.

Southern South Korea as well as western Kyushu and southwestern Honshu will endure the most severe weather as Kong-rey unleashes damaging winds and torrential rainfall.

Southern South Korea can expect rainfall of 100-200 mm (4-8 inches) with an AccuWeather StormMax™ of 300 mm (12 inches).

Damaging winds of 100-130 km/h (62-81 mph) will be possible along and near the southern and southeastern coastline from Saturday into Saturday night.

Damaging winds will be the biggest concern for Japan as western Kyushu and southwestern Honshu may endure a six-hour period of wind gusts over 80 km/h (50 mph) with peak gusts reaching 100 km/h (81 mph) in exposed coastal areas.

Southern Japan will dodge the heaviest rainfall from Kong-rey, with most locations expected to receive less than 50 mm (2 inches) of total rainfall. The exception will be parts of eastern Kyushu and Shikoku, where daily rainfall from Thursday into Saturday can total up to 125 mm (5 inches) can cause localized flooding.

Kong-rey will rapidly track toward the northeast passing near or over Hokkaido Sunday night. Despite weakening, Kong-rey will still bring the risk for localized flooding and damaging winds to Hokkaido and northern Honshu during this time.

Rainfall will average 25-75 mm (1-3 inches) with locally higher amounts in Hokkaido. Wind gusts of 80-100 km/h (50-62 mph) will be possible across northern Honshu and the southern coast of Hokkaido on Sunday.

Japan Weather Center
AccuWeather West Pacific Typhoon Center
Deadly Trami causes widespread damage, injures dozens across Japan

If Kong-rey makes landfall in mainland Japan, it will be the ninth tropical system and potentially the eighth typhoon to do so this year.

“The record for landfalling typhoons in a single season is 10 from 2004,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Jason Nicholls.

Residents are urged to monitor the progress of Kong-rey closely. If possible, cleanup crews may want to focus on securing weak structures and clearing storm drains. Be sure to follow the advice of local officials and heed all evacuation orders.

Since Japan has been battered by numerous tropical systems, along with the historic flooding and deadly heat wave, Kong-rey can also further put a strain on the nation's disaster recovery budget.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/4/2018 12:10:27 AM
Cloud Precipitation

Flash floods in Dubrovnik,Croatia after record rainfall - 10 inches in 3 hours

Floods in Dubrovnik

Flood in Dubrovnik
A storm brought record rainfall and flooding to the historic city of Dubrovnik in Croatia on 02 October, 2018.

According to Croatian public broadcaster HRT, 259.2 mm of rain fell between 05:00 and 08:00 local time, 02 October. This is the highest ever amount recorded in a single day in the country.

Flooding appeared to be minor, although did cause some damage to buildings and a number of roads had to be closed. State Administration for Protection and Rescue (DUZS) said that by around 22:00, teams had carried out 68 interventions for pumping flood water and clearing debris around the city. DUZS said the worst problems for traffic were around entrances to the Old Town and in the Gruž neighbourhood further north. Much of the flood water has since receded.

The public health authority announced that flooding had made water supply unsafe to drink in several areas around Dubrovnik.

Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) said that Hvar, a port and resort town around 150 km north west of Dubrovnik, recorded 86.2 mm of rain in 24 hours to early 03 October, 2018.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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