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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2018 9:27:16 AM
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Is There a Hidden Hand Behind The 'Clash of Civilizations' in Europe?

The clash of civilization

The clash of civilization
In my last article titled "Immigration, Crimes and propaganda", I suggested that a 'clash of civilizations' is being engineered in Europe.

This conflict is manufactured by radicalizing two opposing populations: the White European natives that are encouraged to reject any form of immigration, and the migrant populations that are encouraged to reject any manifestation of white European civilization.

To reach such a goal, five complementary operations are being conducted:
  • Wars waged by the West against predominantly Muslim countries
  • The ISIS threat and the false flag terror attacks attributed to it
  • The open border policy that prevails in the EU
  • The radicalizing of migrant populations through fundamentalist forms of Islam
  • The radicalizing of native populations through ultra-nationalist ideologies.
Is a clash of civilizations really engineered, or is it just the result of spontaneous human tendencies towards hate, violence and racism?

One factor that strongly argues for the former is the documented involvement of a few related groups in each of the five complementary operations listed above.

In addition, as we will see below, these few groups would directly benefit from a 'clash of civilizations' occurring in Europe.

Wars Against Muslim Countries

Most wars in the Middle East were led by the US. The best political period to illustrate this doctrine was the George W. Bush administrations (2001-2009) and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan coupled with very strong political and financial support to the state of Israel.

Zionists like Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld adopted an elitist vision of the world where the 'Superior People' in the US and Israel sealed the Bond between Israeli Zionists and American Zionists.

The neoconservative ideology is summed up by the Project for a New American Century which is based on a 1996 memorandum commissioned by Benjamin Netanyahu to develop a Middle Eastern strategy serving Israeli interests.

BHL and his like stage fake chaos in order to create real chaos

BHL and his like stage fake chaos in order to create real chaos
Israel is still today directly involved in attacks against the Syrian authorities in the Golan Heights, Israel continues to expand its settlements in the West Bank and occupied territories, Israel is still killing Palestinians, Israel is involved in the war in Yemen and, of course, Israel is persistently pushing for a US war against Iran.

However, the US and Israel don't have a monopoly on Zionist warmongers.The war against Libya is a case in point.

In Libya, we witnessed the prominent role played by a man who is possibly Europe's most ardent Zionist: Bernard Henri Levy (BHL). He's not a president, a minister of Foreign Affairs or even a congressman. He's not American, he's not Israeli.

He's a member of a parasitic class known as "public intellectuals", but more importantly, BHL is a Zionist lobbyist who, despite his absence of official mandate, managed to involve France and then the whole of NATO in a punitive war against Libya.

The destruction of Libya by NATO was not BHL's first successful attempt to trigger a war. A few years earlier he payed a central role in starting a war against Serbia (1992-1995) by demonizing the Serbs and spreading fake news about the persecution of Bosnians and non-existent mass graves and the use of chemical weapons.

Fake death camp in Bosnia - Time cover

Fake death camp in Bosnia - Time cover
In a similar vein, former French minister of foreign affairs, Bernard Kouchner, (also a rabidZionist and long-term supporter of war against Iran), was directly involved in the war in Darfur. He has also relentlessly supported the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

In addition, Kouchner was directly involved in the Bosnian death camp hoax that swayed public opinion in 1992 towards a war against Serbia.

From 1999 to 2001, Kouchner was the high Representative of UN in Kosovo and played an important role in the partition of Kosovo from the rest of Yugoslavia. It was during his mandate that the infamous case of organ theft in Bosnia for patients in Israel occurred.

Because of Kouchner's and Levy's lies, for the first time in modern Europe, a country was split based on religion. The national unity of Yugoslavia was sacrificed on the altar of manufactured religious divisions. Today Kosovo is more than 90% Muslim while Serbia is about 95% Christian.

The examples of Levy and Kouchner perfectly illustrate how some Zionist European opinion leaders prepare the 'clash of civilizations' by radicalizing and/or destroying Muslim Middle East countries and dividing religious groups as in the case of Yugoslavia.
Zionist agents are deeply involved in the conflicts that destroy the Middle East and Africa. Those arbitrary wars feed the flow of migrants channeled towards Europe and also reinforce radical Islam as a reaction to the atrocities committed by the West in those predominantly Muslims countries.

Zionist agents orchestrated the rehearsal of the clash of civilizations in Europe with the Yugoslavia war and the partition in Christian countries VS Muslim Countries.
ISIS and False Flag Terror Attacks

ISIS is a creation of the CIA. It originated with the mujahedin movement funded by the CIA in Afghanistan during the 1970's in order to oppose Russia. In Brzezinski's own words, the US funded Mujahedin was "the opportunity to give the USSR its Vietnam war".

