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9/19/2018 5:35:24 PM

White Helmets stealing children for 'chemical attack' theater in Idlib

Vanessa Beeley
Vanessa Beeley is an independent investigative journalist and photographer. She is associate editor at 21st Century Wire.

“Leave our children in peace. Let our children play, stop ‘playing’ with our children.” These are the words of a mother whose child was stolen and is being imprisoned in Idlib by terrorist groups and the White Helmets.

I met Wafaa at her home with her husband Mohammed Ibrahim and her two sons Hamza, 9, and Lotfe, 14. Both Wafaa and Mohammed are lawyers, they met while studying at the same university. Wafaa is strong, her expression is defiantly hopeful and optimistic despite fears for her kidnapped son, Ahmed, who is now 11.

“Ahmed was born mute, he couldn’t speak,” she told me. “I believe this is why he was taken from us, because he cannot protest or resist.”

Ahmed was kidnapped by terrorist groups only 200 meters from his home one year ago. The location of their home will not be disclosed to protect the security of the family, but they know that Ahmed is now being held with other children in Idlib. The locations change regularly, according to information the family has received from friends and family still trapped inside Idlib.

On August 30, 2018, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem stated that the US Coalition-sponsored White Helmets had kidnapped 44 children in order to use them as ‘props’ in the staging of a chemical weapon attack in Idlib. The White Helmets have a history of providing the scenarios required to precipitate FUKUS aggression against Syria.

Their most recent chemical attack hoax attempt in Douma in April 2018 was proven unreliable by the OPCW interim report. Sensationalist suggestions of sarin use by the Syrian government during the last moments of the liberation of Douma from the murderous Jaysh al-Islam fanatics was dismissed by the findings in the report. The chlorinated elements detected in the samples taken by the OPCW could come from any manner of household items and no conclusions of chlorine use by the Syrian government have been drawn. Western media and their governments have ignored the findings of the OPCW and are once more preparing the ground for a “chemical attack” in Idlib to enable further unlawful aggression against Syria during the Arab Army’s campaign to cleanse Idlib of the terrorist infestation.

Wafaa’s greatest fear is that Ahmed will be used alongside other children as actors in such a staged chemical attack.

“I stopped working when Ahmed was taken from us. About six months ago, a friend came from Turkey to Idlib. As they were crossing the border between Syria and Turkey, they stopped to rest. Their son knows Ahmed very well. Ahmed has a particular way of communicating by making a sound that is very recognizable by those who know him. Their son heard Ahmed making this sound. He told his parents that Ahmed was close by,” she said.

Wafaa’s voice trembled as she described this identification of her son. At least he was alive. Shortly after the family were given this information, an alleged chlorine gas attack was carried out in Saraqib to the east of Idlib city. A recent OPCW report on this alleged incident concludes that:

“Chlorine, released from cylinders through mechanical impact, was likely used as a chemical weapon on 4 February 2018 in the Al Talil neighborhood of Saraqib.”

However, the FFM (Fact-Finding Mission) was unable to enter Saraqib due to the risk of being executed or kidnapped by the “moderate” fanatics occupying the area. They instead relied entirely on “open-source” testimonies and evidence provided by compromised sources such as the White Helmets.

“Shortly after the Saraqib reports of a chemical attack, we received a phone call from the groups who were holding Ahmed. The man told me that the reason for kidnapping Ahmed was gone and that he would probably be returned soon,” Wafaa informed me.

I asked her if they knew who was holding Ahmed captive.

“Shortly after Saraqib happened, some women who managed to leave Idlib came to me. They told me that Al-Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda in Syria) were in charge of the children and the White Helmets were helping them with this. When I reported it, the White Helmets accused me of being ‘Shabiha.’ This is a death sentence if you are caught by the armed groups.”

Wafaa still has a sister in Idlib who is able to pass some information on to her directly or to people leaving Idlib via the Russian/Syrian established humanitarian corridors, which evacuate civilians to safety ahead of the ground campaign to liberate Idlib commences.

“Abu al-Duhur corridor is going to reopen, but we know that the terrorist groups are charging civilians 300,000 Syrian Pounds ($600) to leave by these corridors. People are leaving with nothing except the clothes on their back and yet we are told these monsters bring us ‘freedom and democracy.’”

