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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2018 6:34:46 PM

US Warns Russia and Syria Not to Use Chemical Weapons Again, While Russia Adds Warships Near Syria
08-30-2018 Erik Rosales

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Photo, AP

Top US officials are warning the Russian and Syrian governments against chemical weapons use in Syria as forces allied with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad prepare for an offensive on a rebel stronghold.

The United States "will respond to any verified chemical weapons use in Idlib or elsewhere in Syria in a swift and appropriate manner," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters in Washington during a briefing Wednesday.

Nauert said senior US officials engaged with their Russian counterparts "to make this point very clear to Damascus," adding that the use of chemical weapons "will not be tolerated."

CBN News and other reporters pressed Nauert on if intelligence officials are seeing activity on the ground.

All Nauert would say is the Syrian government is gearing up for an expected offensive in Idlib province, which is home to nearly 3 million people and has a large al Qaeda presence in addition to Syrian rebel groups.

In the past, President Donald Trump has twice carried out airstrikes in Syria in response to apparent chemical weapons attacks there.

The president warned Assad against launching chemical weapons attacks again.

At the Pentagon Tuesday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis referred to those two airstrikes. However, he offered no further information on how the US was responding to the situation, other than to cite the State Department's "recent active communication with Russia to enlist them in preventing this."

In April, the United States, France and Britain launched military strikes in Syria to punish Assad for an apparent attack using chlorine against civilians in the Damascus suburb of Douma.

And in 2017, Trump authorized the launch of a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles against a single Syrian airfield in retaliation for Assad's use of sarin gas against civilians.

Assad has repeatedly denied his government has used chemical weapons.

On Wednesday, NATO said the Russian navy is building up its presence in the Mediterranean Sea amid growing tensions over the war in Syria.

"We will not speculate on the intention of the Russian fleet, but it is important that all actors in the region exercise restraint and refrain from worsening an already disastrous humanitarian situation in Syria," NATO's chief spokesman, Oana Lungescu, said Wednesday.

She says several of the Russian ships are equipped with cruise missiles.

Russian defense officials could not be reached for comment.

At least eight ships, including a missile cruiser and two missile-carrying submarines, have joined the Russian flotilla over the past three weeks.

Russian media reports indicate there are around 15 Russian navy vessels in the Mediterranean overall.

(CBN News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2018 10:20:05 AM

Furious Saudi Arabia Condemns UN Report on Yemen War Crimes

AUGUST 30, 2018

By Jason Ditz

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A Tuesday report released by the UN confirmed in considerable detail misdeeds by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, killing thousands of civilians in Yemen, raping and torturing detainees, and using child soldiers. The report warned these may amount to war crimes.

While they didn’t specifically dispute any of this, Saudi Arabia was predictably furious about the report, angrily condemning it as having “misconstrued the facts of the conflict… ignoring the true reasons for the conflict,” while saying that it was an Iranian coup against the “legitimate government in Yemen.”

While previous UN resolutions more or less accepted the Saudi narrative that the war is meant to reinstall the Hadi government, that massive death toll and the many, many war crimes committed have fueled a lot of international consternation.

Still, UN reports detailing war crimes by the Saudi coalition have been met by Saudi condemnation, and in the past that, combined with US support for the war, has been enough to keep the UN from doing anything in particular about the situation. The UN General Assembly has repeatedly acquiesced to demands that the Saudis be allowed to investigate themselves on the war, which has meant probes are rare, and never come up with anything meaningful.

By Jason Ditz / Republished with permission / ANTIWAR.COM


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2018 11:06:05 AM

Strange ‘floating lights’ puzzle California locals – but military claim no reason to fear

A BIZARRE fleet of unknown lights were spotted in the skies of California last night, with locals claiming jets were scrambled to interfere.

By Callum Hoare /

Video footage has emerged of the strange event, which left some scared for their safety.

Jeff Ermoian revealed he grabbed his phone to capture the anomalies after spotting them outside his house.

But he was not the only one who noticed the phenomenon in San Diego, California, US.

Several different clips have now emerged online, alongside eyewitness accounts that claim US fighter jets scrambled to the location soon after.

“Looks like some kind of secret military drones in operation”

Online viewer

One video, uploaded to conspiracy channel thirdphaseofmoon has now racked up more than 11,000 hits in a number of hours.

And viewers had their own opinions on what it could be.

"Looks like some kind of secret military drones in operation," one believed.

Another added: "We could have an alien invasion on our hands."

And a third claimed: "This must be alien visitors."

Strange lightsYOUTUBE

BIZARRE: Some are not buying the militaries explanation

But authorities have been quick to shut down the rumours, with an official at the Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado claiming the lights were caused by flares.

They went on to reveal the whole incident was part of a military training exercise but gave no additional information.

Some are still not convinced though, with conspiracy theorist claiming it could be a cover up.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2018 6:24:18 PM

'Insect apocalypse' sweeps through Russian town in horrifying footage, with plague of flying bugs leaving roads covered in inch-deep layer of creepy-crawlies

  • Video from city of Taganrog, south Russia shows invasion of flying insects
  • The bugs have covered roads, leaving locals slipping on them as they walk
  • One clip shows a man's hand covered in midges - which reportedly don't bite

A Russian town has been invaded by a plague of flying bugs dubbed an 'insect apocalypse'.

Swarms of midges have filled the air and covered all exposed surfaces in the port city of Taganrog, some 40 miles from the Ukrainian border in southern Russia.

Insects landing on the roads have created a slippery layer about one inch deep, leaving cars skidding and pedestrians falling over.

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Infestation: Millions of midges have invaded the town of Taganrog in southern Russia

Infestation: Millions of midges have invaded the town of Taganrog in southern Russia

One video showed a man's hand fully covered in these midges - with the only consolation that they do not bite.

Another from hows a woman falling on a layer of insects making the road as slippy as ice.

Known as Chironomidae - and also called chironomids or non-biting midges - they are breeding in small lakes near the city.

Locals say they have never seen so many after a warm humid summer.

Slippery slope: The layer of midges on the roads have made it difficult for cars to drive and seen pedestrians fall over

Slippery slope: The layer of midges on the roads have made it difficult for cars to drive and seen pedestrians fall over

Going down: Video sees one woman slip and almost fall as she makes her way to her car

Going down: Video sees one woman slip and almost fall as she makes her way to her car

End in sight: The midges do not bite, and have a life-span of two to five days

End in sight: The midges do not bite, and have a life-span of two to five days

One woman, Olga Shustrova, said: 'It is scary to go out in the evening because they fly towards all lights.

'Thank God, they do not bite you.

'We got used to such insects last year - but there were far fewer.

'Now there are swarms of them.'

Locals are praying for cool weather to drive them away.

Their life span is two-to-five days and they flap their wings 1,000 times a second making a distinctive ringing sound, say experts.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2018 7:04:20 PM

Trump Threatens to Pull U.S. Out of WTO If It Doesn’t ‘Shape Up’
John Micklethwait | Margaret Talev | Jennifer Jacobs

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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