Efraim Halevy, head of Mossad from 1998 to 2002

Efraim Halevy, head of Mossad from 1998 to 2002
The Mujahedin morphed into Al Qaeda (led at the time by Saudi Osama Ben Laden) which eventually became ISIS during the aftermath of the destruction of Iraq. The Mujahedin, Al Qaeda and ISIS were supervised and supported by the CIA. It's still the same today.

The best proof of US and Israel support for ISIS is probably the relentless support given to ISIS forces in Syria and the direct attacks against Syrian, Iranian and even Russian forces which are the three main opponents of ISIS.

Israel plays a prominent role in support of ISIS. There are hundreds of articles documenting the discovery of Israeli weapons, intelligence, medicine, food and communication devices in ISIS caches. In 2017, Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad confirmed what the evidence on the ground has been showing for years: Israel does support ISIS.

Interestingly, while ISIS members are very keen to kill their coreligionists in Syria, Iraq, Yemen or Libya, they logically are rather friendly towards one of their supporters: Israel.

One of the rare occasions that an exchange of fire occurred between Israeli forces and ISIS was in November 2016 in the Golan Heights. The incident didn't result in any casualties but ISIS authorities quickly apologized to Israel for their mistake. You read it right: ISIS terrorists, basically a bunch of be-headers, rapists and torturers, apologized for opening fire on the IDF.

Hezbollah intercepted and  Israeli drones surveyed Hariri’s movements and the scene of the crime.

Israeli drones surveyed Hariri’s movements and the scene of the crime.
In Europe, the destabilizing power of ISIS would be limited, if it were only to establish a Caliphate in the Middle East. But most terror attacks that occurred in Europe over the past years have been attributed to ISIS. Those attacks have a strong influence on European opinion, particularly the people's negative sentiment about insecurity and immigration.

Is ISIS the real culprit in those bloody terror attacks? A large number of terror attacks bear hallmarks of false flag operations, displaying the level of complexity and planning only state terrorism can provide. Israel's foreign intelligence agency, Mossad, is a specialist in this kind of operation. Some notorious cases illustrate this point.

The assassination of Rafik Hariri, ex President of Lebanon was unequivocally attributed by the MSM to Hezbollah. But evidence revealed that it was actually the result of a Mossad operation as demonstrated by journalist Jurgen Cain Kulbel:
the static emitters of Mr Hariri's convoy, normally capable of preventing the activation of bombs at a distance, "totally failed". The journalist affirms, citing a Swiss expert, that the system could only be neutralized by its maker, which happens to be none other than an Israeli company founded by ex-Mossad agents
Maybe the best proof of Israel's involvement in false flag operations attributed to ISIS comes from the Bataclan terror attack that occurred in Paris on November, 13th 2015 and led to the death of 89 people. Hicham Hamza, an excellent investigative journalist, founder of Panamza website, has gathered several pieces of evidence that strongly suggest the involvement of Zionist individuals:

- The sale of the Bataclan happened two months before the attack, on September 11th, 2015. Until then, the Bataclan was owned by Pascal Touitou, brother of the radical Rabbi David Touitou who, among other anti-Muslim statements said 'Islam is the broom of Israel'. This sentence perfectly summarizes the line of force of the present article. Both Touitou brothers now live in Ashdod, Israel.

- An article published by the Times of Israel two days after the attack stated that the leaders of the Jewish community in France had been warned about the coming terror attack the day before it occurred. The author of this article is Jonathan Simon-Sellem, an Israeli extreme-right activist, head of the Internet site JSSNews and ex-agent of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

- The company in charge of organizing the Eagles of Death Metal tour is called William Morris Endeavor. Its founder is Ariel Emanuel, son of Benjamin Emanuel, ex-member of the Zionist terrorist group 'Irgun'.

- The claim of responsibility attributed to ISIS was widely spread by the mainstream media which mentioned SITE Intelligence Group as their source. SITE published the claim only 50 minutes after the attack. The founder and director of SITE's is Zionist Rita Katz.Her father was executed in Iraq because he was spying for Israel. She's the author of 'Terrorist Hunter' where she relates how she infiltrated Islamist groups. Most fake videos attributed to Osama Bin Laden were 'discovered' and 'given' to the MSM by the SITE organization.

- Israel organized a party at the Bataclan in the presence of IDF general Dany Matt, a close associate of former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon. This party was a fundraiser for Tzahal (the Israeli army). The Bataclan also hosted the 'Haim Israel' night. Haim Israel is a ultra-orthodox Zionist group. In 2008, the Bataclan hosted a concert organized by the Christian Friends of Israel.