Wafaa described the foreign fighters occupying Idlib: “Most people in Idlib avoid the foreign fighters, they are very extreme and dangerous. My sister told me that a few days ago she walked past some Uyghur children in her district. They started taunting her because the hem of her skirt was too high. People see the White Helmets in the same way. They are foreign, and they are well paid. They are wealthy like the foreign extremists. Most people in Idlib don’t allow their children to go to school because they fear that the White Helmets will kidnap them.”

Wafaa explained that the White Helmets don’t ask for money for the safe return of the children, which was the practice of the armed groups earlier in the conflict, according to her family.

“Why don’t they ask for money? This means they want to use the children for something else. They call anyone who questions them “shabiha” because they need to keep their image clean in the West. They are not ‘humanitarians,’ they are terrorists in a uniform, that’s all.”

Wafaa is terrified that these US coalition proxies, which include the White Helmets, have already used Ahmed for one of thereportedly staged events that have been prepared in advance, in order to criminalize the Syrian government and its allies as soon as the SAA liberation campaign begins in earnest.

“Ten days ago, a woman came to see me. She had just arrived from Idlib. She showed me a photo of Ahmed and confirmed he is still alive but imprisoned with many other children. She told me that the White Helmets move the children from place to place depending upon where the attacks might be staged. They are kept in prisons all the time. I worry so much that he is sick or scared and he can’t speak. I am convinced I will see Ahmed’s face in one of these chemical attack videos or reports,” said Wafaa.

As we were talking about Ahmed, his younger brother Hamza was reacting strongly and becoming increasingly agitated.

“He does this every time we discuss his brother, Ahmed. He is deeply disturbed by the loss of his brother,” Wafaa explained. “I used to take more care of Ahmed because he had special needs but now I try to protect Hamza more also.”

Throughout the interview, Wafaa remained composed and eloquent. She presented facts in a considered and objective way. Her child has been abducted, he is imprisoned by some of the most brutal extremist groups in Syria, but Wafaa displayed a fortitude that defied fear or pity. She remained proud and resilient. Mohammed Ibrahim, Ahmed’s father, was quieter and more withdrawn but the unbreakable bond between the couple and Ahmed’s brothers was evident. They were united in hope and determination that Ahmed will survive his ordeal and will be returned to them.

“If Idlib is liberated, we know that our army will bring Ahmed home to us. They will rescue him.”

Wafaa’s first display of anger and frustration came when I asked her to describe the reality of the “moderate” occupation of her homeland to people in the West.

“We have no voice. We are the forgotten Syrian people. Nobody listens to us when we tell the world that these monsters are killing us, killing our children, stealing our lives and destroying our homes. These ‘moderates’ don’t bring freedom or democracy, they bring only bloodshed, fear and loss. We want Idlib cleansed of their presence, we want the West to take their terrorists out of our country. What did we do wrong to deserve this? Why should my son suffer, for what? Please bring this to an end, let us live in peace as we did before 2011.”

Just before I left this family, I filmed Wafaa as she gave perhaps the most powerful message of her interview – “Leave our children in peace. Let our children play, stop ‘playing’ with our children.” In Syria, children have been cruelly exploited to promote war to ensure the deaths of more children. Wafaa is demanding that people in the West recognize this fact and do all they can to prevent more children suffering at the hands of the Western client fanatics and affiliated White Helmets. We should hear her plea and act upon it before it’s too late for Ahmed and all the other children who will suffer the same fate if we do nothing.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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9/19/2018 5:58:38 PM

Bill Gates: ‘My biggest fears about what's coming next for this world’

Joe Shute

Bill Gates: 'We are not fully prepared for the next global pandemic' - Andrew Crowley

The seat of power in Bill Gates’s empire occupies the top floor of an anonymous suburban office block overlooking Seattle’s Lake Washington. Here, in the inner orbit of the second richest man on earth, everything – down to the modern artwork and screens embedded into the walls, to the gleaming staff canteen replete with a faux wood-burning stove – is curated to the utmost precision.

No more so than the man himself, whose daily schedule is managed by assistants into five-minute chunks. When Gates arrives for our interview in his glass office, nicknamed “The Fishbowl”, he cuts an immaculate presence, tall and surprisingly suave in dark trousers and slate grey cashmere. The only blot is a marker pen smudge running the length of his left palm, presumably from scrubbing furiously at some white board earlier that day. Even in the 62-year-old Microsoft founder’s second life as the world’s philanthropist-in-chief, the old number-cruncher dies hard.