But the most striking piece of evidence relates to the following photograph. It is the only 'leaked' picture of the Bataclan bloodbath:

Allege photograph of the Bataclan right after the attack

Alleged photograph of the Bataclan right after the attack
In the picture above (purple arrow) one can see the mixing table that was allegedly used by the sound engineer of the Eagles of death metal band. Here is a close-up:

Close up of the mixing table

Close up of the mixing table
The problem is that this setup doesn't match at all the mixing table and accessories that were used during the concert as shown in the video shot by the singer's girlfriend during the concert.

The mixing table used by the Eagles of Death metal is a Midas Verona 48. It is much larger than the mixing table in the bloodbath picture. In addition, the massive accessories around the mixing table have disappeared.

The actual mixing set-up during the concert

Mixing set-up very similar to the one used during the concert
Those inconsistencies suggest that the bloodbath picture might be a fake. Whether it's a fake or not, the most important question is where does the picture come from?

As soon as the picture started to spread on the internet (on the morning of Sunday 15th November, about 30 hours after the attack), French authorities censored it and demanded its removal from all web sites. However, the French authorities never inquired about the source of such sensitive photographic material.

The first one to republish the picture was Dutch Islamophobic blogger Bart Nijman. When asked by several journalists about the source of the picture he simply stated he had found it on the Internet. Finally, he revealed to journalist Bosch van Rosenthal that his source was Israel News Feed @IsraelHatzolah.

At 9:51 precisely, about 40 minutes before the Dutch blogger, Israel News Feed was indeed the first one to publish the photograph on the Internet. Interestingly, Israel News Feed didn't put its name to this exclusive photograph.

Mark Gerson, ex-director of the PNAC and head of United Hatzalah

Mark Gerson, ex-director of the PNAC and head of United Hatzalah
On its Twitter home page, Israel News feed states that it is "affiliated with United Hatzalah", an Israeli NGO that closely cooperates with the IDF and counts in its ranks Major General Meir Dagan, former head of the Mossad.

The head of United Hatzalah is none other than Mark Gerson, ex-executive director of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) that is mentioned above as the pro-Israeli think tank that shaped the neocon doctrine favoring Israel in the Middle East.

Interestingly, the Israeli witness who provided the world with the first video of the Brussels Airport terror attack belonged to the very same United Hatzalah.

Twice in a few months, United Hatzalah was in the right place and at the right time when Europe was attacked by Islamic terrorists.

Back to the Bataclan; one question remains, why did a Zionist organization leak a picture of the bloodbath?

A manipulated 'clash of civilizations' requires that people stop thinking and thus embrace extremist ideology. The cessation of critical thought is attained through hystericization of the population. The very graphic picture of the Bataclan bloodbath is a perfect lever to trigger the anger of European natives and channel it against 'evil Muslims'.

In other words, once Europeans have been exposed to the kind of carnage that occurred at the Bataclan, allegedly carried out by Muslims, they are much less likely to support the Palestinian's struggle against Israel.
ISIS is supported by Israel and its allies. ISIS and the false flag terror attacks attributed to it, are the perfect scare tactics to increase the anti Muslim sentiment in Europe and channel more citizens towards white supremacy.
Open Border Policy

The migrant flow is fed by the two factors mentioned above: the rise of ISIS and the wars waged by the West in Muslim countries. Those calamities prompted millions to leave their country. Interestingly, migrants didn't go to Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or a rich neighbor like Israel. Most migrants went to Europe.

The open border policy imposed by the European Union and the humanitarian NGOs on European nations enabled an uncontrolled and massive inflow of migrants.

Take for example, Doctors without Borders (MSF) created by the above mentioned Bernard Kouchner. MSF is one of the major operators in migrant 'business', which manages the Aquarius, a ship dedicated to smuggling illegal migrants into Europe. It is the same Kouchner that is involved in destroying Muslim countries (see above), then 'welcoming' its migrants to Europe. A perfect illustration of the proverbial pyromaniac fireman.

But the best illustration of mass migration towards Europe being orchestrated by external agents is Georges Soros. After more thanfour decades and $32 billion dedicated to changing societies into postmodern nightmares, Soros has created a constellation of powerful non profit organizations that influence every aspect of the migration process.

An Italian organization managed to identify Soros' elaborate network
Soros' organizations

Soros' organizations
Numerous, powerful organizations controlled by Soros are directly involved in:
George Soros and EU President Jean Claude Juncker

George Soros and EU President Jean Claude Juncker
  • shaping the vocabulary about migrants like banning the term 'clandestine' (charter of Rome NGO)
  • smuggling migrants (COSPE ONLUS NGO)
  • offering legal support, jobs, right to vote, visas to migrants (ASGI NGO)
  • migration advocacy (Buon Diritto NGO)
  • pro migrant journalism (ANSI NGO)
  • pro migrant laws (Antigone NGO)
  • pro migrant popular movement (ARCI, NGO)
Soros' $billions were well invested. His influence on European political policy is astounding. In 2016 Soros' foundations met with members of the European Commission on 44 separate occasions.

In an internal document, the Soros' foundation lists 226 reliable "friends" who serve in the European Parliament.

This influence goes so far that the European refugee plan, known as the Merkel Plan - was the result of the largess of George Soros' foundations.

Because of his nominally multicultural projects, Soros can't openly support Israel, and he goes as far as to present himself as an anti-Zionist.

However, his investments in SodaStream and TEVA (Israeli companies settled in the Palestinian territories that regularly breach human rights) and his $10 million support to Hillary Clinton suggests that this anti-Zionism may only be a politically correct facade to appeal to his globalist/universalist crowd.
For a clash of civilization to occur, a critical mass of Muslim migrants has to reach Europe in order to destabilize the host nations socially and economically. In addition, migrants must benefit from special treatments in order to increase the sentiment of unfairness among the native populations.
Spreading Fundamentalist Islam in Europe

In the Middle East, the allies of the US and Israel are not the countries that practice a moderate form of Islam, like Iran or Syria, but rather Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the supporters and exporters of the two most popular fundamentalist forms of Islam, respectively the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi salafism.

Salafism was more or less absent from Europe in the 20th century, but then it experienced a dramatic development. Unsurprisingly, there's no official data about the number of salafist mosques in the EU. But from the data published by some European countries: France (157), Spain (98), Germany (53), Belgium (30) and the UK (110), it can be estimated that there are more than 800 salafist mosques in the EU.

The great mosques of Lyon was funded by Saudi Arabia

The great mosques of Lyon was funded by Saudi Arabia
This growth seems to be accelerating. Germany is a case in point. In 2011 there were an estimated 3,800 Salafists in Germany. This numberrose to 10,300 in September 2017. The Salafist population in Germany has nearly tripled in six years (2011-2017).

Not only are Qatar and Saudi Arabia the main originators and supporters of the Salafist and the Muslim Brotherhood ideologies, they also fund a large number of mosques and imams in Europe.

Migrants are the targets for Salafists. The PTB doesn't want moderate Muslims in Europe. Migrants from Middle East countries like Syria that practice moderate Islam are shocked by the fundamentalist forms of Islam preached in Europe.

The collusion between the US-Israel axis and extremist Islam is also very obvious in recent conflicts. Saudi Arabia and Israel fight side by side against Yemen. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US fight together against Syria, where despite their claims, they support ISIS and fight its enemies : Syria, Iran/Hezbollah and Russia. Coincidentally those three countries practice moderate forms of Islam.

In a similar way, the Arab spring is nothing more than a destabilizing operation orchestrated by the West, particularly the US and Israel in order to give power to radical Islam. The outcome of the Arab spring was the same in several countries: in Libya, ISIS took control of the country; in Yemen, ISIS took control of half the country; in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood seized power before being ousted by the army; in Tunisia, radical Islam provides 15% of the terrorists in Syria.
Fundamental Islam was created by the US-Israel axis with the help of its client dictatorships: Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Arab spring, engineered by the same culprits, strengthened radical Islam in the Middle East and North Africa. Today the same forces spread radical Islam in Europe and push moderate Muslim migrants to convert to extreme political forms of Islam.
Spreading Islamophobic and Pro-Zionist Ultra-Nationalism

The pressure of mass migration and the growing power of the EU have led to the emergence of populist movements defending national sovereignty and border control. These are legitimate policies that closely mirror the expectations of many European citizens.

At the same time we are witnessing the rise of another form of nationalism - ultra-nationalism - where the focus is not the nation state but an ethnic-religious group within the nation.

Sometimes ultra-nationalist ideologies are the foundation of an extremist party from the beginning, sometimes the ultra-nationalist ideology is spread within existing populist parties.

The latter applies to France where the Front National, that was fiercely anti-Zionist for decades, is now defending the cause of Israel. In May 2018, the party's leader, Marine Le Pen, defended Israel after its army killed almost 60 Palestinians during demonstrations and stated that "Israel had a right to defend its borders". Le Pen blamed the Palestinians for allowing their children to take part in the demonstrations.