Bill and Melinda Gates during a visit to Mozambique in 2003 Credit: Reuters

So, too, the ability to always keep one eye on the future. When I ask which challenges to global health security he fears the most, Gates outlines three: antibiotic resistance, cuts to government funding to improve health in the world’s poorest countries, and the next unknown disease, referred to by the World Health Organisation simply as ‘Disease X’.

“We are not fully prepared for the next global pandemic,” he says. “The threat of the unknown pathogen – highly-contagious, lethal, fast-moving – is real. It could be a mutated flu strain or something else entirely. The Swine Flu and 2014 Ebola outbreaks underscored the threat.”

There is another threat on his mind, one which has often been treated as the ‘elephant in the room’ in the world of international development. Namely, the population explosion in Africa's poorest countries and its future impact - either fueling poverty, political instability, conflict and refugees, or sparking a new boom in world growth as happened in India and China.

This concern – and how to manage it – dominates the second annual publication of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Goalkeepers Data Report, which is released today and tracks the greatest challenges faced across the world.

To put it bluntly decades of progress in the fight against poverty and disease may be on the verge of stalling

Bill Gates

True to form for a man who, early on at Microsoft, memorised the numberplates of employees so he could monitor who was putting in the hours, the report contains a startling level of detail. But above all is one simple fact that even the eternally optimistic Gates warns could mean “to put it bluntly decades of progress in the fight against poverty and disease may be on the verge of stalling”. In short, as birth rates falter in the developed world, in the poorest parts of Africa they are booming. By 2050, the ten poorest countries on the continent are projected to more than double in population.

“The thing that is mind-blowing is if the demographers who have been very accurate on these things are right about Africa, then you are going from 1bn today to 2bn at middle of century, to 4bn at the end of the century,” he says.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation started in 2000, an amalgamation of the various philanthropic wings of the couple who married in 1994. It is now 10 years since Gates left Microsoft to work full-time at the foundation. Even in that short time, the world has been transformed by the technology Gates created.

The man who once famously dreamt of a “computer in every home” still clearly possesses an unstinting faith in the power of tech. He posts regular updates on Facebook and Twitter, where he counts 45.8m followers. His waterfront mansion in the nearby Seattle suburb of Medina is reportedly equipped with tens of thousands of dollars’-worth of screens and sensors. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who this year overtook Gates on the annual Forbes rich list, with a fortune of $112bn compared to his $90bn, is a neighbour.

Bill and Melinda Gates at a tech conference in 2009 Credit: Bloomberg

But the “honeymoon period of tech”, he admits, has now come to an end. Gates says he believes technology companies should be better regulated and its impacts (particularly on young people) better understood; through its Duty of Care campaign, the Telegraph has been calling for digital companies to have a legal obligation to protect children using their services.

It is up to governments to understand what things should be regulated

Bill Gates

“Governments will decide,” he says. “Just like families decide what are the rules for your kids, governments have to really get educated on these things. Yes, these companies are trying to be benign and individuals involved are not malign, but at the end of the day it is up to governments to understand what things should be regulated.”

We are talking now, it is clear, about the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is one behind Gates on the global richlist and whose social media company has been hit by a number of scandals over the spread of disinformation, disruption of elections and misuse of private data.

“Even he [Zuckerberg] didn’t predict everything that would go on in terms of it being used a platform for political influence,” says Gates, who is something of a mentor to the 34-year-old, not least in pursuing his own philanthropic ventures.

The Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Credit: Noah Berger/AP

“They will step up in a pretty strong way to all those things. People who are super-successful need to be held to a very high standard. Some of that will lead to a very unfair personalisation as though these mistakes are somehow down to flaws in Mark’s character, or something like that. Mark knows he is in a position of responsibility and is trying to learn about this stuff.”

On Elon Musk, another tech billionaire who recently provoked negative headlines for bizarre behaviour which included publicly accusing a British diver who helped rescue 12 boys from a flooded cave in Thailand of being a paedophile, Gates is rather more circumspect. “I don’t know Elon as well,” he says. “I haven’t spoken to him about his challenges. I’m not sure he is someone anybody needs to feel sorry for.”