In Austria, the leader of the extreme right (Freedom party), Heinz-Christian Strache is an ardent supporter of Israel and even wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promising to transfer the Austrian Embassy from the Tel Aviv suburb to Jerusalem, and to support Israel's right to build settlements in on Palestinian territory.

EDL rally against Islam and in support of Israel, outside the Israeli Embassy in London

EDL rally against Islam and in support of Israel, outside the Israeli Embassy in London
In the Netherlands, the leader of the Islamophobic party Geert Wilders,stated that Israel is "the first line of defense of the West" against Islam. By his own account, he has visited Israel more than 40 times.

In the UK, the leader of the extreme right party 'Britain First', Paul Besserwas involved in a destabilization operation against the Palestine Expo where Israeli flags were being waved. Similarly, English Defense League leaderTommy Robinson, in his first public speech, sported a Star of David. At anti-immigrant rallies, his party's banners read: "There is no place for Fascist Islamic Jew Haters in England".

In Denmark, the extreme right Danish People's Party, the second largest political party in Denmark, has called for Denmark to leave the UN Council (UNHRC) because it is involved in "Israel-bashing".

In Norway, Siv Jensen, the leader of the Norwegian Progress party, is a staunch supporter of Israel. In her own words, she is "not afraid to defend Israel's right to defend itself". She advocates moving the Norwegian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. In January 2009, during the Gaza War, she made an appeal at a demonstration to "Let Israel live".

Members of the Israeli funded neo-nazi Azov battalion

Members of the Israeli funded neo-nazi Azov battalion
But maybe the best example of an alliance between Israel and extreme right movements is in Ukraine where Israel decided to arm the Azov battalion, a neo-Nazi paramilitary organization.

In the Israeli funded, anti-Muslim Azov battalion, Islamic extremists fight side by side with neo-Nazis. The Zionist extreme right and radical Islam are indeed two sides of the same coin that aims to radicalize populations and destroy Europe.

It seems that history is repeating, because collusion between Nazis and Zionists is not new. There is detailed evidence that during WW2 some Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, sabotaged anti-Nazi boycotts, and interfered with efforts to rescue victims of Nazi oppression.

In her book titled "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil," Hannah Arendt eloquently summarized the situation:
"To a Jew this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story."

Only this time the target of the Nazis-Zionist collusion is not the Jews but the Muslims.
The engineers of the clash of civilization are replacing legitimate populist movements that aim to defend their nations with ultra-nationalist movements. The ultra-nationalist ideology is simple: stop migration, support Israel and demonize Muslims. So, as a European citizen, if you oppose mass migration - a legitimate stance - you will also have to support Israel and demonize any single Muslims.
Who is Behind The 'Clash of Civilizations'?

In this article I loosely named the individuals that are attempting to engineer a clash of civilizations in Europe. I alternately mentioned Zionists, Israelis, Mossad agents, CIA agents, neoconservatives.

But the truth seems to be that these individuals and entities are not limited to the boundaries of their respective groups because they are somehow above traditional groups. They could be called the deep state faction that seeks to engineer a clash of civilizations in Europe. Another reason for this multitude of groups involved in this plot is due to the existence of various motives.

The motive of Israel/Zionists is pretty straightforward. If native Europeans end up embracing the anti Muslim ideology, they willdemonize any Muslim including Palestinians and, reciprocally, they will sympathize and identify with the 'oppressed' Israel.

Another motive is to prevent Russia from gathering powerful allies. From an historical, cultural and geopolitical perspective, the rebirth of the Moscow-Berlin-Paris axis is unavoidable. Such an alliance would accelerate the end of US hegemony and weaken its primary allies in the Middle East: Israel and Saudi Arabia. Therefore it is not surprising to witness the involvement of US, Israeli and Saudi agents in the destabilization of Europe.

A last motive is diversion. While migrants and natives are hystericized into hating each other, they are less likely to pay attention to the real culprit: a pathological fraction of the elites responsible for their misery.


Ultra-nationalism, Zionism and Islamism are very similar: ideologies that pretend to defend a nation or a religion but actually aim to establish racial or religious superiority and inevitably destroy the representatives of 'inferior' races or religions.

But until now, most Muslims condemn radical Islam, most European natives condemn white supremacy and most Jews condemn Zionism.

Therefore we can expect the effort to shift individuals away from moderate position through the use of a deluge of lies, shocks, propaganda and social pressure to increase in intensity. For the natives the focus will be on shifting from a healthy nationalism based on the interest of the nation to a 'xenophobic' ultra-nationalism based on race and religions. For the migrants the focus will be on shifting from moderate religious belief and social integration to radical forms of Islam and hatred towards host countries.

Zionism is the puppet master, which through deception and lies pulls the strings of white supremacy and radical Islam. Zionism aims to reach its megalomaniacal goals through a carefully crafted European ethno-religious war.

But, in the human and cosmic pyramid of destructive powers the one who pulls strings often gets his strings pulled too. There's always someone higher up the totem pole. And the one above considers his puppets as perfectly disposable. Will Zionism eventually be disposed of in the same way it plans to dispose of its creations: white supremacy and radical Islam?

Only time will tell. Until then, and despite the numerous provocations to come, keep a balanced and objective view of what is going on in our crazy world.

Pierre Lescaudron (Profile)

Pierre Lescaudron (M.Sc., MBA) pursued a career in executive management, consulting and post-graduate teaching in high tech fields.

He then became an editor and writer for, fulfilling his dream of researching science, technology and history.

Pierre is a certified Eiriu Eolas instructor and the author of "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection".


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2018 10:17:54 AM

Media Manipulation is Conditioning us With False Narratives

© People's Daily Online
One of the weirdest things about the post-Iraq invasion world is how the mass media has actually gotten less accountable instead ofmore accountable for its reporting since that time.

Right now in the UK there's an amazingly viral smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn running across all mainstream outlets, which, from what I can tell, consists entirely of narrative spin and no actual evidence. The powerful elites who control British mass media have an obvious vested interest in keeping the UK government from moving to the left, so they advance the absolutely insane narrative that Corbyn is a secret Nazi. They just keep saying it and saying it like it's true until people start believing it without feeling any pressure at all to substantiate their narrative with facts. It's been jaw-dropping to watch.

More and more we are seeing narratives about cyber-threats being used to advance reports of "attacks" and "acts of war" being perpetrated which, as far as the public is concerned, consist of nothing other than the authoritative assertions of confident-sounding media pundits. There was a recent NBC exclusive which was co-authored by Ken Dilanian, who is an actual, literal CIA asset, about the threat of hackers working for the Iranian government. The alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US elections is now routinely compared to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, despite no hard, verifiable evidence that that interference even took place ever being presented to the public.

After the mass media's complicity in selling the Iraq invasion to the western world, we should have seen scores of people fired and changes put in place to prevent such unforgivable complicity from ever occurring again. Instead, no changes whatsoever were made to ensure that news media outlets never facilitate another disaster at the hands of secretive government agencies, and now these same outlets are allowed to promote world-shaping narratives on no evidentiary basis beyond "It's true because we said so."

There's a consensus, agreed-upon narrative about what's going on in the world that is advanced by all mass media outlets regardless of what political sector those outlets market themselves to. Exactly what should be done about individual events and situations might vary a bit from pundit to pundit and outlet to outlet, but the overall "how it is" narrative about what's happening is the same across the board. This is the official narrative, and the plutocrat-owned media/political class has full control over it.

We all know the official narratives, right? The US and its allies are good, the latest Official Bad Guy is bad. You live in a democracy where your vote counts and your government is accountable to you and your countrymen, just like they taught you in school. The two political parties are totally different and their opposition is totally real. The news man on TV never reports any falsehoods because if he did he'd lose his job, which means that the Russian hacking thing, the Syria thing, the 9/11 thing, all happened exactly as the government told us they happened. Iraq was maybe kinda sorta a mistake, but nothing like that could ever happen again because mumble mumble cough hey look what Kanye West is doing.

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario, though. Let's imagine a world where there were no official narratives. About anything. At all.

What if there was no dominating elite class telling the public how they were meant to interpret events and situations? What if there was only the raw, publicly available information about what's going on in the world, and people individually interpreted that information for themselves? And what if they came to differing conclusions, and that was allowed to be okay? What if there was no elite class telling everyone that whoever doesn't believe X, Y and Z is a paranoid conspiracy theorist, a raving lunatic, and/or a Kremlin propagandist who needs to be shunned and silenced? What if all that were solely determined by the collective, without the control or oversight of any powerful, dominating class?

What would that be like?

You may find that your results in this thought experiment depend largely on where you place your trust. If you trust the dominating class more than you trust people as a collective, you probably find this idea terrifying. What if everyone starts thinking wrong thoughts and believing wrong beliefs? What if everyone decides that humans can fly when they leap from rooftops and running with scissors is safe? What if everyone decides the Holocaust never happened and says "Hell, that means we get a freebie! Let's get our Final Solution on y'all! Yeehaw!"