The technological age has also engendered a crisis in western democracy, with society appearing increasingly polarised. Gates admits he finds the current lack of trust in the press, academia and politicians “a little scary”. So, too, the trend to be “more nationalistic and inward looking and less global”; something embodied in the US President’s policy of ‘America First’ and, he says, to a lesser extent, Brexit.

Gates commends Theresa May’s recent Africa tour where she recommitted to Britain’s aid spending target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income. He says he has attempted to meet with Jeremy Corbyn, although so far failed, due to a schedule clash.

“Philanthropy”, Bill and Melinda Gates wrote in an open letter published earlier this year marking the 10th anniversary of the foundation, “is a basic responsibility of anyone with a lot of money.” In the letter, Melinda also criticised the increasing amassing of wealth in the hands of the few: “It’s not fair that we have so much wealth when billions of others have so little.”

Bill Gates photographed in Seattle Credit: Daniel Berman

Prior to getting married, the couple (who met at a trade fair dinner in 1987) say they often talked about giving it all away. They have already publicly pledged to leave their fortune to charity, rather than pass it on to their three children, aged between 16 and 22.

Such zeal was inherited, in part, from his father William Gates Senior, a lawyer and another avowed philanthropist who, intriguingly, bearing in mind Gates’s new warnings about population, was an advocate and campaigner for birth control in the US. But the decision to focus so heavily on women’s rights in the developing world also stems from the influence of Melinda.

“With my family, by the time you got to my generation, the idea that my two sisters and me would go to college [was accepted]. There were no professions not open to them, that was pretty clear,” he says. “Likewise, in Melinda’s family. That extreme idea about roles, at least in mid-to upper-class US families, a lot of progress had been made.”

You don't want to live in a poor household but being a woman in a poor household is particularly bad

Bill Gates

In terms of having a meaningful impact on population rise in Africa, Gates stresses the obvious perils of attempting any draconian, top-down policy in the manner of China and India. Instead, he hopes, meaningful change can be realised through improving access to birth control and educating and empowering women, as well as improving economies.

“You don’t want to live in a poor household,” he says. “But being a woman in a poor household is particularly bad. And that is true globally.”

Being a rich man in a divided world is, of course, the best lot of all to draw. But this billionaire will keep working to change that.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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9/20/2018 11:08:52 AM

Assisting Humanity to Transcend Duality Consciousness

Assisting Humanity to Transcend Duality Consciousness

Sunday, September 23rd Equinox

We are called to the front lines to help neutralize the mass duality mindset, which is fueling the extremes of hate, divisive rhetoric and violent conflict all over our sacred planet.


Today’s media is ablaze with news of escalating tensions. Seemingly few countries are immune to this rising tide of divisive conflict.

From the potential dismantling of United States democracy, attempted terrorist power grabs in the Middle East, violent hate speech against those deemed ‘other’, there appears to be no end to the many flares of hostile agitation.

It’s as though we have reached a global boiling point which may very well trigger the demise of human culture as we know it.

This is not a time to sit idly on the sidelines. Each and every one of us is being called into sacred action.

On September 23, we will unite to initiate neutralization
of the duality extremes fueling our current crises.

Can we count on your presence this Equinox?

Help Transform A World Divided

The program of duality is perhaps our greatest dilemma as an entire race consciousness. Our highly polarized emotional blueprint fuels the duality extremes that are dramatically outplaying in our world today.

Intensifying protests, racist ideologies, increasing volatile conflicts, vitriolic opinions spewed all over social media… the list is long.

We will never know peace as individuals or as a global culture until we stop polarizing this way or the other and begin perceiving from wholeness.

Our Unity is a Potent Solution

Many of us on the spiritual path have done considerable work in integrating our ‘light and dark’ qualities, bringing an end to the war within.

From this space of holistic embodiment, we are primed to serve as highly effective channels of the transforming universal light.

Our primary intention is to give greater empowerment to humanity’s shift into realized states of unified awareness. This may help to further dissolve the dualistic reflection of enduring conflict and “us” versus “them” mentalities.


The whales are the great record keepers of the evolutionary codes!

During this transmission, Children of the Sun Founder, Tiara Kumara, and her group of 12 initiates, will be in the Tonga region of the South Pacific.

They are receiving the highly transforming harmonics from the Humpback Whales and their codes of universal knowledge. This sacred communion will naturally encode the group blueprint with the frequencies of ascending consciousness.

As an activated group consciousness, they will transfer out these sacred Cetacean codes of evolution to empower this transmission!

Given our main focus of helping the masses transcend duality, the whales offer incredible energetic support through their embodied presence of oneness.

Please join us this EQUINOX, Sunday, September 23 as we

bathe every man, woman and child in the pure waves of union.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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9/20/2018 4:40:44 PM

Middle East ON BRINK: Iran in furious Israel attack and insists UN 'takes firm action'

IRAN has demanded the United Nations (UN) condemns aggressive threats from Israel and insisted inspectors take a look at the nation’s nuclear programme.


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at a secluded Israeli atomic reactor weeks ago to warn the nation’s enemies he had the means to wipe them out in an apparent reference to the country’s nuclear arsenal.

In a letter penned to the body’s security council by Iran ambassador Gholamali Khoshrou, he said: “The United Nations' members should not turn a blind eye to these threats and must take firm actions to eliminate all Israeli nuclear weapons.”

He then demanded the UN security general forces Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and bring its nuclear programme under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Israel has neither confirmed or denied housing nuclear weapons and has dubbed suspicion of the country having them as “ambiguity” that arose over their bid to keep hostile neighbours in check.
Israel is trying to lobby world powers to follow the United States in exiting their 2015 deal with Iran that capped the Islamic Republic's nuclear capabilities in return for lifting of sanctions.

Since its 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has preached Israel's destruction, backing Lebanese militia Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

Iran’s reinforcement of Damascus during Syria's civil war is seen by Israel as a further deployment on their borders.

Iran’s crumbling relationship with the US has put the Middle East area in crisis since President Donald Trump came into power in 2016.

israel iran WW3

Israel has neither confirmed or denied housing nuclear weapons (Image: GETTY)

Crippling sanctions put Iran has seen the nation descend into financial turmoil.

Recently, the US targeted Iran’s oil exports over its nuclear weapons programme.

Mr Trump also claimed a victory over the nation after car manufacturing giant Volkswagen today announced they would halt production in Iran.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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9/20/2018 5:37:06 PM

‘Rockets falling, explosions over sea’: Witnesses recall moment of Israeli raid in Latakia (VIDEO)

Witnesses have described the Israeli raid in Syria’s Latakia that saw the Russian Il-20 plane tragically downed by an anti-aircraft rocket. Speaking to RT’s agency Ruptly, residents recalled rockets raining down and huge blasts.

Local man Ammar Altounji said the incident unfolded when he was walking with his friends on Monday.

"Suddenly we heard a sound, but we didn’t recognize what it was. Then we saw explosions...the explosions were very big. After that, we saw explosions in the middle of the sea...but we also didn't know what it was. [Then] we saw anti-aircraft guns firing, and we saw a missile launched to intercept the rockets that were falling."

He said that Israel has "targeted us more than once in the past few days" and urged the international community to"intervene to put an end to the Israeli incursions in Syrian airspace."

The Israeli raid injured 10 people, two of whom were taken to hospital, according to the state-run Al-Ikhbariya TV.

Resident Tarek Ahmed said he was spending time with his children when the incident occurred.

"We heard a very powerful explosion...we went to the balcony to see what was happening. Then the second explosion happened....then another explosion from the other side of the city...we saw a lot of rockets on the seaside and on the east side of the city."

Ahmed added that he hopes "Israeli aggression on Syria will end, and that we will live in peace."

Witness Alexander Erigen also expressed hope that attacks would soon come to an end, while thanking the Russian military for its work in "defending" Syria.

Earlier, the Russian military said the Israeli raid was the cause of a Russian Il-20 aircraft being shot down by a Syrian missile, as Damascus was trying to repel the attack on its positions when the plane was landing. The Ministry of Defense accused Israeli jets of using the Russian aircraft as "cover" during strikes.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed "regret" to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the downing of the plane, but insisted Syria is to blame.

Putin has stated that the downing "looks like a chain of tragic circumstances because the Israeli plane didn't shoot down our jet." Moscow is launching an investigation into the matter and boosting security for Russian troops in Syria. Although Putin didn't elaborate on extra security measures, he did state that they are "steps that everyone will notice."


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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