If, however, you trust humanity as a collective more than you trust a small group of sociopathic, omnicidal, ecocidal oligarchs who killed a million people in Iraq, you might suspect that whatever happened would surely be better than what happens in the current paradigm.

Without an elite class manipulating the way people think and vote into alignment with plutocratic interests, people would still be able to take actions in response to their best guess about what's going on in the world. The narrative of anthropogenic climate change for example would in my opinion have a much better fighting chance of winning out in the marketplace of ideas if it were permitted to stand on the merit of the raw supporting data, rather than the manipulations of big oil on one hand and an elite faux liberal class convincing everyone that climate chaos can be averted by banning straws and buying a Prius on the other, and the collective would be able to democratically mobilize to avert catastrophe far more effectively than it can now.

Now let's consider another hypothetical scenario: what if one day, everyone gets tired of official narratives? What if something happens and everyone gets fed up with being told how they have to think about the world by a thoroughly discredited media and political class? What if, to borrow from a popular Marxist meme, the public decides to seize the means of narrative production?

This might look like the increasingly distrusted propaganda machine of a failing empire pushing an increasingly oppressed populace too far and too hard at some point, maybe in the direction of war, mass censorship or austerity, and losing control of the narrative in a nonviolent populist information rebellion. Instead of the elites being lined up for guillotines, the mass media outlets and talking heads on TV are simply seen for the discredited voices that they are, and people begin creating their own narratives about situations and events. The most popular narratives rise to the top and determine the direction that society takes itself, rather than the narratives forcefully promulgated by media-owning plutocrats. This would be made far easier without the imperialist divide-and-conquer tactics of the establishment manipulators who keep us all pitted against each other in insulated political factions.

Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. The world is better off being controlled by the collective will of the people rather than the will of a few sociopathic oligarchs, and we absolutely have the ability to take that control by force whenever we want to.
All we have to do is shift value and credibility from plutocrat-generated narratives, and cultivate an aggressive disgust for all attempts by the powerful to manipulate the public dialogue.
Once the way people think, act and vote is no longer manipulated by an elite class which does not represent the interests of humanity, our species will have a fighting chance at moving society out of its patterns of exploitation, war and ecocide and into a direction of health, harmony and thriving. I'm just going to keep pointing out that this is always an option, hoping for a spark to catch someday.

Caitlin Johnstone is an uncouth heretic and unapologetic rabble rouser writing out of Melbourne, Australia. A prolific writer. Rogue journalist. Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonaut. Guerilla poet. Utopia prepper. You will disagree with her sometimes. That's okay.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2018 10:40:11 AM

(Video) Bureau of Land Management is Alledgedly Exacerbating California Wildfires

A pair of California firefighters say the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is defeating firefighting efforts by dropping accelerants onto blazes.

With each pass of the BLM planes, the fire grew.

The firefighters had a sample analyzed. It apparently contained a blend of phosphorus, sulfur dioxide, solidified terpentine, and thermate, all of which are accelerants.

(Golden Age of Gaia)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2018 11:05:15 AM

Tragic Consequences from Digital Addiction Now Include German Children Drowning Because Parents Are Distracted by Their Phones

By B.N. Frank

“The Opioid Crisis” is hurting people all over the world – not just the addicts. Funding has been approved in the U.S. and elsewhere to address this.

“Digital Addiction” is complicated. We all have some personal responsibility for how much we choose to use tech. But in the U.S., it’s not just The Telecom Industry (aka Big Wireless) that isencouraging us to become addicted. Medical professionals seem to be encouraging dependence too. Our elected officials and government agencies seem to be encouraging more tech use as well. According to Dr. Oz, “The Race to 5G” is so we can all binge watch, surf and post online at higher speeds without our screens freezing up or being disconnected. This is what’s best forAmericans?

American public school children are now required to use screens for long periods in the classroomand for homework. This sends a message that if excessive screen use for school is okay, it must be okay for everything else. Even Sesame Street encourages tech use. Many experts and media outlets are reporting disastrous results.

Reported yesterday in Germany: “German lifeguards warn children are drowning as parents increasingly distracted by their mobile phones.”

The German Lifeguard Association (DLRG) has linked a series of recent drownings to parents who weretoo busy with their mobile phones to keep proper watch over the children.

“Not enough parents and grandparents follow the advice: when your children and grandchildren are in the water, put your smartphone away,” Achim Wiese, a spokesman for the DLRG, said.


More than 300 people have drowned so far this year, including 20 children under the age of 15 and 40 young people between the ages of 16 and 25.

(emphasis added)

This is tragic. However, Americans are displaying similar screen-obsessed behavior that is also endangering kids. According to one study, approximately 50% of American adults use phones whilechildren are riding in vehicles with them. Last year, Bloomberg reported, “Smartphones Are Killing Americans, But Nobody’s Counting.”

Some countries have been proactive about trying to reduce the harm caused by excessive use and exposure to technology for many years already. They know that Big Wireless isn’t going to fix this problem for them.

Some former tech inventors and designers are trying to wake us up to this. Our elected officials and government agencies should be doing the same. Instead, they are doing the exact opposite. They have been captured by Big Wireless and we are all suffering because of it.

How much longer?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2018 4:56:39 PM
Another epic economic collapse is coming

The New York Stock Exchange (Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images)

Eric Sevareid (1912-1992), the author and broadcaster, said he was a pessimist about tomorrow but an optimist about the day after tomorrow. Regarding America’s economy, prudent people should reverse that.

This Wednesday, according to the Financial Times’s Robin Wigglesworth and Nicole Bullock, “the U.S. stock market will officially have enjoyed its longest-ever bull run” — one that rises 20 percent from its low, until it drops 20 percent from its peak. And Sept. 15 will be the 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank. History’s largest bankruptcy filing presaged the October 2008 evaporation of almost $10 trillion in global market capitalization.

The durable market rise that began March 6, 2009, is as intoxicating as the Lehman anniversary should be sobering: Nothing lasts. Those who see no Lehman-like episode on the horizon did not see the last one.

Economists debate, inconclusively, this question: Do economic expansions die of old age (the current one began in June 2009), or are they slain by big events or bad policies? What is known is that all expansions end. God, a wit has warned, is going to come down and pull civilization over for speeding. When He, or something, decides that today’s expansion, currently in its 111th month (approaching twice the 58-month average length of post-1945 expansions), has gone on long enough, the contraction probably will begin with the annual budget deficit exceeding $1 trillion.

The president’s Office of Management and Budget — not that there really is a meaningful budget getting actual management — projects that the deficit for fiscal 2019, which begins in six weeks, will be$1.085 trillion. This is while the economy is, according to the economic historian in the Oval Office, “as good as it’s ever been, ever.”

Leavening administration euphoria with facts, Yale University’s Robert J. Shiller, writing in the New York Times, notes that since quarterly gross domestic product enumeration began in 1947, there have been 101 quarters with growth at least equal to the 4.1 percent of this year’s second quarter. The fastest — 13.4 percent — was 1950’s fourth quarter, perhaps produced largely by bad news: The Cold War was on, the Korean War had begun in June, and fear of the atomic bomb was rising (New York City installed its first air-raid siren in October), as was (consequently) a home-building boom outside cities and “scare buying” of products that might become scarce during World War III. Today, Shiller says, “it seems likely that people in many countries may be accelerating their purchases — of soybeans, steel and many other commodities — fearing future government intervention in the form of a trade war.” And fearing the probable: higher interest rates.

Jerome Powell discusses why the Federal Reserve increased the benchmark interest rate to 2 percent.

Another hardy perennial among economic debates concerns the point at which the ratio of debt to GDP suppresses growth. The (sort of) good news — in that it will satisfy intellectual curiosity — is that we are going to find out where that point is: Within a decade, the national debt probably will be 100 percent of GDP and rising. As Irwin M. Stelzer of the Hudson Institute says, “If unlimited borrowing, financed by printing money, were a path to prosperity, then Venezuela and Zimbabwe would be top of the growth tables.”

Jerome H. Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, says fiscal policy is on an “unsustainable path,” but such warnings are audible wallpaper — there but not noticed. The word “unsustainable” in fiscal rhetoric is akin to “unacceptable” in diplomatic parlance, where it usually refers to a situation soon to be accepted.

A recent International Monetary Fund analysis noted that among advanced economies, only the United States expects an increase in the debt-to-GDP ratio over the next five years. America’s complacency caucus will respond: But among those economies, ours is performing especially well. What, however, if this is significantly an effect of exploding debt? Publicly held U.S. government debt has tripled in a decade.

Despite today’s shrill discord between the parties, the political class is more united by class interest than it is divided by ideology. From left to right, this class has a permanent incentive to run enormous deficits — to charge, through taxation, current voters significantly less than the cost of the government goods and services they consume, and saddle future voters with the cost of servicing the resulting debt after the current crop of politicians has left the scene.

This crop derives its political philosophy from the musical “Annie”: Tomorrow is always a day away. For normal people, however, the day after tomorrow always arrives.

Read more from George F. Will’s archive or follow him on Facebook.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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